DIIS ;SFISC/GFT-DELETE THIS LINE AND SAVE AS '%ZIS' IF YOU DON'T HAVE A '%ZIS' ROUTINE ;11:04 AM 18 Aug 1994 ;;22.0;VA FileMan;;Mar 30, 1999 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. %ZIS ; I $D(IOP)#2 S IO=$I G PARAMS S IO=$I ;READ "DEVICE: ",IO ;INSERT DEVICE SELECTION HERE PARAMS S IOM=80,IOSL=24,IOF="#",IOPAR="",POP=0,ION=$P(IO,";"),IOT="TRM" ; ; DIISS uses the variable IOST to determine what to set the screen ; handling variables to. (See routine DIISS.) DIISS currently ; looks for values of IOST equal to C-VT220 and C-VT320. If it ; equals anything else, the IO variables default to the codes for ; C-VT100 terminals. ; ; The variable IOXY contains the code to position the cursor at ; column position DX and row position DY. Unmodified, this ; routine sets IOXY to the code for VT100, VT220, and VT320 ; terminals. ; S IOST="C-VT100" S IOXY="W $C(27,91)_(DY+1)_$C(59)_(DX+1)_$C(72)" Q