DINIT13 ;SFISC-INITIALIZE VA FILEMAN ;9:09 AM 16 Nov 1998 ;;22.0;VA FileMan;;Mar 30, 1999 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. DD F I=1:1 S X=$T(DD+I),Y=$P(X," ",3,99) G ^DINIT14:X?.P S @("^DD("_$E($P(X," ",2),3,99)_")=Y") ;;.402,10,0 DESCRIPTION^.4021^^%D;0 ;;.4021,0,"UP" .402 ;;.4,8,0 TEMPLATE TYPE^S^1:FILEGRAM;2:EXTRACT;3:EXPORT;7:SELECTED EXPORT FIELDS;^0;8^Q ;;.4,8,1,0 ^.1^^-1 ;;.4,8,1,1,0 .4^FG^MUMPS ;;.4,8,1,1,1 S %=$S(X=1:"""FG""",1:"") I %]"" S A1=$P(@(DIC_"DA,0)"),U,1),@(DIC_%_",A1,DA)=""""") K %,A1 ;;.4,8,1,1,2 S %=$S(X=1:"""FG""",1:"") I %]"" S A1=$P(@(DIC_"DA,0)"),U,1) K @(DIC_%_",A1,DA)"),%,A1 ;;.4,8,1,1,"%D",0 ^^1^1^2921002^^^^ ;;.4,8,1,1,"%D",0,"LE" 1 ;;.4,8,1,1,"%D",1,0 Used to do a quick lookup of FILEGRAM type of print templates. ;;.4,8,1,1,"DT" 2901106 ;;.4,8,3 Enter a 1 if this is a FILEGRAM template, 2 if this is an EXTRACT template, 3 if an EXPORT template, 7 if a SELECTED FIELDS template, as opposed to a normal PRINT template. ;;.4,8,"DT" 2960523 ;;.4,20,0 DESTINATION FILE^*P1'^DIC(^0;9^S DIC("S")="I Y>1.99 S DIAC=""RD"" D ^DIAC I %" D ^DIC K DIC S DIC=DIE,X=+Y K:Y<0 X ;;.4,20,3 ;;.4,20,12 Allow files to which user has READ access. ;;.4,20,12.1 S DIC("S")="I Y>1.99 S DIAC=""RD"" D ^DIAC I %" ;;.4,20,21,0 ^^2^2^2921002^ ;;.4,20,21,1,0 This field holds the number of the file that is designed to receive ;;.4,20,21,2,0 data from other files by using the Extract Tool. ;;.4,20,"DT" 2950909 ;;.4,50,0 FILEGRAM/EXTR FILE^.41A^^1;0 ;;.4,50,"DT" 2920514 ;;.4,100,0 EXPORT FIELD^.42A^^100;0 ;;.4,100,21,0 ^^1^1^2921123^^ ;;.4,100,21,1,0 This multiple holds information about each field being exported. ;;.4,105,0 EXPORT FORMAT^P.44'^DIST(.44,^105;1^Q ;;.4,105,21,0 ^^1^1^2921123^ ;;.4,105,21,1,0 This field contains the foreign format used to make the export template. ;;.4,105,"DT" 2920904 ;;.4,110,0 EXPORT TEMPLATE CREATED?^S^1:YES;0:NO;^105;3^Q ;;.4,110,21,0 ^^2^2^2921119^ ;;.4,110,21,1,0 If YES, this Selected Fields for Export template has been used to create ;;.4,110,21,2,0 an Export template. ;;.4,110,"DT" 2920904 ;;.4,115,0 MULTIPLE PATH^F^^105;4^K:$L(X)>30!($L(X)<1) X ;;.4,115,3 Answer must be 1-30 characters in length. ;;.4,115,21,0 ^^2^2^2921119^ ;;.4,115,21,1,0 This field holds a list of field numbers representing the deepest multiple ;;.4,115,21,2,0 contained in this Export template. ;;.4,115,"DT" 2921119 ;;.4,704,0 HEADER^CJ60^^ ; ^S X=$S($D(^DIPT(D0,"H")):^("H"),1:"") ;;.4,707,0 SUB-HEADER SUPPRESSED^S^1:YES^SUB;1^Q ;;.4,1620,0 PRINT FIELDS^XCmJ50^^ ; ^D ^DIPT