DINIT24 ;SFISC/GFT-INITIALIZE VA FILEMAN ;09:09 AM 15 Sep 1994 ;;22.0;VA FileMan;;Mar 30, 1999 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. K ^DD(.5) ;BRING IN DD FOR FUNCTION FILE .5 S ^DIC(.5,"%D",0)="^^4^4^2940908^" S ^DIC(.5,"%D",1,0)="This file stores information about FUNCTIONS used by FileMan. The first" S ^DIC(.5,"%D",2,0)="100 records in this file are reserved for functions brought in during the" S ^DIC(.5,"%D",3,0)="FileMan INIT process. The rest of the file is available for other" S ^DIC(.5,"%D",4,0)="developers to enter their own functions." DD F I=1:1 S X=$T(DD+I),Y=$P(X," ",3,99) G ^DINIT25:X?.P S @("^DD(.5,"_$E($P(X," ",2),3,99)_")=Y") ;;0 ATTRIBUTE^ ;;0,"NM","FUNCTION" ;;.01,0 NAME^RF^^0;1^K:$L(X)<2!($L(X)>30)!(X'?1U.ANP)!(X["$") X ;;.01,1,0 ^.1^1^1 ;;.01,1,1,0 .5^B ;;.01,1,1,1 S @(DIC_"""B"",X,DA)=""""") ;;.01,1,1,2 K @(DIC_"""B"",X,DA)") ;;.01,3 Function Name must be 2-30 characters long, beginning with Alpha. ;;.01,"DEL",1,0 I DA<100 ;;.02,0 MUMPS CODE^FR^^1;E1,255^D ^DIM I $D(X),'$D(DIQUIET),'$D(DDS) W " ..OK" ;;.02,3 Enter MUMPS code that sets a value into 'X'. ;;.02,4 N D1 S D1(1)="For a 1-argument function, use 'X' as the argument.",D1(2)="For a 2-argument function, use 'X1' and 'X'.",D1(3)="Avoid FORs, IFs, and single-character scratch variables.",D1(4)="" D EN^DDIOL(.D1) ;;.02,9 @ ;;1,0 EXPLANATION^F^^9;E1,245^K:$L(X)>245 X ;;2,0 DATE-VALUED^S^D:YES;X:NO;O:OPTIONAL (DEPENDS ON VALUE OF ARGUMENT);^2;1^Q ;;9,0 NUMBER OF ARGUMENTS^N^^3;1^K:X\1'=X!(X>8) X ;;10,0 WORD-PROCESSING^S^W:MEANINGFUL ONLY FOR W-P;^10;1 ;; OSDD ; BRING IN DD FOR MUMPS OS FILE .7 (CALLED FROM ^DINIT) F I=2:1 S X=$T(OSDD+I),Y=$P(X," ",3,99) Q:X?.P S @("^DD(.7,"_$E($P(X," ",2),3,99)_")=Y") ;;0 FIELD^ ;;.01,0 NAME^F^^0;1^Q ;;.01,1,0 ^.1^1^1 ;;.01,1,1,0 .7^B ;;.01,1,1,1 S ^DD("OS","B",X,DA)="" ;;.01,1,1,2 K ^DD("OS","B",X,DA) ;;.01,21,0 ^^1^1^2940909^^ ;;.01,21,1,0 Name of a MUMPS operating system that is supported by VA FileMan. ;;1,0 BREAK LOGIC^RF^^1;E1,250^D ^DIM ;;1,9 @ ;;1,21,0 ^^2^2^2940909^^ ;;1,21,1,0 MUMPS code to enable terminal break, i.e., to allow the user to interrupt ;;1,21,2,0 processing with . ;;419,0 MINIMUM SAFE $S^N^^0;2^K:+X'=X X ;;419,21,0 ^^1^1^2940909^ ;;419,21,1,0 The minimum value for $S that will allow routines to process successfully. ;;2,0 GLOBAL LENGTH (MAX)^RN^^0;3^K:+X'=X!(X<30) X ;;2,21,0 ^^1^1^2940909^^ ;;2,21,1,0 Maximum allowable length of a global. ;;3,0 ROUTINE SIZE (MAX)^RN^^0;4^K:+X'=X!(X<2048) X ;;3,21,0 ^^1^1^2940909^ ;;3,21,1,0 Maximum allowable size of a routine. ;;4,0 CLOSING PRINCIPAL DEVICE^S^1:ALLOWED;^0;5^Q ;;4,21,0 ^^1^1^2940909^ ;;4,21,1,0 Is closing a job's principal device allowed? ;;5,0 NEW COMMAND^S^1:SUPPORTED;^0;6^Q ;;5,21,0 ^^1^1^2940909^ ;;5,21,1,0 Is the NEW command supported? ;;7,0 INDIVIDUAL SUBSCRIPT LENGTH^N^^0;7^K:X\1'=X!(X<9) X ;;7,21,0 ^^1^1^2940909^ ;;7,21,1,0 Maximum length of an individual subscript. ;;8,0 SAVE SYMBOL TABLE^F^^8;E1,250^D ^DIM ;;8,9 @ ;;8,21,0 ^^1^1^2940909^ ;;8,21,1,0 MUMPS code that saves the contents of the local symbol table. ;;1820,0 ROUTINE EXISTENCE TEST^F^^18;E1,250^D ^DIM ;;1820,9 @ ;;1820,21,0 ^^1^1^2940909^ ;;1820,21,1,0 MUMPS code that tests for the existence of a routine. ;;2425,0 SET $X & $Y FROM 'IOX' & 'IOY'^F^^XY;E1,250^D ^DIM ;;2425,9 @ ;;2425,21,0 ^^2^2^2940909^^ ;;2425,21,1,0 MUMPS code to XECUTE to move the position of the cursor to the position ;;2425,21,2,0 specified by the variables IOX and IOY. ;;190416,0 WRITE FROM SDP^F^^SDP;E1,250^D ^DIM ;;190416,9 @ ;;190416,21,0 ^^4^4^2940909^ ;;190416,21,1,0 MUMPS code that READs data from SDP and WRITEs it to a device. The $I ;;190416,21,2,0 value of the SDP device should be in variable DIO and the $I value ;;190416,21,3,0 for the output device in IO. The DLP variable should contain the open ;;190416,21,4,0 parameters of the SDP device. ;;190416.1,0 FIND SDP END^F^^SDPEND;E1,250^D ^DIM ;;190416.1,9 @ ;;190416.1,21,0 ^^1^1^2940909^ ;;190416.1,21,1,0 MUMPS code that tests for the end of SDP. ;;2619,0 ZSAVE CODE^F^^ZS;E1,250^D ^DIM ;;2619,9 @ ;;2619,21,0 ^^4^4^2940909^ ;;2619,21,1,0 MUMPS code that will save a routine to disk. The name of the routine ;;2619,21,2,0 must be in variable X. The source code of the routine should be stored ;;2619,21,3,0 in ^UTLITY($J,0,%Y). Each node of the array will become a line of the ;;2619,21,4,0 routine.