DINIT260 ;SFISC/XAK-INITIALIZE VA FILEMAN ;12/14/92 2:48 PM ;;22.0;VA FileMan;;Mar 30, 1999 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. F I=1:2 S X=$T(Q+I) G ^DINIT27:X="" S Y=$E($T(Q+I+1),5,999),X=$E(X,4,999),@X=Y Q Q ;;^DD(1.11,12,0) ;;=DATE LAST PRINTED^D^^0;13^S %DT="ETX" D ^%DT S X=Y K:Y<1 X ;;^DD(1.11,12,3) ;;=Enter the date that the listing of items to be archived was last printed. ;;^DD(1.11,13,0) ;;=ARCHIVING ACTION IN PROGRESS^S^1:SELECTION;2:EDITING;4:ARCHIVING (TEMPORARY);5:ARCHIVING (PERMANENT);6:UPDATING DESTINATION FILE;90:PURGING;99:CANCELLING;^0;14^Q ;;^DD(1.11,13,3) ;;=Entry will be made here by system when user begins performing some action to this ARCHIVAL ACTIVITY and will be deleted when action is complete, to lock out other users. ;;^DD(1.11,14,0) ;;=DATE/TIME ACTIVITY BEGAN^D^^0;15^S %DT="ESTXR" D ^%DT S X=Y K:Y<1 X ;;^DD(1.11,14,3) ;;=Date/time user began archiving action currently in progress. ;;^DD(1.11,15,0) ;;=USER PERFORMING ACTION^P200'^VA(200,^0;16^Q ;;^DD(1.11,15,3) ;;=User that initiated the archiving action. ;;^DD(1.11,16,0) ;;=TYPE OF ARCHIVE^S^0:ARCHIVING;1:EXTRACT;^0;17^Q ;;^DD(1.11,16,21,0) ;;=^^4^4^2921002^ ;;^DD(1.11,16,21,1,0) ;;=This field indicates the archiving type for this particular archival ;;^DD(1.11,16,21,2,0) ;;=activity entry. This should be 0 if the archival process is being done ;;^DD(1.11,16,21,3,0) ;;=under the Archiving options; or should be 1 if the archival process is ;;^DD(1.11,16,21,4,0) ;;=being done under the Extract Tool options. ;;^DD(1.11,17,0) ;;=DESTINATION FILE^P1'^DIC(^0;18^Q ;;^DD(1.11,17,21,0) ;;=^^2^2^2921002^ ;;^DD(1.11,17,21,1,0) ;;=This field holds the number of the destination file for this archival ;;^DD(1.11,17,21,2,0) ;;=activity. ;;^DD(1.11,18,0) ;;=ARCHIVE DEVICE LABEL^F^^0;19^K:$L(X)>45!($L(X)<2) X ;;^DD(1.11,18,3) ;;=Answer must be 2-45 characters in length. ;;^DD(1.11,18,21,0) ;;=^^2^2^2921002^ ;;^DD(1.11,18,21,1,0) ;;=This field holds the label information that identifies your archival ;;^DD(1.11,18,21,2,0) ;;=medium. ;;^DD(1.11,30,0) ;;=SUBFILE NUMBER^F^^1;1^K:+X'=X X ;;^DD(1.11,30,3) ;;=Type the number of a sub-file data dictionary. ;;^DD(1.11,31,0) ;;=SUBFILE SUBSCRIPTS^F^^1;2^K:$L(X)>50!($L(X)<3) X ;;^DD(1.11,31,3) ;;=Answer must be 3-50 characters in length. ;;^DD(1.11,32,0) ;;=SUBFILE SCREEN^1.1132A^^S;0 ;;^DD(1.11,100,0) ;;=DATA^1.113^^D;0 ;;^DD(1.113,0) ;;=DATA SUB-FIELD^^.01^1 ;;^DD(1.113,0,"NM","DATA") ;;= ;;^DD(1.113,0,"UP") ;;=1.11 ;;^DD(1.113,.01,0) ;;=DATA^WL^^0;1^Q ;;^DD(1.1132,0) ;;=SUBFILE SCREEN SUB-FIELD^^1^2 ;;^DD(1.1132,0,"NM","SUBFILE SCREEN") ;;= ;;^DD(1.1132,0,"UP") ;;=1.11 ;;^DD(1.1132,.01,0) ;;=SUBSCRIPT^F^^0;1^K:$L(X)>10!($L(X)<1) X ;;^DD(1.1132,.01,3) ;;=Answer must be 1-10 characters in length. ;;^DD(1.1132,1,0) ;;=CODE^K^^1;E1,245^K:$L(X)>245 X D:$D(X) ^DIM ;;^DD(1.1132,1,3) ;;=This is Standard MUMPS code. ;;^DD(1.1132,1,9) ;;=@ ;;^DD(1.11,200,0) ;;=DESTINATION FILE ENTRIES^1.14^^EX;0 ;;^DD(1.14,0) ;;=DESTINATION FILE ENTRIES SUB-FIELD^^.01^1 ;;^DD(1.14,0,"NM","DESTINATION FILE ENTRIES") ;;= ;;^DD(1.14,0,"UP") ;;=1.11 ;;^DD(1.14,.01,0) ;;=DESTINATION FILE ENTRIES^MNJ9,0X^^0;1^K:+X'=X!(X>999999999)!(X<0)!(X?.E1"."1N.N) X I $D(X) S DINUM=X ;;^DD(1.14,.01,1,0) ;;=^.1 ;;^DD(1.14,.01,1,1,0) ;;=1.14^B ;;^DD(1.14,.01,1,1,1) ;;=S ^DIAR(1.11,DA(1),"EX","B",$E(X,1,30),DA)="" ;;^DD(1.14,.01,1,1,2) ;;=K ^DIAR(1.11,DA(1),"EX","B",$E(X,1,30),DA) ;;^DD(1.14,.01,3) ;;=Type a Number between 0 and 999999999, 0 Decimal Digits ;;^DD(1.14,.01,21,0) ;;=^^2^2^2921208^ ;;^DD(1.14,.01,21,1,0) ;;=This field holds the internal entry number of the record created in the ;;^DD(1.14,.01,21,3,0) ;;=destination file.