DINIT27E ;SFISC/DPC-FOREIGN FORMAT EXCEL(TAB) ;11/30/92 3:44 PM ;;22.0;VA FileMan;;Mar 30, 1999 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. F I=1:2 S X=$T(ENTRY+I) G:X="" ^DINIT27F S Y=$E($T(ENTRY+I+1),5,999),X=$E(X,4,999),@X=Y Q ENTRY ; ;;^DIST(.44,.005,0) ;;=EXCEL (TAB)^009^^^^^^^1^^^1 ;;^DIST(.44,.005,3,0) ;;=^^2^2^2921120^ ;;^DIST(.44,.005,3,1,0) ;;=Format used to export data to EXCEL spreadsheet running on the Macintosh ;;^DIST(.44,.005,3,2,0) ;;=or under Windows. A is placed between each field's value. ;;^DIST(.44,.005,4,0) ;;=^^6^6^2921120^^^ ;;^DIST(.44,.005,4,1,0) ;;=Select the Open command on Excel's File menu. Press the TEXT button and ;;^DIST(.44,.005,4,2,0) ;;=make sure that the Column Delimiter is set to "TAB." Select the file. ;;^DIST(.44,.005,4,3,0) ;;=Each field's values will be imported into columns. ;;^DIST(.44,.005,4,4,0) ;;=If you are capturing data to make your export file, be sure that the ;;^DIST(.44,.005,4,5,0) ;;=(ASCII value 009) is not converted to spaces by your communications ;;^DIST(.44,.005,4,6,0) ;;=software. ;;^DIST(.44,.005,5,0) ;;=^.441^1^1 ;;^DIST(.44,.005,5,1,0) ;;=Tab Delimited ;;^DIST(.44,.005,5,1,1,0) ;;=^^1^1^2921120^^ ;;^DIST(.44,.005,5,1,1,1,0) ;;=A is placed between each field's value. ;;^DIST(.44,.005,5,"B","Tab Delimited",1) ;;=