DINZMGR ;SFISC/MKO-TO SET UP THE MGR ACCOUNT FOR THE SYSTEM ;3:04 PM 1 Oct 1998 ;;22.0;VA FileMan;;Mar 30, 1999 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ;This is a modification of Kernel's ZTMGRSET routine. I $D(^%ZTSK),$D(^%ZOSF("MGR"))#2 D Q . W !,$C(7)_" The VA Kernel appears to be installed on the system." . W !," ^DINZMGR should only be used during a stand-alone VA FileMan installation.",! ; S U="^" D INTRO^DINZMGR1 ; K DIR S DIR("A",1)="Do you wish to proceed" S DIR("B")="YES" S DIR("?",1)="Enter 'Y' to continue. Enter 'N' or '^' to quit." D DIR K DIR G:$D(DIQUIT)!'Y Q ; D ZS G:$D(DIQUIT)!'Y Q D OS^DINZMGR1 G:$D(DIQUIT) Q ; I $D(^%ZOSF("UCI")) X ^("UCI") I Y'["MG" D G:$D(DIQUIT)!'Y Q . K DIR . S DIR("A",1)="THIS MAY NOT BE THE MANAGER UCI." . S DIR("A",2)="I think it is "_Y_". Should I continue anyway" . S DIR("B")="NO" . S DIR("?",1)="This routine will attempt to file some % routines and set nodes" . S DIR("?",2)="in the %ZOSF global. It should therefore be run in the manager" . S DIR("?",3)="account." . D DIR K DIR ; D DT G:$D(DIQUIT) Q D ZIS G:$D(DIQUIT) Q D ZISS G:$D(DIQUIT) Q D ZOSF G:$D(DIQUIT) Q W !!,"ALL DONE",! G Q ; ZS K DIR S DIR("A",1)="Are the ZLOAD and ZSAVE commands implemented" S DIR("A",2)="on your MUMPS operating system (Y/N)" S DIR("?",1)="Since this utility will use ZLOAD and ZSAVE to file some routines" S DIR("?",2)="under different names, you can use this utility only if those" S DIR("?",3)="commands are available. Otherwise, you'll have to perform the" S DIR("?",4)="operations manually." D DIR K DIR Q:$D(DIQUIT) Q DT K DIR S DIR("A",1)="Do you want to save DIDT, DIDTC, and DIRCR" S DIR("A",2)="as %DT, %DTC, and %RCR" S DIR("B")="YES" S DIR("?",1)="Enter 'YES' to refile the routines. This step must be performed",DIR("?",2)="in order for FileMan to work properly." D DIR K DIR Q:$D(DIQUIT)!'Y W ! S %S="DIDT^DIDTC^DIRCR",%D="%DT^%DTC^%RCR" D MOVE Q ZIS K DIR S DIR("A",1)="Do you want to save DIIS as %ZIS (Y/N)" S DIR("?",1)="Enter 'YES' if you want to save the FileMan-supplied DIIS routine",DIR("?",2)="as %ZIS." D DIR K DIR Q:$D(DIQUIT)!'Y W ! S %S="DIIS",%D="%ZIS" D MOVE Q ZISS K DIR S DIR("A",1)="Do you want to save DIISS as %ZISS (Y/N)" S DIR("?",1)="Enter 'YES' if you want to save the FileMan-supplied DIISS routine",DIR("?",2)="as %ZISS." D DIR K DIR Q:$D(DIQUIT)!'Y W ! S %S="DIISS",%D="%ZISS" D MOVE Q ZOSF S DIR("A",1)="Do you want me to set nodes in the ^%ZOSF global and" S DIR("A",2)="to file the %ZOSV routine (and possibly the %ZOSV1 routine)" S DIR("A",3)="appropriate for the MUMPS operating system you are using (Y/N)" S DIR("?",1)="FileMan's screen-oriented utilities require certain %ZOSF nodes" S DIR("?",2)="to be present. Some of these nodes call %ZOSV and %ZOSV1," S DIR("?",3)="so those routines must also be present." D DIR K DIR S:'Y DIQUIT=1 Q:$D(DIQUIT) W ! S %D="%ZOSV" D @DIOS Q 1 ;M/11 ;S %S="DINVM11" D MOVE ;D ^DINZM11 Q 2 ;M/SQL-PDP ;S %S="DINVM11P" D MOVE ;D ^DINZM11P Q 3 ;CACHE/OpenM;was M/SQL;before that, was M/SQL-VAX ;W !?3,$C(7)_"M/SQL is not yet supported." ;S %S="DINVMVX" D MOVE ;D ^DINZMVX S %S="DINVONT" D MOVE D ^DINZONT Q 4 ;DSM-4 ;S %S="DINVDSM" D MOVE ;D ^DINZDSM Q 5 ;DSM for OpenVMS;was VAX DSM(V6) S %S="DINVVXD" D MOVE S %S="DINV1VXD",%D="%ZOSV1" D MOVE D ^DINZVXD Q 6 ;MSM S %S="DINVMSM" D MOVE D ^DINZMSM Q 7 ;DTM-PC S %S="DINVDTM" D MOVE S %S="DINV1DTM",%D="%ZOSV1" D MOVE D ^DINZDTM Q 8 ;GT.M(VAX) ;W !?3,$C(7)_"GT.M(VAX) is not yet supported." ;S %S="DINVGTM" D MOVE ;S %S="DINV1GTM",%D="%ZOSV1" D MOVE ;D ^DINZGTM Q ; MOVE F %=1:1:$L(%D,U) S X=$P(%S,U,%),Y=$P(%D,U,%) I X]"",Y]"" W !,"Loading ",X X "ZL @X ZS @Y" W ?20,"Saved as ",Y K %S,%D Q Q K %,X,X1,Y,DIOS,DIQUIT,DISAVE Q DIR K DIQUIT S Y=0 W ! F %=1:1 Q:'$D(DIR("A",%)) W !,DIR("A",%) W "? "_$S($D(DIR("B")):DIR("B")_"// ",1:"") R X:300 S:X="" X=$S($D(DIR("B")):DIR("B"),1:"NULL") I X[U!'$T S DIQUIT=1 Q I $P("NO",$TR(X,"no","NO"))="" S Y=0 Q I $P("YES",$TR(X,"yes","YES"))="" S Y=1 Q I X?1."?",$D(DIR("?")) D G DIR . W ! F %=1:1 Q:'$D(DIR("?",%)) W !?5,DIR("?",%) W $C(7),!!?5,"Enter 'YES' or 'NO', or '^' to quit." G DIR Q