DIPKI005 ; ; 30-MAR-1999 ;;22.0;VA FileMan;;Mar 30, 1999 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. Q:'DIFQ(9.4) F I=1:2 S X=$T(Q+I) Q:X="" S Y=$E($T(Q+I+1),4,999),X=$E(X,4,999) S:$A(Y)=126 I=I+1,Y=$E(Y,2,999)_$E($T(Q+I+1),5,99) S:$A(Y)=61 Y=$E(Y,2,999) X NO E S @X=Y Q Q ;;^DD(9.42,.01,21,1,0) ;;=This multiple is used for documentation purposes only and does ;;^DD(9.42,.01,21,2,0) ;;=not control anything during the INIT process. It is used to document ;;^DD(9.42,.01,21,3,0) ;;=the routines that are included in this Package. ;;^DD(9.42,.01,22) ;;= ;;^DD(9.42,.01,"DT") ;;=2850211 ;;^DD(9.43,0) ;;=*GLOBAL SUB-FIELD^NL^5^3 ;;^DD(9.43,0,"DT") ;;=2910827 ;;^DD(9.43,0,"IX","B",9.43,.01) ;;= ;;^DD(9.43,0,"NM","*GLOBAL") ;;= ;;^DD(9.43,0,"UP") ;;=9.4 ;;^DD(9.43,.01,0) ;;=GLOBAL^MF^^0;1^K:X[""""!(X'?.ANP)!(X<0) X I $D(X) K:$L(X)>15!($L(X)<1) X ;;^DD(9.43,.01,1,0) ;;=^.1 ;;^DD(9.43,.01,1,1,0) ;;=9.43^B ;;^DD(9.43,.01,1,1,1) ;;=S ^DIC(9.4,DA(1),3,"B",X,DA)="" ;;^DD(9.43,.01,1,1,2) ;;=K ^DIC(9.4,DA(1),3,"B",X,DA) ;;^DD(9.43,.01,3) ;;=Enter name of global used in this package. Answer must be 1-15 characters in length. (Used for documentation only.) ;;^DD(9.43,.01,21,0) ;;=^^2^2^2920513^^^ ;;^DD(9.43,.01,21,1,0) ;;=The name of a global which is part of this Package. Used for documentation ;;^DD(9.43,.01,21,2,0) ;;=only. ;;^DD(9.43,.01,"DT") ;;=2910827 ;;^DD(9.43,4,0) ;;=DESCRIPTION^9.431^^4;0 ;;^DD(9.43,4,21,0) ;;=^^1^1^2920513^^ ;;^DD(9.43,4,21,1,0) ;;=This is a description of the global and how it is used by the Package. ;;^DD(9.43,5,0) ;;=JOURNALLING^S^M:mandatory!;O:optional--not required;N:not recommended;^5;1^Q ;;^DD(9.43,5,21,0) ;;=^^1^1^2920513^^^ ;;^DD(9.43,5,21,1,0) ;;=Advises whether or not to Journal this global. ;;^DD(9.43,5,"DT") ;;=2850228 ;;^DD(9.431,0) ;;=DESCRIPTION SUB-FIELD^NL^.01^1 ;;^DD(9.431,0,"NM","DESCRIPTION") ;;= ;;^DD(9.431,0,"UP") ;;=9.43 ;;^DD(9.431,.01,0) ;;=DESCRIPTION^W^^0;1^Q ;;^DD(9.431,.01,21,0) ;;=^^1^1^2920513^^^ ;;^DD(9.431,.01,21,1,0) ;;=This is a description of the global and how it is used by the Package. ;;^DD(9.431,.01,"DT") ;;=2850228 ;;^DD(9.432,0) ;;=*EXCLUDED NAME SPACE SUB-FIELD^NL^.01^1 ;;^DD(9.432,0,"NM","*EXCLUDED NAME SPACE") ;;= ;;^DD(9.432,0,"UP") ;;=9.4 ;;^DD(9.432,.01,0) ;;=EXCLUDED NAME SPACE^MFX^^0;1^K:$L(X)>7!($L(X)<2)!'(X?1U1UN.UN) X ;;^DD(9.432,.01,3) ;;=Please enter the prefix of the excluded name space (2-7 characters). ;;^DD(9.432,.01,4) ;;=W !,?5,"When DIFROM builds '",$P(^DIC(9.4,D0,0),"^",2),"INIT',",!?5,"OPTIONS, FUNCTIONS, SECURITY KEYS, and BULLETINS beginning with",!?5,"these characters WON'T be included.",! ;;^DD(9.432,.01,21,0) ;;=^^2^2^2851008^ ;;^DD(9.432,.01,21,1,0) ;;=This specifies a sub-set of the Package's namespace which is not to ;;^DD(9.432,.01,21,2,0) ;;=be exported by the DIFROM routines. ;;^DD(9.432,.01,"DT") ;;=2841128 ;;^DD(9.44,0) ;;=*FILE SUB-FIELD^NL^223^9 ;;^DD(9.44,0,"DT") ;;=2890928 ;;^DD(9.44,0,"IX","B",9.44,.01) ;;= ;;^DD(9.44,0,"NM","*FILE") ;;= ;;^DD(9.44,0,"UP") ;;=9.4 ;;^DD(9.44,.01,0) ;;=FILE^M*P1'^DIC(^0;1^S DIC("S")="I Y>1.9999" D ^DIC K DIC S DIC=DIE,X=+Y K:Y<0 X ;;^DD(9.44,.01,.1) ;;=REQUIRED FILES FOR THIS PACKAGE ;;^DD(9.44,.01,1,0) ;;=^.1 ;;^DD(9.44,.01,1,1,0) ;;=9.44^B ;;^DD(9.44,.01,1,1,1) ;;=S ^DIC(9.4,DA(1),4,"B",X,DA)="" ;;^DD(9.44,.01,1,1,2) ;;=K ^DIC(9.4,DA(1),4,"B",X,DA) ;;^DD(9.44,.01,1,2,0) ;;=9.4^AR ;;^DD(9.44,.01,1,2,1) ;;=S ^DIC(9.4,"AR",$E(X,1,30),DA(1),DA)="" ;;^DD(9.44,.01,1,2,2) ;;=K ^DIC(9.4,"AR",$E(X,1,30),DA(1),DA) ;;^DD(9.44,.01,3) ;;=Please enter the name of a FILE that is known to VA FileMan. ;;^DD(9.44,.01,12) ;;=Select a file which is used by this package. ;;^DD(9.44,.01,12.1) ;;=S DIC("S")="I Y>1.9999" ;;^DD(9.44,.01,21,0) ;;=^^2^2^2920513^^^^ ;;^DD(9.44,.01,21,1,0) ;;=The name of a VA FileMan file which you wish to transport with ;;^DD(9.44,.01,21,2,0) ;;=this package. This may be any file whose number is 2 or greater. ;;^DD(9.44,.01,"DT") ;;=2890928 ;;^DD(9.44,2,0) ;;=FIELD^9.45A^^1;0 ;;^DD(9.44,2,21,0) ;;=^^3^3^2920513^^^ ;;^DD(9.44,2,21,1,0) ;;=The names of the FileMan Fields required by this Package. Enter data ;;^DD(9.44,2,21,2,0) ;;=here ONLY if you wish to send just selected fields from a Data Dictionary ;;^DD(9.44,2,21,3,0) ;;=instead of the entire DD (i.e., a partial DD). ;;^DD(9.44,222.1,0) ;;=UPDATE THE DATA DICTIONARY^S^y:YES;n:NO;^222;1^Q ;;^DD(9.44,222.1,21,0) ;;=^^8^8^2920513^^^^ ;;^DD(9.44,222.1,21,1,0) ;;=YES means that the Data Dictionary for this file should be updated when ;;^DD(9.44,222.1,21,2,0) ;;=this version of the package is installed. ;;^DD(9.44,222.1,21,3,0) ;;= ;;^DD(9.44,222.1,21,4,0) ;;=NO means that this Data Dictionary has not changed since the last version, ;;^DD(9.44,222.1,21,5,0) ;;=and therefore, need not be updated. ;;^DD(9.44,222.1,21,6,0) ;;= ;;^DD(9.44,222.1,21,7,0) ;;=If the Data Dictionary does not exist on the recipient system, then this ;;^DD(9.44,222.1,21,8,0) ;;=field does not apply. The DD will be put in place. ;;^DD(9.44,222.1,"DT") ;;=2890627 ;;^DD(9.44,222.2,0) ;;=ASSIGN A VERSION NUMBER^S^y:YES;n:NO;^222;2^Q ;;^DD(9.44,222.2,3) ;;= ;;^DD(9.44,222.2,21,0) ;;=^^5^5^2920513^^^^ ;;^DD(9.44,222.2,21,1,0) ;;=YES means that you want to set ^DD(file#,0,"VR") to the version ;;^DD(9.44,222.2,21,2,0) ;;=number of this package when the init is finished. ;;^DD(9.44,222.2,21,3,0) ;;= ;;^DD(9.44,222.2,21,4,0) ;;=NO means that you intend for the version number to remain as it is. ;;^DD(9.44,222.2,21,5,0) ;;=This may mean that this DD has no version number at all. ;;^DD(9.44,222.4,0) ;;=MAY USER OVERRIDE DD UPDATE^S^y:YES;n:NO;^222;4^Q ;;^DD(9.44,222.4,3) ;;= ;;^DD(9.44,222.4,21,0) ;;=^^5^5^2920513^^^^ ;;^DD(9.44,222.4,21,1,0) ;;=YES means that the user may decide at installation time whether or not ;;^DD(9.44,222.4,21,2,0) ;;=to update the data dictionary for this file. ;;^DD(9.44,222.4,21,3,0) ;;= ;;^DD(9.44,222.4,21,4,0) ;;=NO means that the developer building the INIT is determining if the ;;^DD(9.44,222.4,21,5,0) ;;=data dictionary is to be updated. ;;^DD(9.44,222.7,0) ;;=DATA COMES WITH FILE^S^y:YES;n:NO;^222;7^Q ;;^DD(9.44,222.7,2) ;;=DATA COMES WITH FILE ;;^DD(9.44,222.7,21,0) ;;=^^4^4^2920513^^^^ ;;^DD(9.44,222.7,21,1,0) ;;=YES means that the data should be included in the initialization ;;^DD(9.44,222.7,21,2,0) ;;=routines. ;;^DD(9.44,222.7,21,3,0) ;;= ;;^DD(9.44,222.7,21,4,0) ;;=NO means that the data should be left out. ;;^DD(9.44,222.7,"DT") ;;=2940502 ;;^DD(9.44,222.8,0) ;;=MERGE OR OVERWRITE SITE'S DATA^S^m:MERGE;o:OVERWRITE;^222;8^Q