DIPR120 ;O-OIFO/SO-Move PRIORDATE, PRIORUSER, & PRIORVALUE To FM's #;10:20 AM 12 Dec 2002 ;;22.0;VA FileMan;**120**;Mar 30, 1999 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. N COUNT,X,IEN,SADAT,SAVAL,SAUSER S X="Beginning Pre-Installation..." D MES^XPDUTL(X) S COUNT=0 D RPDATE,RPUSER,RPVAL S X=" " D MES^XPDUTL(X) I '$D(SADAT) D APDATE I '$D(SAUSER) D APUSER I '$D(SAVAL) D APVAL D END Q RPDATE ; Find & Remove PRIORDATE I $D(^DD("FUNC",91,0))#2,$P(^DD("FUNC",91,0),U)="PRIORDATE",'$D(^DD("FUNC",91,1)) S SADAT=1 I '$D(SADAT),$D(^DD("FUNC",91,0))#2 D S SADAT=1 . N I S I=91 D ERRMES Q S IEN=99 F S IEN=$O(^DD("FUNC","B","PRIORDATE",IEN)) Q:'IEN D . I ^DD("FUNC",IEN,9)'="When it has an argument (Fieldname), returns as a multiple all prior Date/Times of auditing, most recent first. Without an argument, it is most recent audited Date/Time for the Entry" Q . S X="Deleting Function PRIORDATE" D MES^XPDUTL(X) . K ^DD("FUNC",IEN) . K ^DD("FUNC","B","PRIORDATE",IEN) . S COUNT=COUNT-1 Q ; RPUSER ; Find & Remove PRIORUSER I $D(^DD("FUNC",92,0))#2,$P(^DD("FUNC",92,0),U)="PRIORUSER",'$D(^DD("FUNC",92,1)) S SAUSER=1 I '$D(SAUSER),$D(^DD("FUNC",92,0))#2 D S SAUSER=1 . N I S I=92 D ERRMES Q S IEN=99 F S IEN=$O(^DD("FUNC","B","PRIORUSER",IEN)) Q:'IEN D . I ^DD("FUNC",IEN,9)'="When it has an argument (Fieldname), returns as a multiple all prior audited Users, most recent first. Without an argument, it is most recent audited User for the Entry" Q . S X="Deleting Function PRIORUSER" D MES^XPDUTL(X) . K ^DD("FUNC",IEN) . K ^DD("FUNC","B","PRIORUSER",IEN) . S COUNT=COUNT-1 Q ; RPVAL ; Find & Remove PRIORVALUE I $D(^DD("FUNC",90,0))#2,$P(^DD("FUNC",90,0),U)="PRIORVALUE",'$D(^DD("FUNC",90,1)) S SAVAL=1 I '$D(SAVAL),$D(^DD("FUNC",90,0))#2 D S SAVAL=1 . N I S I=90 D ERRMES Q S IEN=99 F S IEN=$O(^DD("FUNC","B","PRIORVALUE",IEN)) Q:'IEN D . I ^DD("FUNC",IEN,9)'="Takes name of an Audited Field. Returns as a multiple all prior values of the field, most recent first." Q . S X="Deleting Function PRIORVALUE" D MES^XPDUTL(X) . K ^DD("FUNC",IEN) . K ^DD("FUNC","B","PRIORVALUE",IEN) . S COUNT=COUNT-1 Q ; APDATE ; Add PRIORDATE at IEN 91 S X="Installing Function PRIORDATE at #91" D MES^XPDUTL(X) S ^DD("FUNC",91,0)="PRIORDATE" S ^DD("FUNC",91,3)="VARIABLE" S ^DD("FUNC",91,9)="When it has an argument (Fieldname), returns as a multiple all prior Date/Times of auditing, most recent first. Without an argument, it is most recent audited Date/Time for the Entry" S ^DD("FUNC","B","PRIORDATE",91)="" S COUNT=COUNT+1 Q ; APUSER ; Add PRIORUSER at IEN 92 S X="Installing Function PRIORUSER at #92" D MES^XPDUTL(X) S ^DD("FUNC",92,0)="PRIORUSER" S ^DD("FUNC",92,3)="VARIABLE" S ^DD("FUNC",92,9)="When it has an argument (Fieldname), returns as a multiple all prior audited Users, most recent first. Without an argument, it is most recent audited User for the Entry" S ^DD("FUNC","B","PRIORUSER",92)="" S COUNT=COUNT+1 Q ; APVAL ; Add PRIORVALUE at IEN 90 S X="Installing Function PRIORVALUE at #90" D MES^XPDUTL(X) S ^DD("FUNC",90,0)="PRIORVALUE" S ^DD("FUNC",90,9)="Takes name of an Audited Field. Returns as a multiple all prior values of the field, most recent first." S ^DD("FUNC","B","PRIORVALUE",90)="" S COUNT=COUNT+1 Q ; END I COUNT=0 D ENDMES Q ; Count piece doesn't need updating ; Update 4th piece of Zeroth node L +^DD("FUNC",0):5 S $P(^(0),"^",4)=$P(^DD("FUNC",0),"^",4)+COUNT I L -^DD("FUNC",0) D ENDMES Q ; ENDMES ; S X="Done..." D MES^XPDUTL(X) Q ERRMES ; S X="The "_$P(^DD("FUNC",I,0),U)_" Function needs to be evaluated by SD&D." D MES^XPDUTL(X) Q