VBECA1A ;HIOFO/REL - Verify Patient ; 7/5/01 6:50am ;;0.5;VBECS;**294**;Sep 6, 2000 ; This routine retrieves data maintained by a regulated medical ; device. The routine must not be modified by anyone other than the ; device manufacturer. ;Reference to ^DIC supported by IA #10006 ;Reference to $$LRDFN^LR7OR1 supported by IA #2503 Q PAT ; Verify Patient N NUM,ERR,X,Y,DIC,IFN,ROOT K VBECERR S NUM=0 I $G(PATID)="" S ERR=1 D ERR I $G(PATNAM)="" S ERR=2 D ERR I $G(PATDOB)="" S ERR=3 D ERR S:$G(PARENT)="" PARENT=2 I PARENT'=2&(PARENT'=67) S ERR=7 D ERR G DONE G:$G(PATID)="" DONE S DIC=PARENT,DIC(0)="XMZN",X=PATID D ^DIC ; ^ ADDED "N" TO DIC(0) ; TO ALLOW NUMERIC LOOKUP. RLM I Y<1 S ERR=4 D ERR G DONE S IFN=+Y,FILEROOT=$S(PARENT=2:"DPT(",PARENT=67:"LRT(67,",1:"") S LRDFN=$$LRDFN^LR7OR1(IFN,FILEROOT) I $G(PATNAM)'="",PATNAM'=$P(Y(0),"^",1) S ERR=5 D ERR I $G(PATDOB)'="",PATDOB'=$P(Y(0),"^",3) S ERR=6 D ERR DONE S:NUM LRDFN="" Q ; ERR ; Set Error I '$D(VBECERR(0)) S VBECERR(0)=$G(PATID)_"^"_$G(PATNAM)_"^"_$G(PATDOB)_"^"_$G(PARENT) S NUM=NUM+1,VBECERR(NUM)=ERR_"^"_$P($T(ERRTX+ERR),";;",2) Q ERRTX ;; Error Text ;;No Patient ID supplied ;;No Patient Name supplied ;;No Patient Date of Birth supplied ;;No patient record found to match the PATID supplied ;;Patient Name (PATNAM) supplied does not match the patient ID (PATID) record ;;Patient Date of Birth (PATDOB) does not match the patient ID (PATID) record ;;Unsupported Parent File (PARENT) supplied