VDEFEL ;INTEGIC/YG & BPOIFO/JG- VDEF library functions; ; 21 Dec 2004 11:29 AM ;;1.00;VDEF;;Dec 17, 2004 ;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ; Q ; No bozos ; ; VDEF Library Subroutines. ; SETDLMS ; Set HL7 delimiters from HL array if any or to std. HL7 ^~|\& S X=$E($G(HL("FS"))) S:X="" X="^" S SEPF=X S X=$G(HL("ECH")) S:X="" X="~|\&" S SEPC=$E(X),SEPS=$E(X,4),SEPR=$E(X,2),SEPE=$E(X,3) Q ; ; Converts IEN from new person file (200) into HL7 XCN data XCN200(VAL,SRC) ; ; Inputs: VAL - IEN from ^VA(200) ; SRC - Source for person (Optional) ; Return: VAL is converted to HL7 XCN name format I VAL="" Q VAL N NM S NM("FILE")=200,NM("FIELD")=.01,NM("IENS")=VAL_"," S VAL=VAL_SEPC_$$HLNAME^XLFNAME(.NM,"S",SEPC) I $G(SRC)'="" S $P(VAL,SEPC,8)=SRC E S $P(VAL,SEPC,8)="VistA200" Q VAL ; ; Format VAL into HL7 TS date/time TS(VAL) ; Format VAL as valid HL7 TS date/time/time zone N OVAL,%DT,%H,% I VAL'?3A.E&(+VAL=0)!(+VAL=-1) S VAL="" G TSEXIT ; ; Already in HL7 TS or DT form? G TSEXIT:VAL?8N.6N1"-"4N!(VAL?8N.6N1"+"4N)!(VAL?8N),TZ:VAL?12N S OVAL=VAL ; ; Convert alpha month if needed I VAL'?5N1","1.5N,VAL'?7N,VAL'?7N1"."0.6N D . N X,Y,%DT S %DT="TS",X=VAL D ^%DT I Y=-1 S VAL="" Q . S VAL=Y,OVAL=VAL G TSEXIT:VAL="" ; ; Date in $H format? I VAL?5N1","1.5N S %H=VAL D YMD^%DTC S VAL=X_%,OVAL=VAL ; ; Convert to HL7 format S VAL=$$HLDATE^HLFNC(VAL,"TS") I VAL=-1 S VAL="" G TSEXIT ; ; Correct the time zone if time present TZ I $L(VAL)>8,VAL'["-",VAL'["+" S VAL=$P(VAL,"-")_$$TZ^XLFDT TSEXIT Q VAL ; RTNVAL ; Validate entry for file #577, field # .3, EXTRACTION PROGRAM ; Entry must be either "INACTIVE" or the name of the M routine ; used to extract the VistA data and create the HL7 message. ; Used by input transform of file #577, field #.3 and by the KID ; post-install API in application domains's packages. ; I X'="INACTIVE",$T(@("^"_X))="" K X Q ; Program ain't there I $P($T(@("VALID^"_X)),";",3)'="VDEF HL7 MESSAGE BUILDER" K X Q Q