XOBVSKT ;; mjk/alb - VistaLink Socket Methods ;9/13/07 17:11 ;;1.5;VistALink;;Sep 09, 2005;Build 2 ;;Foundations Toolbox Release v1.5 [Build:] ; QUIT ; ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Methods for Read fromto TCP/IP Socket ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ READ(XOBROOT,XOBREAD,XOBTO,XOBFIRST,XOBSTOP,XOBDATA,XOBHDLR) ; NEW X,EOT,OUT,STR,LINE,PIECES,DONE,TOFLAG,XOBCNT,XOBLEN,XOBBH,XOBEH,BS,ES,XOBOK,XOBX ; SET STR="",EOT=$CHAR(4),DONE=0,LINE=0,XOBOK=1 ; ; -- READ tcp stream to global buffer | main calling tag NXTCALL^XOBVLL FOR READ XOBX#XOBREAD:XOBTO SET TOFLAG=$TEST DO:XOBFIRST CHK DO:'XOBSTOP!('DONE) QUIT:DONE . ; . ; -- if length of (new intake + current) is too large for buffer then store current . IF $LENGTH(STR)+$LENGTH(XOBX)>400 DO ADD(STR) SET STR="" . SET STR=STR_XOBX . ; . ; -- add node at each line-feed character . ; COMMENTED OUT: Not needed anymore, and has side effect of stripping out line feeds in input . ; array-type parameter values (in XML mode) . ; FOR QUIT:STR'[$CHAR(10) DO ADD($PIECE(STR,$CHAR(10))) SET STR=$PIECE(STR,$CHAR(10),2,999) . ; . ; -- if end-of-text marker found then wrap up and quit . IF STR[EOT SET STR=$PIECE(STR,EOT) DO ADD(STR) SET DONE=1 QUIT . ; . ; -- M XML parser cannot handle an element name split across nodes . SET PIECES=$LENGTH(STR,">") . IF PIECES>1 DO ADD($PIECE(STR,">",1,PIECES-1)_">") SET STR=$PIECE(STR,">",PIECES,999) ; QUIT XOBOK ; ADD(TXT) ; -- add new intake line SET LINE=LINE+1 SET @XOBROOT@(LINE)=TXT QUIT ; CHK ; -- check if first read and change timeout and chars to read SET XOBFIRST=0 ; ; -- abort if time out occurred and nothing was read IF 'TOFLAG,$GET(XOBX)="" SET XOBSTOP=1,DONE=1,XOBOK=0 QUIT ; ; -- intercept for transport sinks IF $EXTRACT(XOBX)'="<" DO SINK ; ; -- set up for subsequent reads SET XOBREAD=200,XOBTO=1 QUIT ; ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Execute Proprietary Format Reader ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SINK ; ; -- get size of sink indicator >> then get sink indicator >> load req handler SET XOBHDLR=$$MSGSINK^XOBVRH($$GETSTR(+$$GETSTR(2,.XOBX),.XOBX),.XOBHDLR) ; ; -- execute proprietary stream reader IF $GET(XOBHDLR(XOBHDLR)) XECUTE $GET(XOBHDLR(XOBHDLR,"READER")) ; SET DONE=1 QUIT ; ; -- get string of length LEN from stream buffer GETSTR(LEN,XOBUF) ; NEW X FOR QUIT:($LENGTH(XOBUF)'511 FLUSH WRITE STR QUIT ; ; -- handle a long string DO FLUSH FOR QUIT:'$LENGTH(STR) WRITE $EXTRACT(STR,1,511) DO FLUSH SET STR=$EXTRACT(STR,512,99999) ; QUIT ; POST ; -- send eot and flush socket buffer DO WRITE($CHAR(4)) DO FLUSH QUIT ; FLUSH ; flush buffer IF XOBOS="OpenM" WRITE ! QUIT IF XOBOS="DSM" WRITE:$X>0 ! QUIT ;IF XOBOS="GTM" WRITE # QUIT QUIT ;