ABSVM1 ;OAKLANDFO/DPC - VSS MIGRATION;10/9/2002 ;;4.0;VOLUNTARY TIMEKEEPING;**31,33**;JUL 1994 SEND ; ;Entry point for the Send Data option N ABSRECIP,ABSSDA,ABSIEN N DIR,Y W @IOF D ABSIEN^ABSVMUT1 Q:'ABSIEN W "You are about to send VTK data to the new VSS application." W !!,"DO NOT RUN THIS OPTION UNTIL DIRECTED BY SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION." ;W !!,"VTK OPTIONS MUST BE OUT OF SERVICE BEFORE RUNNING THIS OPTION." ; S DIR(0)="Y" S DIR("A")="Do you want to proceed" S DIR("??")="If you answer NO, you can migrate the data later." D ^DIR I 'Y W !!,"Data migration can be done later. Bye." Q ; N DIR,OUT S OUT=0 W ! F Q:OUT D . S DIR(0)="FAO" . S DIR("A")="Enter a Recipient Address for the Migrated Data: " . S DIR("?")="See the Install Instructions for the recipients e-mail address." . S DIR("?",1)="Network e-mail addresses must contain '@'." . D ^DIR . I $G(DIRUT) S OUT=1 Q . S ABSRECIP(X)="" . Q I '$D(ABSRECIP) W !!,"Migrate the VTK data when you have obtained the proper e-mail address. Bye." Q W ! ; D SENDPROC^ABSVMS1(.ABSRECIP,.ABSSDA) W !!,"Data is being sent." ; W !! S DIR(0)="Y" S DIR("A")="Do you want to print the error lists now" S DIR("??")="If you answer NO, you can print the errors later." D ^DIR I Y D PRINTRES^ABSVM(.ABSSDA,ABSIEN) ; W !!,"You will be notified when the data has been received and filed." W !,"Your office may then begin to use the new system." W !!,?20,"ENJOY THE NEW VOLUNTARY SERVICE SYSTEM" Q ;