ABSVMUT1 ;OAKLANDFO/DPC-VSS MIGRATIOIN;8/3/2002 ;;4.0;VOLUNTARY TIMEKEEPING;**31,33**;Jul 1994 ; BLDVOLLT(FLAG) ; ; ;FLAG="S" -- Only need site data into ABSSITES() N REGIEN,VOLPTR,SITE,REG0,SRTDATE,ENTRY,TERM K ^TMP("ABSVM","VOLWHRS",$J),ABSSITES S REGIEN=0 F S REGIEN=$O(^ABS(503331,REGIEN)) Q:'REGIEN D . S REG0=$G(^ABS(503331,REGIEN,0)) . I $P(REG0,U,3)<2961001 Q . S VOLPTR=$P(REG0,U) . S SITE=$P(REG0,U,7) . ;check for excluded sites . Q:(VOLPTR="")!(SITE="") Q:$D(EXSITES(SITE)) . I $G(FLAG)="S" S ABSSITES(SITE)="" Q . S ^TMP("ABSVM","VOLWHRS",$J,VOLPTR,SITE)="" . Q ;check for new volunteer's, less than 90 days, with no hours S VOLPTR=0,SRTDATE=$$HTFM^XLFDT($$HADD^XLFDT($H,-90)) F S VOLPTR=$O(^ABS(503330,VOLPTR)) Q:VOLPTR="" D . S REGIEN=0 . F S REGIEN=$O(^ABS(503330,VOLPTR,4,REGIEN)) Q:'REGIEN D .. S REG0=$G(^ABS(503330,VOLPTR,4,REGIEN,0)) .. Q:REG0="" .. ;check for excluded sites .. S SITE=$P(REG0,U,12) Q:SITE="" Q:$D(EXSITES(SITE)) .. S ENTRY=$P(REG0,U,2),TERM=$P(REG0,U,8) .. I ENTRY>SRTDATE,TERM="",'$D(^TMP("ABSVM","VOLWHRS",$J,VOLPTR,REGIEN)) S ^(REGIEN)="" .. Q Q ; EXSITES ;get exclude sites and put in EXSITES array ; N I,J,X K EXSITES ;there should only be one entry at top level S I=$O(^ABS(503339.5,"IN","N",0)),J=0 Q:I="" F S J=$O(^ABS(503339.5,"IN","N",I,J)) Q:J="" D . S X=$P($G(^ABS(503339.5,I,1,J,0)),U) . S:X]"" EXSITES(X)="" Q ; ABSIEN ;get the ien of Migration Log file ;returns ABSIEN=IEN or 0 if failed S ABSIEN=0 D LIST^DIC(503339.5) I '^TMP("DILIST",$J,0) D Q . W "You must run the Prepare for Transition to VSS option first." . W !,"If you have any questions, contact the System Implementation team." . Q I ^TMP("DILIST",$J,0)>1 D Q . W "You have multiple entries in the Voluntary Migration Log." . W !,"Contact System Implementation." S ABSIEN=^TMP("DILIST",$J,2,1) ; SETUPXTP ; ;Sets up 0-nodes in XTMP S ^XTMP("ABSVMORG",0)=$$NOW^XLFDT_U_$$HTFM^XLFDT($$HADD^XLFDT($H,30))_U_"Voluntary Organizations to be migrated." S ^XTMP("ABSVMSERV",0)=$$NOW^XLFDT_U_$$HTFM^XLFDT($$HADD^XLFDT($H,30))_U_"Voluntary Services to be migrated." S ^XTMP("ABSVMOHRS",0)=$$NOW^XLFDT_U_$$HTFM^XLFDT($$HADD^XLFDT($H,30))_U_"Voluntary Occasional Hours to be migrated." S ^XTMP("ABSVMRHRS",0)=$$NOW^XLFDT_U_$$HTFM^XLFDT($$HADD^XLFDT($H,30))_U_"Voluntary Regular Hours to be migrated." S ^XTMP("ABSVMVOL",0)=$$NOW^XLFDT_U_$$HTFM^XLFDT($$HADD^XLFDT($H,30))_U_"Volunteers to be migrated." S ^XTMP("ABSVMVOLP",0)=$$NOW^XLFDT_U_$$HTFM^XLFDT($$HADD^XLFDT($H,30))_U_"Volunteer Profiles to be migrated." S ^XTMP("ABSVMVOLCB",0)=$$NOW^XLFDT_U_$$HTFM^XLFDT($$HADD^XLFDT($H,30))_U_"Volunteer Combination Codes to be migrated." S ^XTMP("ABSVMVOLPK",0)=$$NOW^XLFDT_U_$$HTFM^XLFDT($$HADD^XLFDT($H,30))_U_"Volunteer Parking Stickers to be migrated." Q ; CLEANXTP ; ;Empties all the XTMP()s and TMP holding IENs to Export. K ^XTMP("ABSVMSERV"),^XTMP("ABSVMORG") K ^XTMP("ABSVMRHRS"),^XTMP("ABSVMOHRS") K ^XTMP("ABSVMVOL"),^XTMP("ABSVMVOLP") K ^XTMP("ABSVMVOLCB"),^XTMP("ABSVMVOLPK") K ^TMP("ABSVM","VOLWHRS"),^TMP("ABSVM",$J) Q ; LDCDS ; ;Call routines that Load codes for orgs, services, ;work schedules and awards into Local arrays. D LDORGS^ABSVMLC1 ;Organizations into OCDS() D LDSRVS^ABSVMLC2 ;Services into SCDS() D LDWKS^ABSVMLC3 ; Work Schedules into WCDS() D LDAWDS^ABSVMLC3 ;Awards into ACDS() Q ; CLEANCDS ; ;Kills local arrays of national codes K OCDS,SCDS,WCDS,ACDS Q ; CRERRLOG(RUNTYPE,SEND) ; ;Function that creates an entry in the VALIDATION RESULTS multiple. ;Returns the DA of the subentry. N ABSVMFDA,ABSVMIEN,DIERR,ABSIEN ;Get IEN of Migration Log entry. D ABSIEN Q:'ABSIEN ;Set TIME RUN = NOW S ABSVMFDA(503339.52,"+1,"_ABSIEN_",",.01)=$$NOW^XLFDT ;Set VALIDATED DATA = Type passed in. S ABSVMFDA(503339.52,"+1,"_ABSIEN_",",1)=RUNTYPE I $G(SEND)["S" S ABSVMFDA(503339.52,"+1,"_ABSIEN_",",2)="Y" E S ABSVMFDA(503339.52,"+1,"_ABSIEN_",",2)="N" D UPDATE^DIE(,"ABSVMFDA","ABSVMIEN") I $G(DIERR)="" Q ABSVMIEN(1) ;Successful creation D MSG^DIALOG() Q 0 ; RECERR(VALRESUL,ERRORS) ; ;Records errors in the VALIDATION RESULTS multiple. ;Also, increments the error count. ;Get IEN of Migration Log entry. I $G(VALRESUL("ERRIEN"))="" D . N ABSIEN . D ABSIEN Q:'ABSIEN . S VALRESUL("ERRIEN")=ABSIEN . Q D WP^DIE(503339.52,VALRESUL("DA")_","_VALRESUL("ERRIEN")_",",4,"A","ERRORS") S VALRESUL("ERRCNT")=$G(VALRESUL("ERRCNT"))+1 Q ; ERRCNT(VALRESUL) ; ;Records the number of errors during a run. N ABSVMFDA,ABSIEN I $G(VALRESUL("ERRIEN"))="" D . D ABSIEN Q:'ABSIEN . S VALRESUL("ERRIEN")=ABSIEN . Q S ABSVMFDA(503339.52,VALRESUL("DA")_","_VALRESUL("ERRIEN")_",",3)=VALRESUL("ERRCNT") D FILE^DIE(,"ABSVMFDA") Q ;