ABSVMVV2 ;OAKLANDFO/DPC-VSS MIGRATION;7/18/2002 ;;4.0;VOLUNTARY TIMEKEEPING;**31,33,35**;Jul 1994 ; PROF(VOLIEN,VOLIDEN,FLAG,VALRESP) ; ; N PROFIEN,PROF0,ERRS,OUT N AWARD,AWCDPTR,ENTRY,STATION,STATPTR,TERM S PROFIEN=0 F S PROFIEN=$O(^ABS(503330,VOLIEN,4,PROFIEN)) Q:PROFIEN="" D . N ERRS S ERRS=0 . S OUT=0 . S PROF0=$G(^ABS(503330,VOLIEN,4,PROFIEN,0)) . ; if no zero node, clean up children nodes and 'B' cross-ref . I PROF0="" K ^ABS(503330,VOLIEN,4,"B",PROFIEN,PROFIEN),^ABS(503330,VOLIEN,4,PROFIEN) Q . ;STATION NUMBER . D . . S STATPTR=$P(PROF0,U) . . I STATPTR="" D ADDERR^ABSVMVV1(VOLIDEN_"is missing Station information.",.ERRS,VOLIEN) S OUT=1 Q . . S STATION=$P($G(^ABS(503338,STATPTR,0)),U,9) . . Q:$D(EXSITES(STATION)) ;check for excluded sites . . I $L(STATION)>7!(STATION="") D ADDERR^ABSVMVV1(VOLIDEN_"has incorrect Station Number information.",.ERRS,VOLIEN) S OUT=1 Q . . ; if no station number, then set it. This field should alway be there, it is set in a trigger on .01 field . . I $P(PROF0,U,12)="" S $P(PROF0,U,12)=STATION,^ABS(503330,VOLIEN,4,PROFIEN,0)=PROF0 Q . ;ENTRY DATE, if no error then do . D:'OUT . . N DA,DIK . . S ENTRY=$P(PROF0,U,2),DIK="^ABS(503330,"_VOLIEN_",4," . . ;if no entry date, then delete this station multiple . . I ENTRY="" S DA=PROFIEN,DA(1)=VOLIEN D ^DIK S OUT=1 Q . . ;D ADDERR^ABSVMVV1(VOLIDEN_"is missing Entry Date information.",.ERRS,VOLIEN) Q . . ;Check if hours recorded for that station. Ok if entry date new. . . I '$D(^TMP("ABSVM","VOLWHRS",$J,VOLIEN,STATION))&(+ENTRY<$$HTFM^XLFDT($$HADD^XLFDT($H,-90))) S OUT=1 Q . . N RES D DT^DILF("",ENTRY,.RES) . . I $L($P(ENTRY,"."))'=7!(RES=-1) D ADDERR^ABSVMVV1(VOLIDEN_"has an incorrect Entry Date.",.ERRS,VOLIDEN) . ;If OUT, Station Profile should not be sent, record error and QUIT . I OUT D:ERRS>0 RECERR^ABSVMUT1(.VALRESP,.ERRS) Q . ;YEARS . I $P(PROF0,U,3)'?.N D ADDERR^ABSVMVV1(VOLIDEN_"has an incorrect value for Years At Station.",ERRS,VOLIEN) . ;PRIOR HOURS . I $P(PROF0,U,20)'?.N D ADDERR^ABSVMVV1(VOLIDEN_"has an incorrect value for Prior Years Hours Served.",.ERRS,VOLIEN) . ;CURRENT HOURS . I $P(PROF0,U,21)'?.N D ADDERR^ABSVMVV1(VOLIDEN_"has an incorrect value for Current Year Hours Served.",.ERRS,VOLIEN) . ;LAST AWARD HOURS . I $P(PROF0,U,5)'?.N D ADDERR^ABSVMVV1(VOLIDEN_"has an incorrect value for Hours Last Award.",.ERRS,VOLIEN) . ;LAST AWARD DATE . S AWARD=$P(PROF0,U,6) . D:AWARD'="" . . N RES D DT^DILF("",AWARD,.RES) . . I $L($P(AWARD,"."))'=7!(RES=-1) D ADDERR^ABSVMVV1(VOLIDEN_"has an incorrect Last Award Date.",.ERRS,VOLIDEN) . ;AWARD CODE . S AWCDPTR=$P(PROF0,U,7) . I AWCDPTR'="",'$D(ACDS(AWCDPTR)) D ADDERR^ABSVMVV1(VOLIDEN_"has an incorrect Award Code.",.ERRS,.VOLIEN) . ;TERM DATE . S TERM=$P(PROF0,U,8) . D:TERM'="" . . N RES D DT^DILF("",TERM,.RES) . . I $L($P(TERM,"."))'=7!(RES=-1) D ADDERR^ABSVMVV1(VOLIDEN_"has an incorrect Termination Date.",.ERRS,VOLIDEN) . ;REMARKS . ;Only 160 characters can be sent. See ABSVM VOLREMARKS function. . D .. N D0,D1,REM,ERRORS .. S D0=VOLIEN,D1=PROFIEN,REM=$$GETREM() .. I $L(REM)>160 D ... S ERRORS(1)="Warning: "_VOLIDEN_"has Remarks greater than 160 characters." ... I $G(VALRES("ERRIEN"))="" D .... N ABSIEN .... D ABSIEN^ABSVMUT1 Q:'ABSIEN .... S VALRES("ERRIEN")=ABSIEN ... D WP^DIE(503339.52,VALRES("DA")_","_VALRES("ERRIEN")_",",4,"A","ERRORS") . ;MEALS? . I ",,0,1,"'[(","_$P(PROF0,U,24)_",") D ADDERR^ABSVMVV1(VOLIDEN_"has an incorrect Eligible For Meals code.",.ERRS,VOLIEN) . ;TRANSPORT . I ",,1,2,3,4,"'[(","_$P(PROF0,U,23)_",") D ADDERR^ABSVMVV1(VOLIDEN_"has an incorrect Method of Transportation code.",.ERRS,VOLIEN) . ; Check for errors . I ERRS>0 D RECERR^ABSVMUT1(.VALRESP,.ERRS) Q . ; No errors and got this far; add to send list if FLAG=S . I $G(FLAG)["S" S ^XTMP("ABSVMVOLP","IEN",VOLIEN)="" . ;PARKING STICKERS . D PARKVAL^ABSVMVV3(VOLIEN,PROFIEN,VOLIDEN,$G(FLAG),.VALRESP) Q ; GETREM() ;Function to return Remarks field from Voluntary Master N MYIENS,MYROOT,WPREM,REMARKS,I S MYIENS=D1_","_D0_"," S MYROOT=$$GET1^DIQ(503330.01,MYIENS,18,,"WPREM") I MYROOT="" Q "" S I=0,REMARKS="" F S I=$O(WPREM(I)) Q:I="" D . ;Avoid string too long error. . I $L(REMARKS)+$L(WPREM(I))>511 S I=99999 Q . S REMARKS=REMARKS_$S($L(REMARKS)>0:" ",1:"")_WPREM(I) Q REMARKS ;