WV14PST ;HCIOFO/FT-WV*1*14 POST INSTALL/Transfer Sexual Trauma Data to DG MST Module ;4/4/01 11:41 ;;1.0;WOMEN'S HEALTH;**14**;Sep 30, 1998 ; ; This routine uses the following IAs: ; #1625 - $$GET^XUA4A72 (supported) ; #2716 - $$GETSTAT^DGMSTAPI (supported) ; #2716 - $$NEWSTAT^DGMSTAPI (supported) ; #1157 - $$DELETE^XPDMENU (supported) ; DESC ; Description of post install ; This post install converts the WH Sexual Trauma data (File 790, ; Field .27) into a Military Sexual Trauma (MST) value and a Civilian ; Sexual Trauma (CST) value. The MST value is then transferred to the ; Registration package. The CST value is stored in the Women's Health ; package. The MST module tracks data for veterans only. Data for ; non-veterans is not added to the MST module. WH patients whose Sexual ; Trauma value is 'Military', 'Civilian', 'Both' or 'None' will have ; that value translated into a MST value and added to the MST module. ; WH value MST value CST value ; -------- --------- --------- ; Military Yes No ; Civilian No Yes ; Both Yes Yes ; None No No ; no transfer Unknown ; ; NOTE: If a WH patient is already in the MST module with a value of ; 'Yes' then no additional MST entry is made. Also, if a WH patient ; is already in the MST module with a value of 'No' and the WH Sexual ; Trauma value is 'None' or 'Civilian' then no additional MST entry ; is made. ; The provider who determined the value must be stored in the MST ; module. If the case manager associated with the patient or the user ; running this option is a provider, then the case manager or the user ; is identified as the provider who did the screening. If neither is ; a provider, then that patient's data is not added to the MST module. ; This option will display a list of WH patients whose data was added ; to the MST module. It will also display a list of WH patients whose ; data could not be added to the MST module. These lists are then sent ; to the case managers in a MailMan message. ; EN ; Run in the background N WVMESAGE,ZTDESC,ZTDTH,ZTIO,ZTRTN,ZTSAVE S ZTRTN="Q^WV14PST",ZTDESC="WV*1*14 INSTALLED" S ZTIO="",ZTDTH=$H D ^%ZTLOAD S WVMESAGE="The post-installation will run as background job #"_$G(ZTSK) D MES^XPDUTL(WVMESAGE) Q Q ; Entry point for the background job D REMOVE D START D DELETE D EXIT Q EXIT ; Exit and clean up K ^TMP($J) K WVCST,WVDASHES,WVDATE,WVDFN,WVDGMST,WVDUZ,WVFLAG,WVLINE,WVMGR,WVMGRN K WVMGRO,WVMSG,WVNAME,WVNODE,WVPROV,WVREASON,WVSPACES,WVSSN,WVST K WVTITLEN,WVTITLEY,WVUSER,WVX K X,XMDUN,XMDUZ,XMSUB,XMTEXT,XMY,XMZ,Y Q START ; Loop through FILE 790 I $D(ZTQUEUED) S ZTREQ="@" K ^TMP($J) S WVDFN=0 F S WVDFN=$O(^WV(790,WVDFN)) Q:'WVDFN D SET D EMAIL^WV14PST1 ;send email to case manager(s). Q SET ; Set tmp global S WVNODE=$G(^WV(790,WVDFN,0)) Q:WVNODE="" S WVST=$P(WVNODE,U,27) ;WH sexual trauma value ; determine CST value S WVCST=$S(WVST="C":"Y",WVST="B":"Y",WVST="N":"N",WVST="M":"N",1:"U") S:$P(WVNODE,U,28)="" $P(^WV(790,WVDFN,0),U,28)=WVCST ;set CST value S $P(^WV(790,WVDFN,0),U,27)="" ;null out (new) MST field Q:WVST="" ;no value to transfer to Registration Q:$$VET^WVUTL1A(WVDFN)'="Yes" ;veterans only S WVMGR=$P(WVNODE,U,10) ;case manager ien I '$D(XMY(WVMGR)) S XMY(WVMGR)="" ;send message to these case mgrs ; $$GETSTAT^DGMSTAPI supported API - IA #2716 S WVDGMST=$$GETSTAT^DGMSTAPI(WVDFN) ;get MST value from Registration Q:+WVDGMST=-1 ;couldn't retrieve MST status (i.e., DFN is null) S WVDGMST=$E($P(WVDGMST,U,2),1) Q:WVDGMST="Y" ;MST already set to YES I WVST="N",WVDGMST="N" Q ;both are NO, don't update MST I WVST="C",WVDGMST="N" Q ;Civilian & No, don't update MST S WVDGMST=$$CONVERT(WVST) Q:WVDGMST="" ;not an MST value S WVMGRN=$$PERSON^WVUTL1(WVMGR) ;case manager name S WVPROV=$$PROVIDER(DUZ,WVMGR) S WVNAME=$$NAME^WVUTL1(WVDFN) ;patient name S WVSSN=$$SSN^WVUTL1(WVDFN) ;patient ssn S WVST=$S(WVST="M":"Military",WVST="C":"Civilian",WVST="B":"Both",WVST="N":"None",1:"") I WVPROV="" S ^TMP($J,"WVNO",WVMGRN,WVMGR,WVNAME,WVDFN)=WVST_U_U_U_WVSSN_U_"Determining Provider Unknown" Q ; $$NEWSTAT^DGMSTAPI supported API - IA 2716 ; parameters(dfn,mst status,date/time,provider ien). A null d/t=NOW. S WVFLAG=$$NEWSTAT^DGMSTAPI(WVDFN,WVDGMST,"",WVPROV) ; +WVFLAG will be the ien of the MST entry, if successful I +WVFLAG=-1 S ^TMP($J,"WVNO",WVMGRN,WVMGR,WVNAME,WVDFN)=WVST_U_U_U_WVSSN_U_$P(WVFLAG,U,2) Q ;no entry made in Registration S WVDGMST=$S(WVDGMST="Y":"Yes",WVDGMST="N":"No",WVDGMST="D":"Declined",WVDGMST="U":"Undefined",1:"") I WVPROV S WVPROV=$$PERSON^WVUTL1(WVPROV) ;get provider name I +WVFLAG S ^TMP($J,"WVYES",WVMGRN,WVMGR,WVNAME,WVDFN)=WVST_U_WVDGMST_U_WVPROV_U_WVSSN Q CONVERT(WVST) ; Convert WH code to MST code ; Convert Military or Both to Yes. ; " Civilian or None to No. ; Ignore null. Q $S(WVST="M":"Y",WVST="C":"N",WVST="B":"Y",WVST="N":"N",1:"") ; PROVIDER(WVDUZ,WVMGR) ; Determine provider. ; Try case manager first, then try user (i.e., DUZ). ; $$GET^XUA4A72 supported API - IA #1625 I WVMGR I +$$GET^XUA4A72(WVMGR)>0 Q WVMGR I WVDUZ I +$$GET^XUA4A72(WVDUZ)>0 Q WVDUZ Q "" ; REMOVE ; Remove [WV ADD TO MST] option from File Maintenance Menu ; Remove [DGMST ENTER NEW MST] option from Patient Management menu N WVFLAG,WVMENU,WVOPTION S WVMENU="WV MENU-PATIENT MANAGEMENT" S WVOPTION="DGMST ENTER NEW MST" S WVFLAG=$$DELETE^XPDMENU(WVMENU,WVOPTION) Q DELETE ; Delete the SEXUAL TRAUMA field (FILE 790, Field #.27) N DA,DIK S DIK="^DD(790,",DA=.27,DA(1)=790 D ^DIK Q