WV7PST ;HCIOFO/FT-Patch 7 Post-Installation Routine ;10/1/99 18:00 ;;1.0;WOMEN'S HEALTH;**7**;Sep 30, 1998 ; EN ; Start post-install D XREF,RCODE,ZERO D QMAIL Q XREF ; Index new cross-reference added to File 790.2 (CPT CODE - .08) N DIK S DIK="^WV(790.2,",DIK(1)=".08" D ENALL^DIK Q RCODE ; Put R code in PACKAGE (#.05), File 790.2 N DA,DIE,DR,WVLOOP F WVLOOP="BREAST ULTRASOUND","MAMMOGRAM DX BILAT","MAMMOGRAM DX UNILAT","MAMMOGRAM SCREENING","PELVIC ULTRASOUND","VAGINAL ULTRASOUND" D .S DA=$O(^WV(790.2,"B",WVLOOP,0)) .Q:'DA .S DR=".05///"_"R",DIE="^WV(790.2," .D ^DIE .Q Q QMAIL ; Queue mail message N ZTDESC,ZTDTH,ZTIO,ZTRTN,ZTSAVE S ZTRTN="MAIL^WV7PST",ZTDESC="WV*1*7 INSTALLED" S ZTIO="",ZTDTH=$H D ^%ZTLOAD Q MAIL ; Send message to Default Case Managers to ; 1) enter parameters for new procedures ; 2) include |APPOINTMENTS| on form letters (if desired). N XMDUZ,XMSUB,XMTEXT,XMY,WVSITE,WVIEN,WVLINE,WVMSG S (WVLINE,WVSITE)=0 F S WVSITE=$O(^WV(790.02,WVSITE)) Q:'WVSITE D .S WVIEN=$P($G(^WV(790.02,WVSITE,0)),U,2) ;default case manager .Q:'WVIEN .S XMY(WVIEN)="" .Q I '$O(XMY(0)) Q SEND ; Create mail message and send S XMDUZ=.5 ;message sender S XMSUB="Women's Health patch #7 installed" S WVMSG(+$$LINE())="Patch #7 for the Women's Health package was installed. This patch adds 3" S WVMSG(+$$LINE())="new procedures for tracking. They are: Tubal Ligation, Pelvic Ultrasound" S WVMSG(+$$LINE())="and Vaginal Ultrasound. Please update your site parameters:" S WVMSG(+$$LINE())=" " S WVMSG(+$$LINE())=" Go to the: File Maintenance menu" S WVMSG(+$$LINE())=" Select the: Edit Site Parameters option" S WVMSG(+$$LINE())=" Select your: Site/Facility" S WVMSG(+$$LINE())="Go to pages 5 and 6" S WVMSG(+$$LINE())=" " S WVMSG(+$$LINE())="Enter YES in the 'Active' column and a numeric value in the 'DAYS DELINQUENT'" S WVMSG(+$$LINE())="column for each new procedure." S WVMSG(+$$LINE())=" " S WVMSG(+$$LINE())="Exit and save your changes." S WVMSG(+$$LINE())=" " S WVMSG(+$$LINE())="===================================================" S WVMSG(+$$LINE())=" " S WVMSG(+$$LINE())="Also, you can automatically have a patient's future appointments display in" S WVMSG(+$$LINE())="a notification letter. To do so:" S WVMSG(+$$LINE())=" " S WVMSG(+$$LINE())=" Go to the: File Maintenance menu" S WVMSG(+$$LINE())=" Select the: Add/Edit a Notification Purpose & Letter option" S WVMSG(+$$LINE())=" " S WVMSG(+$$LINE())="Select the notification letter which will display the future appointments." S WVMSG(+$$LINE())=" " S WVMSG(+$$LINE())="Answer NO to the 'Do you wish to delete the old letter for this Purpose of" S WVMSG(+$$LINE())="Notification and replace it with the generic sample letter?" S WVMSG(+$$LINE())="Enter Yes or No: NO//' prompt." S WVMSG(+$$LINE())=" " S WVMSG(+$$LINE())="Navigate to the FORM LETTER (WP) field." S WVMSG(+$$LINE())=" " S WVMSG(+$$LINE())="In the text of the letter type ""|APPOINTMENTS|"" (without the quotes) along" S WVMSG(+$$LINE())="with any other text that should appear in the letter." S WVMSG(+$$LINE())=" " S WVMSG(+$$LINE())="For example, create a new paragraph:" S WVMSG(+$$LINE())=" " S WVMSG(+$$LINE())="Your future appointments are:" S WVMSG(+$$LINE())="|APPOINTMENTS|" S WVMSG(+$$LINE())=" " S WVMSG(+$$LINE())=" " S XMTEXT="WVMSG(" D ^XMD Q LINE() ; Increment line counter by 1 S WVLINE=+$G(WVLINE)+1 Q WVLINE ; ZERO ; Set Fields .77, .78 and .79 in File 790.71 entries to zero ; (pieces 28, 29 & 30 of node 2). N WVLOOP,WVNODE,WVX S WVLOOP=0 F S WVLOOP=$O(^WV(790.71,WVLOOP)) Q:'WVLOOP D .S WVNODE=$G(^WV(790.71,WVLOOP,2)) .Q:WVNODE="" .F WVX=28,29,30 S:$P(WVNODE,U,WVX)="" $P(WVNODE,U,WVX)=0 .S ^WV(790.71,WVLOOP,2)=WVNODE .Q Q