WVBRNEDH ;HCIOFO/FT,JR IHS/ANMC/MWR - BROWSE TX NEEDS PAST DUE; ;;1.0;WOMEN'S HEALTH;;Sep 30, 1998 ;;* MICHAEL REMILLARD, DDS * ALASKA NATIVE MEDICAL CENTER * ;; HELP TEXT FOR SELECTING CRITERIA WHEN BROWSING TX NEEDS. ;; CALLED BY WVBRNED. ; HELP1 ;EP ;;Answer "YES" to include in the report those patients whose ;;Breast or Cervical Treatment Needs are undetermined. ;;Answer "NO" to report only those patients whose Breast and ;;Cervical Treatment Needs are known and past their due dates. S WVTAB=5,WVLINL="HELP1" D HELPTX Q ; HELP2 ;EP ;;Answer "DATE DELINQUENT" to display Procedures in order of ;;DATE DELINQUENT in other words, earliest DATE first. ;;Answer "PATIENT NAME" to display Procedures alphabetically by ;;patient name. S WVTAB=5,WVLINL="HELP2" D HELPTX Q ; HELP3 ;EP ;;Answer "ONE" to browse Procedures for ONE particular Case Manager. ;;Answer "ALL" to browse Procedures for ALL Case Managers. S WVTAB=5,WVLINL="HELP3" D HELPTX Q ; HELP4 ;EP ;;The date you select will be the date against which patients' Tx Needs ;;Due Dates will be checked. If you choose a date in the future, ;;patients with Tx Needs past due on that future date will be included ;;in the report. Choosing a future date in this report may be of help ;;in anticipating which patients' Tx Needs are about to become past due ;;before they actually become delinquent. S WVTAB=5,WVLINL="HELP4" D HELPTX Q ; HELPTX ;EP ;---> CREATES DIR ARRAY FOR DIR. REQUIRED VARIABLES: WVTAB,WVLINL. N I,T,X S T=$$REPEAT^XLFSTR(" ",WVTAB) F I=1:1 S X=$T(@WVLINL+I) Q:X'[";;" S DIR("?",I)=T_$P(X,";;",2) S DIR("?")=DIR("?",I-1) K DIR("?",I-1) Q