WVCMGR ;HCIOFO/FT,JR IHS/ANMC/MWR - ADD/EDIT CASE MANAGER; ;8/10/98 15:08 ;;1.0;WOMEN'S HEALTH;;Sep 30, 1998 ;;* MICHAEL REMILLARD, DDS * ALASKA NATIVE MEDICAL CENTER * ;; CALLED BY OPTION: "WV ADD/EDIT CASE MANAGERS" TO ADD AND EDIT ;; CASE MANAGERS. ; ;---> DIE ADD/EDIT CASE MANAGERS LOOP. D SETVARS^WVUTL5 N Y F D Q:$G(Y)<0 .D TITLE^WVUTL5("ADD/EDIT CASE MANAGERS") .S WVDICW="S WVY=Y N Y S Y=$P($G(^WV(790.01,+WVY,0)),U,2) D DD^%DT W:$L(Y)>10 ?32,""DATE INACTIVATED: "",Y" .D DIC^WVFMAN(790.01,"QEMAL",.Y," Select CASE MANAGER: ","","","","",WVDICW) .K WVDICW Q:Y<0 .D DIE^WVFMAN(790.01,.02,+Y,.WVPOP) .S:WVPOP Y=-1 ; EXIT ;EP D KILLALL^WVUTL8 Q ; TRANS ;EP ;---> TRANSFER ONE CASE MANAGER'S PATIENTS TO ANOTHER CASE MANAGER. ; D TRANS1 D EXIT Q ; TRANS1 ;EP D TITLE^WVUTL5("TRANSFER A CASE MANAGER'S PATIENTS") D TEXT1 S WVJOPEN=1 S WVDICW="S WVY=Y N Y S Y=$P($G(^WV(790.01,+WVY,0)),U,2) D DD^%DT W:$L(Y)>10 ?32,""DATE INACTIVATED: "",Y" D DIC^WVFMAN(790.01,"QEMA",.Y," Select OLD CASE MANAGER: ","","","","",WVDICW) K WVJOPEN,WVDICW Q:Y<0 S WVCMGR=+Y S WVDICW="S WVY=Y N Y S Y=$P($G(^WV(790.01,+WVY,0)),U,2) D DD^%DT W:$L(Y)>10 ?32,""DATE INACTIVATED: "",Y" D DIC^WVFMAN(790.01,"QEMA",.Y," Select NEW CASE MANAGER: ","","","","",WVDICW) K WVDICW Q:Y<0 S WVCMGR1=+Y W !!?3,"All patients currently assigned to: ",$$PERSON^WVUTL1(WVCMGR) W !?3,"will be reassigned to.............: ",$$PERSON^WVUTL1(WVCMGR1) ; ;---> YES/NO W !!?3,"Do you wish to proceed?" S DIR("?")=" Enter YES to swap Case Managers." S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")=" Enter Yes or No" D ^DIR W ! Q:$D(DIRUT)!('Y) N M,N S N=0,M=0 F S N=$O(^WV(790,"C",WVCMGR,N)) Q:'N D .D DIE^WVFMAN(790,".1////"_WVCMGR1,N,.WVPOP) .Q:WVPOP S M=M+1 W !?3,M," patients transferred from ",$$PERSON^WVUTL1(WVCMGR) W " to ",$$PERSON^WVUTL1(WVCMGR1),"." D DIRZ^WVUTL3 Q ; TEXT1 ;EP ;;The purpose of this utility is to aid in the transfer of all of one ;;Case Manager's patients to another Case Manager, such as when there ;;is a turnover in staff. The program will ask you for an "OLD" Case ;;Manager and then for a "NEW" Case Manager. All patients who were ;;previously assigned to the "OLD" Case Manager will be reassigned to ;;the "NEW" Case Manager. ;; ;;If the "NEW" Case Manager you are looking for cannot be selected, ;;that person must first be added to the file of Case Managers by ;;using the "Add/Edit Case Managers" option. ;; S WVTAB=5,WVLINL="TEXT1" D PRINTX Q ; PRINTX ;EP N I,T,X S T=$$REPEAT^XLFSTR(" ",WVTAB) F I=1:1 S X=$T(@WVLINL+I) Q:X'[";;" W !,T,$P(X,";;",2) Q