WVRPSCR ;HCIOFO/FT,JR IHS/ANMC/MWR - Display Compliance Rates ;12/9/98 13:39 ;;1.0;WOMEN'S HEALTH;**3**;Sep 30, 1998 ;;* MICHAEL REMILLARD, DDS * ALASKA NATIVE MEDICAL CENTER * ;; THIS REPORT WILL DISPLAY COMPLIANCE RATES FOR PAPS & MAMS. ; PRINT ;EP ; N I,J,M,N,P,Q D SETUP D TITLE^WVUTL5("COMPLIANCE RATES FOR PAPS AND MAMS") D TEXT1,DIRZ^WVUTL3 G:WVPOP EXIT D DATES G:WVPOP EXIT D AGERNG G:WVPOP EXIT D DEVICE G:WVPOP EXIT D DATA^WVRPSCR1,EN^WVRPSCR2 D DISPLAY I WVCRT&('$D(IO("S")))&('$G(WVPOP)) D DIRZ^WVUTL3 W @IOF ; EXIT ;EP D KILLALL^WVUTL8 Q ; SETUP ;EP D SETVARS^WVUTL5 Q ; DATES ;EP ;---> ASK DATE RANGE. RETURN DATES IN WVBEGDT AND WVENDDT. D ASKDATES^WVUTL3(.WVBEGDT,.WVENDDT,.WVPOP) Q ; AGERNG ;EP ;---> ASK AGE RANGE. ;---> RETURN AGE RANGE IN WVAGRG. D AGERNG^WVRPSCR1(.WVAGRG,.WVPOP) Q ; DEVICE ;EP ;---> GET DEVICE AND POSSIBLY QUEUE TO TASKMAN. S ZTRTN="DEQUEUE^WVRPSCR" F WVSV="AGRG","BEGDT","ENDDT" D .I $D(@("WV"_WVSV)) S ZTSAVE("WV"_WVSV)="" ;---> SAVE ATTRIBUTES ARRAY. NOTE: SUBSTITUTE LOCAL ARRAY FOR WVATT. I $D(WVCC) N N S N=0 F S N=$O(WVCC(N)) Q:N="" D .S ZTSAVE("WVCC("""_N_""")")="" D ZIS^WVUTL2(.WVPOP,1,"HOME") Q ; ; DISPLAY ;EP U IO S WVTITLE="* WOMEN'S HEALTH: COMPLIANCE RATES FOR PAPS AND MAMS *" D CENTERT^WVUTL5(.WVTITLE) D TOPHEAD^WVUTL7 S WVPAGE=1,WVPOP=0 S WVSUB="W !?3,""For Age Range: "",$S(WVAGRG=1:""ALL"",1:WVAGRG)" ; S (WVPOP,N,Z)=0 W:WVCRT @IOF D HEADER8^WVUTL7 F S N=$O(^TMP("WV",$J,N)) Q:'N!(WVPOP) D .I N=16.001!(N=7.001) W ! D HDR^WVRPSCR2 .I $Y+3>IOSL D:WVCRT DIRZ^WVUTL3 Q:WVPOP I $O(^TMP("WV",$J,N))'="" W @IOF D HEADER8^WVUTL7 D:'WVCRT HDR^WVRPSCR2 .W !,^TMP("WV",$J,N,0) D ^%ZISC Q ; DEQUEUE ;EP ;---> CALLED BY TASKMAN D SETUP,DATA^WVRPSCR1,EN^WVRPSCR2,DISPLAY,EXIT Q ; TEXT1 ; ;;This report is designed to serve as an indicator of compliance ;;rates for PAPs and MAMs. The report will display the percentages ;;of women who received PAPs and MAMs for compliance purposes only, ;;within the selected date range. ;; ;;Only patients who have had normal results for procedures in the ;;specified date range are counted; the intent is to exclude ;;any procedures that would involve abnormal results, diagnostic ;;and follow-up procedures, etc. Due to the complexities ;;involved in the treatment of individual cases that involve ;;abnormal results, those patients will not be included, even ;;though some of them may have received screening PAPs or MAMs. ;; ;;This report, therefore, serves ONLY AS AN INDICATOR (NOT as an exact ;;count of compliance rates) for gauging the success rates of annual ;;screening programs. It can be run for several different time frames ;;in order to examine trends. Assuming a screening cycle of one year, ;;a minimum date range spanning 15 months is recommended. S WVTAB=5,WVLINL="TEXT1" D PRINTX Q ; PRINTX ;EP N I,T,X S T=$$REPEAT^XLFSTR(" ",WVTAB) F I=1:1 S X=$T(@WVLINL+I) Q:X'[";;" W !,T,$P(X,";;",2) Q