WVUTL10 ;HCIOFO/FT-Women's Health Utility Routine ;1/12/01 14:41 ;;1.0;WOMEN'S HEALTH;**14**;Sep 30, 1998 STOPCHK(FLAG) ; Does user want to stop background task? ; FLAG: 0 - Check is done before any output to the user. ; 1 - Check is done after output to user has begun. Q:'$D(ZTQUEUED) ;not a background task I $$S^%ZTLOAD D .S ZTSTOP=1 ;set TaskMan variable equal to 1 to stop task .K ZTREQ ;keep record of task in task log .Q Q:+$G(ZTSTOP)=0 ;no request to stop task Q:'FLAG ;don't send message to output device ; Print message to output device N WVSTOP S WVSTOP(1)=" *** OUTPUT STOPPED AT USER'S REQUEST ***" S WVSTOP(2)=" Option Name: "_$S($P($G(XQY0),"^")]"":$P($G(XQY0),"^"),1:"Unknown") S WVSTOP(3)=" Option Menu Text: "_$S($P($G(XQY0),"^",2)]"":$P($G(XQY0),"^",2),1:"Unknown") S WVSTOP(4)=" Task #: "_$S(+$G(ZTSK)>0:+$G(ZTSK),1:"Unknown") D EN^DDIOL(.WVSTOP,"","!?10") Q