RGADT2 ;HIRMFO/GJC-TFL FILE SEEDING ROUTINE (PD-MPI LOAD) ;09/21/99 ;;1.0;CLINICAL INFO RESOURCE NETWORK;**4,17,20**;30 Apr 99 Q ; quit if called from the top ; EN ; entry point to check the TREATING FACILITY LIST (TFL-391.91) file ; for the proper LAST TREATMENT DATE. This code is part of the post ; init for RG*1*4. This can also be called from the EN1 entry point ; to determine the LAST TREATMENT DATE for a specific patient. ; Closely linked to the MFU event message broadcasts used to update ; the TFL (#391.91) file. ; ;IA: 2053 - FILE^DIE ;IA: 2070 - check for national ICN, 1st piece "MPI" node (global read) ;IA: 2701 - $$IFLOCAL^MPIF001 ;IA: 2546 - GETGEN/PARSE^SDOE ;IA: 2988 - FILE^VAFCTFU ;IA: 2541 - $$KSP^XUPARAM ;IA: 2953 - ^SCE("ADFN" ;IA: 10061 - IN5^VADPT ;IA: 10103 - $$FMDIFF/$$NOW^XLFDT ;IA: 10104 - $$STRIP^XLFSTR ;IA: 10070 - ^XMD ;IA: 10141 - $$PARCP/$$UPCP^XPDUTL ; Q:$P($G(^RGSITE(991.8,1,1)),"^",2) ; seeding process ran in the past ; S:$D(ZTQUEUED) ZTREQ="@" S U="^",RGSITE=$$KSP^XUPARAM("INST") ;defines the local facility S RGSTRT=$$NOW^XLFDT(),RGCNT=0 ; check to see if software is part of an KIDS install. If not, no ; checkpoints needed. S RGICN=$S($D(XPDNM):+$$PARCP^XPDUTL("POST2"),1:0) ; check ALL patients with an Integration Control Number (ICN) for a ; given facility, make sure the DATE LAST TREATED field in the TFL ; file is correct. F S RGICN=$O(^DPT("AICN",RGICN)) Q:RGICN'>0 D . S RGDFN=0 . F S RGDFN=$O(^DPT("AICN",RGICN,RGDFN)) Q:RGDFN'>0 D EN1(RGDFN) . S RGCNT=RGCNT+1 ; increment record counter . S:$D(XPDNM) RGSAVE=$$UPCP^XPDUTL("POST2",RGICN) . Q S RGFIN=$$NOW^XLFDT() D EMAIL^RGADT2 ; send completion message to user ; populate the 'MPI/PD SEEDING COMP DATE/TIME' (#12) field in the CIRN ; SITE PARAMETER FILE (#991.8) (do not re-seed a facility) K RGFDA S RGFDA(991.8,"1,",12)=$$NOW^XLFDT() D FILE^DIE("K","RGFDA"),KILL QUIT ; EN1(RGDFN,RGSUP) ; determine the LAST TREATMENT DATE for a single ; patient called from our seeding process above. ; input: RGDFN - the dfn of the patient ; RGSUP - if 1, suppress add entries to the ADT HL7 PIVOT ; (#391.71) file for TF messaging - VAFCTFMF (optional) ; output: RGDATE - patient's DATE LAST TREATED ; RGENVR - event reason ; Q:$$LOCICN(RGDFN,$G(RGICN)) ; local ICN S U="^" S RGSITE=$$KSP^XUPARAM("INST") ;defines the local facility S (RGLAST,RGADMDIS)=$$ADMDIS(RGDFN) ; dt_"^"_event type or "" S RGADMDIS=$S(RGADMDIS]"":$P(RGADMDIS,"^"),1:"") ; event dt or null S:$P(RGLAST,"^",2)=3!(RGLAST="") RGENCDT=$$ENCDT(RGDFN,RGADMDIS) ; patient has been discharged or has never been admitted. Has this ; individual been checked out of a clinic? I $D(RGENCDT)#2,($P(RGLAST,U)) S RGLAST=$S(+RGENCDT>+RGLAST:RGENCDT,1:RGLAST) I $D(RGENCDT)#2,('$P(RGLAST,U)) S RGLAST=RGENCDT S RGTYPE=$P(RGLAST,"^",2),RGDATE=+RGLAST ; input variables to FILE^VAFCTFU ; RGDFN - patient ien ; RGSITE - treating facility ; RGDATE - date last treated ; RGENVR - event reason ; I RGDATE D SETMSG,FILE^VAFCTFU(RGDFN,RGSITE_U_RGDATE_U_RGENVR,$G(RGSUP)) ; update the TFL file for the site running the seeding process, ; then build the HL7 message with the new DATE LAST TREATED & ; ADT/HL7 EVENT REASON values & send them to our CMOR/subscribers. ; D:$G(XPDNM)'="RG*1.0*4" KILL ; single patient operation, kill all ; variables (EN1 re-entrant when running post-install for RG*1.0*4) Q ; KILL ; kill and quit K DFN,RGADMDIS,RGCNT,RGDATE,RGDFN,RGENCDT,RGENVR,RGFDA,RGFIN,RGICN K RGLAST,RGSAVE,RGSITE,RGSTRT,RGTYPE Q ; ADMDIS(DFN) ; find the patient's last admission and discharge dates if ; they exist. ; Input: DFN - ien of the patient (file 2) ;Output: a valid discharge/admission date/time concatenated with ; the event type (1=admission, 3=discharge) -or- null N %,VAERR,VAIP S VAIP("D")="LAST" D IN5^VADPT I '+$G(VAIP(17,1)),('+$G(VAIP(13,1))) Q "" ; no discharge date, no admission date, return null I '+$G(VAIP(17,1)) Q $P($G(VAIP(13,1)),U)_"^1" ; no discharge date, return admission date I '+$G(VAIP(13,1)) Q $P($G(VAIP(17,1)),U)_"^3" ; no admission date, return discharge date I +$G(VAIP(17,1))>(+$G(VAIP(13,1))) Q +$G(VAIP(17,1))_"^3" ; return discharge date Q +$G(VAIP(13,1))_"^1" ; return admission date ; ENCDT(DFN,INPDT) ; find the last patient check out date/time. 'ADFN' ; cross-reference accessed through DBIA: 2953 ; Input: DFN - ien of the patient (file 2) ; INPDT - date (if any) returned from the inpatient admission/ ; discharge subroutine ;Output: a valid discharge/admission date/time concatenated with ; the event type (5=check out) -or- null Q:'DFN "" ; we need dfn defined K RGDATA,RGPURGE,RGX,RGX1,RGX2 N RGX3 S RGX=9999999.9999999,RGX2=0,RGX3="" F S RGX=$O(^SCE("ADFN",DFN,RGX),-1) Q:'RGX!(INPDT>RGX) D Q:RGX2 . S RGX1=0 F S RGX1=$O(^SCE("ADFN",DFN,RGX,RGX1)) Q:'RGX1 D Q:RGX2 .. D GETGEN^SDOE(RGX1,"RGDATA") .. D PARSE^SDOE(.RGDATA,"EXTERNAL","RGPARSE") .. I $G(RGPARSE(.12))="CHECKED OUT" S RGX2=1,RGX3=RGX .. K RGDATA,RGPARSE .. Q . Q K RGDATA,RGPURGE,RGX,RGX1,RGX2 Q RGX3_"^5" ; X is either null or the date/time of the check out ; SETMSG ; define the variables used to build a HL7 message (RGADT1) S DFN=RGDFN S RGENVR=$S(RGTYPE=1:"A1",RGTYPE=3:"A2",1:"A3") ;A1=adm;A2=dis;A3=CO Q ; EMAIL ; Send a completion email message to the user who installed this patch, ; RG*1*4. Show the number of records processed, elapsed time and the ; number of records processed per minute. N RGELAPS,RGARY,RGMIN S XMDUZ=.5,XMY(DUZ)="",XMTEXT="RGARY(1," S XMSUB="CIRN-CPRS DATE LAST TREATED seeding (#391.91 ; .03) results" S RGMIN=$$FMDIFF^XLFDT(RGFIN,RGSTRT,2)/60 ; # of sec x (1 min/60 sec) S:RGMIN=0 RGMIN=1 ; avoid a possible divide by zero S RGELAPS=$$FMDIFF^XLFDT(RGFIN,RGSTRT,3) S RGARY(1,1)="# of processed patients, in the PATIENT (#2) file" S RGARY(1,2)="with an ICN: "_RGCNT S RGARY(1,3)="TFL seeding process run time: "_RGELAPS_" (DD HH:MM:SS format)" S RGARY(1,4)="# of records processed per minute: "_$$STRIP^XLFSTR($J((RGCNT/RGMIN),8,2)," ") D ^XMD K XMDUZ,XMSUB,XMTEXT,XMY Q ; LOCICN(DFN,ICN) ; check if this patient has a national ICN without having a ; local ICN. This function is used when an entire site (all patients) ; is seeding, or for individual patient seeding. ; note: IA 2070 covers the hit on the 'MPI' node ; IA 2701 covers the call to $$IFLOCAL^MPIF001 ;input variables: ; DFN(required)-Patient ien (PATIENT file #2) ; ICN(optional)-Integration Control Number(fld: 991.01, file 2) ;output variable: ; FLAG-0 if the patient has a national ICN and not a local ICN, else 1 N FLAG S FLAG=1 I +$G(ICN) D . I $P($G(^DPT(DFN,"MPI")),"^")=ICN,('$$IFLOCAL^MPIF001(DFN)) S FLAG=0 . Q E D . I $P($G(^DPT(DFN,"MPI")),"^"),('$$IFLOCAL^MPIF001(DFN)) S FLAG=0 . Q Q FLAG