RGADTUT ;HIRMFO/GJC-utility; determine pat. subscriptions (A01/A03) ;09/21/99 ;;1.0;CLINICAL INFO RESOURCE NETWORK;**17**;30 Apr 99 ; ; Integration Agreements (IAs) utilized in this application: ; #2270-call to HLSUB (ACT, GET & UPDATE) ; #2271-call to LINK^HLUTIL3 ; #2541-call to $$KSP^XUPARAM ; #2706-call to $$UPDATE^MPIFAPI ; #2796-call to RGHLLOG (EXC, START & STOP) ; #2988-call to FILE^VAFCTFU ; ; Note: SHARE function is called from RGADT1 to determine if VistA HL7 ; messages are to be built (is GENERATE^HLMA to be called?) ; SHARE(RGZSTR) ; determine if the patient is shared: ; a) If shared, return one to RGADT1 and call GENERATE^HLMA ; b) If not shared and the host facility is the CMOR, update ; host TFL record, do not call GENERATE^HLMA ; c) If not shared and the host facility is not the CMOR, add ; the CMOR to the subscription list, return one to RGADT1 ; and call GENERATE^HLMA ; ; input=> RGZSTR-patient_dfn^date_last_treated^event_type ; yield=> 0 to prevent calling GENERATE^HLMA, else make the call ; ; note: 1) Event Type will equal A01 or A03. This needs to be ; converted a valid ADT/HL7 EVENT REASON (#391.72) entry. ; 2) RGSD101 & RGDG101 are assumed to have a global scope ; N HLDT,HLINKP,HLINKX,RGZCMOR,RGZDFN,RGZDT,RGZEVT,RGZFLG,RGZHLL,RGZMPI N RGZSF,RGZSUB S RGZDFN=$P(RGZSTR,"^"),RGZDT=$P(RGZSTR,"^",2),RGZEVT=$P(RGZSTR,"^",3) S RGZMPI=$$MPINODE^MPIFAPI(RGZDFN),RGZSF=$$KSP^XUPARAM("INST") ; note to myself: missing MPI node, update TFL & return 0 ;I +RGZMPI=-1 D TFL Q 0 <= should never occur, RGADT1 checks for ICN S RGZCMOR=$P($G(RGZMPI),"^",3),RGZSUB=$P($G(RGZMPI),"^",5) D:RGZSUB GET^HLSUB(RGZSUB,0,,.RGZHLL) ; find shared sites S RGZFLG=+$O(RGZHLL("LINKS",$C(32)),-1) ; at this point if RGZFLG>0 yield RGZFLG, else evaluate the conditions ; listed above (b & c) I 'RGZFLG D ; no shared sites, take action (RGZFLG may be reset) .I 'RGZCMOR D TFL Q ;CMOR not found, subsequent conditions not met .; .;b) the host site is the CMOR, update local TFL record, quit .I RGZSF,(RGZSF=RGZCMOR) D TFL Q .; .;c) if we're not the CMOR, we'll add the CMOR to the subscription list .I RGZSF,(RGZSF'=RGZCMOR) D ..N RGZ774,RGZERR,RGZLL ..D LINK^HLUTIL3(RGZCMOR,.RGZLL) ..;log. link for CMOR missing, log exception, file data in TFL & quit ..I '$O(RGZLL(0)) D Q ...D EXC("Cannot add CMOR (#4): "_RGZCMOR_", as a subscriber to: "_RGZSF_" (#4)") ...D TFL ...Q ..;found the CMOR's logical link, add the subscription ..S RGZLL=RGZLL($O(RGZLL(0))),RGZ774=$$ACT^HLSUB ..D UPD^HLSUB(RGZ774,RGZLL,1,"","","",.RGZERR) ..; if update errored: log exception, file data into TFL & quit ..I $O(RGZERR(0)) D Q ...D EXC("Subscription add (#774) failed for DFN: "_RGZDFN_", subscriber: "_RGZLL) ...D TFL ...Q ..;subscription added, set flag (HL7 message can be generated) ..E S RGZFLG=1 ..;update the SUBSCRIPTION CONTROL NUMBER (#991.05) field, file #2 ..K RGZERR N RGZARR ..S RGZARR(991.05)=RGZ774,RGZERR=$$UPDATE^MPIFAPI(RGZDFN,"RGZARR") ..;if error updating field, file an exception ..I +RGZERR=-1 D EXC("Subscription add (fld: 991.05, file: #2) failed for DFN: "_RGZDFN_", subscriber: "_RGZLL) ..Q .Q Q RGZFLG ;shared site(s) found/added? 0=no, else yes... ; EXC(RGX) ; log an exception because: ;a) logical link not found for CMOR ;b) new subscription not added to Subscription Control (#774) file ;c) subscription control pointer not added to "MPI" node (fld: 991.05) ; input: RGX-exception text D START^RGHLLOG(),EXC^RGHLLOG(224,RGX,RGZDFN),STOP^RGHLLOG(0) Q TFL ; update the Treating Facility List file on: ; an exception -or- no subscribers CMOR data missing -or- ; "MPI" node missing -or- no subscribers & host is the CMOR ; Note: RGZSF is global in scope N RGZEVR I RGZEVT="A01" S RGZEVR="A1" E S RGZEVR=$S(($D(RGSD101))#2:"A3",1:"A2") D:RGZSF FILE^VAFCTFU(RGZDFN,RGZSF_"^"_RGZDT_"^"_RGZEVR,1) ;3rd param=1, do not involve the ADT/HL7 PIVOT (#391.71) file Q