RGJUSITE ;ALB/JLU-CIRN SITE PARAMETER (#991.8) FILE API ;10/01/96 ;;1.0;CLINICAL INFO RESOURCE NETWORK;**7,19**;30 Apr 99 ; SEND() ;this function call is used to determine if the MPI/PD messages should ;be fired. It will check the parameter 'stop mpi/pd messaging' in 991.8 ;INPUTS - There are no inputs. ;OUTPUTS - This function will return a zero if the messages are ; to be stopped. ; A positive one will be returned if the messages are ; not to be stopped. ; A two will be returned for suspend. ; N VAL,IEN,STOP ;**7 S STOP=1 S IEN=$O(^RGSITE(991.8,"B",1,0)) G STOPQ:'IEN S VAL=$P($G(^RGSITE(991.8,IEN,1)),U,6) S STOP=$S('VAL:0,1:1,2:2) ; STOPQ Q STOP ;