1 | Globals from FOIA VistA with corrected Node problem for the cross references in the mental health files for C and AU
2 | Cache 13-Sep-2008 18:35:03 ZWR
3 | ^PX(815,0)="PCE PARAMETERS^815^1^1"
4 | ^PX(815,1,0)="1^2960823^2960823"
5 | ^PX(815,1,"DI")="1^0"
6 | ^PX(815,1,"HS1",0)="^^5^5^2960809^^^^"
7 | ^PX(815,1,"HS1",1,0)="The following disease screening, immunization and patient education"
8 | ^PX(815,1,"HS1",2,0)="recommendations are offered as guidelines to assist in your practice."
9 | ^PX(815,1,"HS1",3,0)="These are only recommendations, not practice standards. The appropriate"
10 | ^PX(815,1,"HS1",4,0)="utilization of these for your individual patient must be based on clinical"
11 | ^PX(815,1,"HS1",5,0)="judgment and the patient's current status."
12 | ^PX(815,1,"LM")="^A^-30^1^-7^0"
13 | ^PX(815,1,"PATCH")="1"
14 | ^PX(815,1,"PXPT")="1^0"
15 | ^PX(815,"B",1,1)=""
17 | ^PX(839.7,0)="PCE DATA SOURCE^839.7^35^18"
18 | ^PX(839.7,1,0)="IB ENCOUNTER FORM^^^^^^^^1"
19 | ^PX(839.7,2,0)="PANDAS^^^^^^^^1"
20 | ^PX(839.7,3,0)="TELEFORM^^^^^^^^1"
21 | ^PX(839.7,4,0)="IMAGING WORKSTATION^^^^^^^^0"
22 | ^PX(839.7,5,0)="CLINICAL WORKSTATION^^^^^^^^1"
23 | ^PX(839.7,6,0)="VISIT REPOINTING ROUTINE^^^^^^^^0"
24 | ^PX(839.7,6,1,0)="^^2^2^2941024^"
25 | ^PX(839.7,6,1,1,0)="The Visit Repointing rouitne ""PXVMRG1"" will be editing entries in the"
26 | ^PX(839.7,6,1,2,0)="V Files."
27 | ^PX(839.7,8,0)="PIMS CHECK-OUT^^^^^^^^0"
28 | ^PX(839.7,8,1,0)="^^1^1^2941212^^"
29 | ^PX(839.7,8,1,1,0)="The check-out process in PIMS that feeds PCE"
30 | ^PX(839.7,9,0)="PXCE DATA ENTRY^^^^^^^^1"
31 | ^PX(839.7,9,1,0)="^^2^2^2950426^^^"
32 | ^PX(839.7,9,1,1,0)="This is PCE Encounter Data Entry, which is a List Manager User Interface."
33 | ^PX(839.7,9,1,2,0)="It has the name space of PXCE."
34 | ^PX(839.7,11,0)="PIMS"
35 | ^PX(839.7,12,0)="PCE DELETE V-FILES API"
36 | ^PX(839.7,13,0)="SD/PCE-INTERFACE-PROMPTS^^^^^^^^0"
37 | ^PX(839.7,13,1,0)="^^1^1^2960524^"
38 | ^PX(839.7,13,1,1,0)="The main prompt routines"
39 | ^PX(839.7,14,0)="RAD/NUC MED"
40 | ^PX(839.7,15,0)="LAB DATA"
41 | ^PX(839.7,16,0)="CLEANUP IN PCE PATCH 27"
42 | ^PX(839.7,31,0)="GEC1"
43 | ^PX(839.7,32,0)="GEC2"
44 | ^PX(839.7,34,0)="GECF"
45 | ^PX(839.7,35,0)="GEC3"
46 | ^PX(839.7,"B","CLEANUP IN PCE PATCH 27",16)=""
47 | ^PX(839.7,"B","CLINICAL WORKSTATION",5)=""
48 | ^PX(839.7,"B","GEC1",31)=""
49 | ^PX(839.7,"B","GEC2",32)=""
50 | ^PX(839.7,"B","GEC3",35)=""
51 | ^PX(839.7,"B","GECF",34)=""
52 | ^PX(839.7,"B","IB ENCOUNTER FORM",1)=""
53 | ^PX(839.7,"B","IMAGING WORKSTATION",4)=""
54 | ^PX(839.7,"B","LAB DATA",15)=""
55 | ^PX(839.7,"B","PANDAS",2)=""
56 | ^PX(839.7,"B","PCE DELETE V-FILES API",12)=""
57 | ^PX(839.7,"B","PIMS",11)=""
58 | ^PX(839.7,"B","PIMS CHECK-OUT",8)=""
59 | ^PX(839.7,"B","PXCE DATA ENTRY",9)=""
60 | ^PX(839.7,"B","RAD/NUC MED",14)=""
61 | ^PX(839.7,"B","SD/PCE-INTERFACE-PROMPTS",13)=""
62 | ^PX(839.7,"B","TELEFORM",3)=""
63 | ^PX(839.7,"B","VISIT REPOINTING ROUTINE",6)=""