1 | Globals from FOIA VistA with corrected Node problem for the cross references in the mental health files for C and AU
2 | Cache 13-Sep-2008 18:35:03 ZWR
3 | ^RCPSE(349.7,0)="CCPC STATEMENT ERRORS^349.7^37^35"
4 | ^RCPSE(349.7,1,0)="T100E^1^R^INVALID RECORD TYPE"
5 | ^RCPSE(349.7,1,1)="Valid record types are 'PS', 'PH' and 'PD'."
6 | ^RCPSE(349.7,2,0)="T102E^1^R^INVALID STATION"
7 | ^RCPSE(349.7,2,1)="Station number not in CCPC station table."
9 | ^RCPSE(349.7,3,1)="Incomplete transmission received for this station."
10 | ^RCPSE(349.7,4,0)="T108E^1^R^INCOMPLETE TRANS-AMT"
12 | ^RCPSE(349.7,5,1)="Duplicate transmission received for the current processing month for station."
14 | ^RCPSE(349.7,8,1)="Verify STAT table and CYCL table for this station at CCPC."
15 | ^RCPSE(349.7,9,0)="T107E^1^R^INCOMPLETE TRANS. PH SEG."
16 | ^RCPSE(349.7,9,1)="Incomplete transmission due to number of PH segments discrepancy"
18 | ^RCPSE(349.7,10,1)="No transmission received from the station in CCPC. If not statements are received in 24 hours, billing cycle will slip."
19 | ^RCPSE(349.7,11,0)="T112W^1^R^TRANSMISSION REJECTED"
20 | ^RCPSE(349.7,11,1)="Original transmission rejected. A new transmission is needed within 24 hours."
21 | ^RCPSE(349.7,12,0)="T114E^1^S^NO STATEMENTS PRINTED"
22 | ^RCPSE(349.7,12,1)="No statements will be printed due to no transmission being received by CCPC."
23 | ^RCPSE(349.7,13,0)="T116E^1^S^NO STATEMENTS FOR REJECTS"
24 | ^RCPSE(349.7,13,1)="No statements will print this cycle due to rejected transmission not be resent."
25 | ^RCPSE(349.7,14,0)="T118E^1^S^TRANS. OUTSIDE CYCLE"
26 | ^RCPSE(349.7,14,1)="Transmission was received but rejected because it did meet the window for this station's billing cycle."
27 | ^RCPSE(349.7,15,0)="T120E^1^S^STATION NOT ACTIVE"
28 | ^RCPSE(349.7,15,1)="Statements rejected because station is not active in CCPC table."
29 | ^RCPSE(349.7,16,0)="T200E^1^S^MISSING FIELD"
30 | ^RCPSE(349.7,16,1)="Missing field in record."
31 | ^RCPSE(349.7,17,0)="T300E^1^S^STREET ADDRESS REQUIRED"
32 | ^RCPSE(349.7,17,1)="No street address."
33 | ^RCPSE(349.7,18,0)="T301E^1^S^CITY MISSING FROM ADDRESS"
34 | ^RCPSE(349.7,18,1)="No city information for patient."
35 | ^RCPSE(349.7,19,0)="T302E^1^S^STATE MISSING FROM ADDRESS"
36 | ^RCPSE(349.7,19,1)="State is missing from address."
37 | ^RCPSE(349.7,20,0)="T303E^1^S^ZIP CODE MISSING"
38 | ^RCPSE(349.7,20,1)="The zip code is missing from address."
39 | ^RCPSE(349.7,21,0)="T304E^1^S^COUNTRY MISSING"
40 | ^RCPSE(349.7,21,1)="Foreign country assumed to be missing."
42 | ^RCPSE(349.7,22,1)="Incomplete transmission received."
43 | ^RCPSE(349.7,23,0)="T306E^1^S^PD REJECTED"
44 | ^RCPSE(349.7,23,1)="PD lines rejected."
45 | ^RCPSE(349.7,24,0)="T307E^1^S^PD COUNT INVALID"
46 | ^RCPSE(349.7,24,1)="Count of PD documents does not match count in PH segment."
47 | ^RCPSE(349.7,25,0)="T400W^1^S^NO TRANS REJE"
48 | ^RCPSE(349.7,25,1)="Premliminary no transmission rejected."
49 | ^RCPSE(349.7,26,0)="T119E^1^^Statement Date not valid."
50 | ^RCPSE(349.7,26,1)="Statement Date received not in current billing cycle."
51 | ^RCPSE(349.7,27,0)="D101S^1^^Invalid date format"
52 | ^RCPSE(349.7,27,1)="Date is not in MMDDYYYY format"
53 | ^RCPSE(349.7,28,0)="D102S^1^^Invalid month format"
54 | ^RCPSE(349.7,28,1)="Invalid month format"
55 | ^RCPSE(349.7,29,0)="D103S^1^^Invalid day"
56 | ^RCPSE(349.7,29,1)="Invalid day format"
57 | ^RCPSE(349.7,30,0)="D104S^1^^Invalid year"
58 | ^RCPSE(349.7,30,1)="Invalid year"
59 | ^RCPSE(349.7,31,0)="D200S^1^^Invalid PS segment"
60 | ^RCPSE(349.7,31,1)="PS segment was not first segment in transmission"
61 | ^RCPSE(349.7,32,0)="D201W^1^^Invalid PD segment"
62 | ^RCPSE(349.7,32,1)="No PH segment found before PD segment"
63 | ^RCPSE(349.7,33,0)="D202W^1^^Invalid record type"
64 | ^RCPSE(349.7,33,1)="Invalid record type"
65 | ^RCPSE(349.7,34,0)="D301W^1^^Invalid trans. status"
66 | ^RCPSE(349.7,34,1)="Invalid trans. status"
67 | ^RCPSE(349.7,35,0)="T402W^1^R^No final transmission"
68 | ^RCPSE(349.7,35,1)="The original transmission failed and no new transmission was received."
69 | ^RCPSE(349.7,36,0)="T404W^1^R^No transmission received."
70 | ^RCPSE(349.7,36,1)="No transmission was received at the CCPC. 24 hours to send a transmission."
71 | ^RCPSE(349.7,37,0)="T406W^1^S^No statements printed."
72 | ^RCPSE(349.7,37,1)="No statements were printed this billing cycle due to no transmission having been received by the CCPC."
73 | ^RCPSE(349.7,"B","D101S",27)=""
74 | ^RCPSE(349.7,"B","D102S",28)=""
75 | ^RCPSE(349.7,"B","D103S",29)=""
76 | ^RCPSE(349.7,"B","D104S",30)=""
77 | ^RCPSE(349.7,"B","D200S",31)=""
78 | ^RCPSE(349.7,"B","D201W",32)=""
79 | ^RCPSE(349.7,"B","D202W",33)=""
80 | ^RCPSE(349.7,"B","D301W",34)=""
81 | ^RCPSE(349.7,"B","T100E",1)=""
82 | ^RCPSE(349.7,"B","T102E",2)=""
83 | ^RCPSE(349.7,"B","T104E",5)=""
84 | ^RCPSE(349.7,"B","T106E",3)=""
85 | ^RCPSE(349.7,"B","T107E",9)=""
86 | ^RCPSE(349.7,"B","T108E",4)=""
87 | ^RCPSE(349.7,"B","T110W",10)=""
88 | ^RCPSE(349.7,"B","T112W",11)=""
89 | ^RCPSE(349.7,"B","T114E",12)=""
90 | ^RCPSE(349.7,"B","T116E",13)=""
91 | ^RCPSE(349.7,"B","T117E",8)=""
92 | ^RCPSE(349.7,"B","T118E",14)=""
93 | ^RCPSE(349.7,"B","T119E",26)=""
94 | ^RCPSE(349.7,"B","T120E",15)=""
95 | ^RCPSE(349.7,"B","T200E",16)=""
96 | ^RCPSE(349.7,"B","T300E",17)=""
97 | ^RCPSE(349.7,"B","T301E",18)=""
98 | ^RCPSE(349.7,"B","T302E",19)=""
99 | ^RCPSE(349.7,"B","T303E",20)=""
100 | ^RCPSE(349.7,"B","T304E",21)=""
101 | ^RCPSE(349.7,"B","T305E",22)=""
102 | ^RCPSE(349.7,"B","T306E",23)=""
103 | ^RCPSE(349.7,"B","T307E",24)=""
104 | ^RCPSE(349.7,"B","T400W",25)=""
105 | ^RCPSE(349.7,"B","T402W",35)=""
106 | ^RCPSE(349.7,"B","T404W",36)=""
107 | ^RCPSE(349.7,"B","T406W",37)=""