RCDPESR4 ;ALB/TMK - Server interface 835ERA processing ;06/03/02 ;;4.5;Accounts Receivable;**173,216,208,230**;Mar 20, 1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ERAEOBIN(RCTXN,RCD,RCGBL,RCEFLG) ; Store/process 835ERA or 835XFR ; transaction coming into the site ; RCTXN = data on the hdr record of the msg text ; RCD = array with formatted hdr data ; RCGBL = name of the array or global where the msg is stored ; RCEFLG = error flag returned if passed by REF ; N RCLAST,RCBILL,RCTDA,RCMSG,RCERR S (RCTDA,RCEFLG)=0 ; L +^RCY(344.5,"AMSEQ",+$P(RCTXN,U,13)) S RCMSG=$$EXTERA(RCTXN,.RCLAST,.RCBILL) ; Extract from mail msg ; ; If full msg received (99^$ record exists), file it I 'RCLAST,'$G(RCERR) D ;No $ as last character of msg . S RCERR=2 ; I RCLAST S RCTDA=+$$ADD(RCGBL,RCD("MSG#"),RCMSG,.RCBILL,.RCERR,.RCD) ; I $G(RCERR)>0 D . D ERRUPD^RCDPESR1(RCGBL,.RCD,$P(RCTXN,U),.RCERR) . I RCTDA D ; Store exception msgs in file 344.5 .. N A,C,Z .. S C=1,A(1)="Date: "_$$FMTE^XLFDT($$NOW^XLFDT(),2) .. I $G(^TMP("RCERR",$J,"TEXT"))'="" S C=C+1,A(C)=^TMP("RCERR",$J,"TEXT"),C=C+1,A(C)=" " .. S Z=0 F S Z=$O(^TMP("RCERR",$J,"MSG",Z)) Q:'Z S C=C+1,A(C)=^(Z) .. I $O(A(0)) D WP^DIE(344.5,RCTDA_",",5,"A","A") . S RCEFLG=1 ; L -^RCY(344.5,"AMSEQ",+$P(RCTXN,U,13)) I $P(RCTXN,U)'["XFR",$P(RCTXN,U,12)'="" D TAXERR^RCDPESR1("ERA",$P(RCTXN,U,6)_" Payer ID: "_$P(RCTXN,U,7),$P(RCTXN,U,11),$P(RCTXN,U,12)) ; Send bad tax id bulletin ; Q ; EXTERA(RCTXN,RCLAST,RCBILL) ;Extract 835ERA or 835XFR transaction ;INPUT: ; RCTXN = data on 835ERA/835XFR hdr record ; RCLAST = passed by REF and returned=1 if entire record exists ; ;OUTPUT: ; ^TMP("RCMSG",$J,1,"D",line #)=formatted hdr data ; ^TMP("RCMSG",$J,2,"D",line #)=raw msg data ; if passed by ref, RCLAST = 1 if '99' record found ; if passed by ref, RCBILL(AR bill number) is returned ; with a 'list' of bills included in the ERA. If an ; entry = 1, 3rd party bill was found in file 430. ; If the entry = 2, the 3rd party bill found was not active ; Function returns existing ien in file 344.5 for multi part ERAs ; N CT,CT1,LINE,HCT,RCH,RCMSG,RCREFORM,RCINS,RCSTAT,B,RCSD,C5 S (HCT,RCH)=0 ; ; Check if sequence control # already exists or if a new record needed S RCMSG=+$O(^RCY(344.5,"AMSEQ",+$P(RCTXN,U,13),0)) S CT=0 I 'RCMSG D ; Build display data for the first sequence only . S HCT=HCT+1 S LINE(HCT)="Payer Name: "_$P(RCTXN,U,6)_" Payer ID: "_$P(RCTXN,U,7) . S HCT=HCT+1,LINE(HCT)="Trace #: "_$P(RCTXN,U,8) . S HCT=HCT+1,LINE(HCT)="Date Paid: "_$$FDT^RCDPESR9($P(RCTXN,U,9))_" Total Amt Paid: "_$J($P(RCTXN,U,10)/100,0,2) . I $P(RCTXN,U)["XFR",$P(RCTXN,U,16)'="" S HCT=HCT+1,LINE(HCT)="Contact Info: "_$P(RCTXN,U,16) . M ^TMP("RCMSG",$J,1,"D")=LINE . S CT=CT+1,^TMP("RCMSG",$J,2,"D",CT)=RCTXN ; S CT1=CT S ^TMP("RCMSG",$J,0)=RCTXN ; S RCSD=$NA(^TMP($J,"RCSRVDT")) K @RCSD ;service dates S C5=0 S RCLAST=0 F X XMREC Q:XMER<0 D Q:RCLAST . Q:XMRG="" . I +XMRG=99,$P(XMRG,U,2)="$" S RCLAST=1 Q . S CT=CT+1 . I +XMRG=5,$P(XMRG,U,2)'="" S C5=CT . I +XMRG=40,$P(XMRG,U,2)?1.7N,C5,$P(XMRG,U,19),'$D(@RCSD@(C5)) S ^(C5)=+$P(XMRG,U,19) . S ^TMP("RCMSG",$J,2,"D",CT)=XMRG ; ; reformat bill# if needed S RCREFORM="" S CT=CT1 F S CT=$O(^TMP("RCMSG",$J,2,"D",CT)) Q:'CT S XMRG=$G(^(CT)) D . Q:XMRG="" . I +XMRG=5,$P(XMRG,U,2)'="" D .. S RCREFORM="",RCSTAT=1 .. ; Check if bill is in AR & is a 3rd party bill .. S RCBILL=$$BILL^RCDPESR1($P(XMRG,U,2),$G(@RCSD@(CT)),.RCINS) .. I '$G(RCINS)!(RCBILL<0) S (RCBILL,RCSTAT)=0 .. I RCBILL S B=$P($G(^PRCA(430,RCBILL,0)),U) I B'=$P(XMRG,U,2) S $P(XMRG,U,2)=B,RCREFORM=B .. I RCBILL,$P(^PRCA(430.3,+$P($G(^PRCA(430,+RCBILL,0)),U,8),0),U,3)'=102 S RCSTAT=2 .. S RCBILL($P(XMRG,U,2))=RCSTAT . I RCREFORM'="",+XMRG>5 S $P(XMRG,U,2)=RCREFORM,^TMP("RCMSG",$J,2,"D",CT)=XMRG ; K @RCSD Q RCMSG ; ADD(RCGBL,RCDMSG,RCMSG,RCBILL,RCERR,RCD) ; Add msg(s) in @RCGBL to ; file 344.5 ; RCGBL = name of the global used to store the msg data ; RCDMSG = Mailman msg number the ERA arrived in. ; RCMSG = ien of the existing entry in file 344.5 for multipart ERAs ; RCBILL(AR bill number) = list of bills included, pass by REF ; RCD = array with formatted hdr data ; ; Errors returned in RCERR and RCERR(n) ; Function returns entry # of msg added or "" if none added ; N RCHDR,RCTYP,RCIEN S RCHDR=$G(^TMP("RCMSGH",$J,0)) S RCTYP=$P(RCHDR,U) S RCIEN=$S($G(RCMSG):RCMSG,1:$$ADDTXN(RCHDR,RCDMSG)) ;File msg hdr I RCIEN'>0 S RCERR=3 ;msg hdr can't be filed I '$G(RCERR) D LOADDET(RCIEN,RCGBL,RCHDR,.RCBILL,.RCD,.RCERR) I '$G(RCERR),'$O(RCERR(0)),RCTYP["835ERA",'$P($G(^RCY(344.5,RCIEN,0)),U,8) D TASKERA^RCDPESR2(RCIEN) ;Task to upd VistA for complete 835ERA only ; Q $S($G(RCIEN)>0&'$G(RCERR):RCIEN,1:"") ; ADDTXN(RCDATA,RCDMSG) ; Add a trxn for msg in RCDATA to file 344.5 ; RCDATA = data on the msg hdr record ; RCDMSG = Mailman msg number the ERA arrived in ;Function returns ien of the new entry in file 344.5 or "" if an error ; N A,RCY,DLAYGO,DIC,DD,DO,DA,X,Y,Z ; S (X,A)=RCDMSG ;Use msg ID as basis for the .01 field F Z=1:1 Q:'$D(^RCY(344.5,"B",A)) S A=X_"."_Z S X=A S DIC(0)="L",DIC="^RCY(344.5,",DLAYGO=344.5 S DIC("DR")=".02////"_$E($P(RCDATA,U),1,6)_";.03///^S X=""NOW"";.04////0;.06////"_$S($P(RCDATA,U)'["XFR":1,1:0)_$S($P(RCDATA,U,13)'="":";.09////"_+$P(RCDATA,U,13)_";.08////1",1:"")_";.1////2;.11////"_RCDMSG I $P(RCDATA,U,6)'="" S DIC("DR")=DIC("DR")_";3.01////"_$P(RCDATA,U,6) D FILE^DICN K DO,DD,DLAYGO,DA,DIC S RCY=+Y Q $S(RCY>0:+RCY,1:"") ; LOADDET(RCTDA,RCGBL,RCHDR,RCBILL,RCD,RCERR) ; Load the rest of the text ; into the msg ; RCTDA = ien in file 344.5 ; RCGBL = name of the array holding the detail msg text to be loaded ; RCHDR = data on ERA hdr record ; RCBILL(AR bill number) = list of bills included, pass by REF ; RCD = array with formatted hdr data ; ; OUTPUT: RCERR if any errors found, pass by REF ; N RCE,RCDATA,RCMSG,RCFROM,Z,Z0 K ^TMP("RCTEXT",$J),^TMP("RCRAW",$J) M ^TMP("RCTEXT",$J)=@RCGBL@(1,"D") M ^TMP("RCRAW",$J)=@RCGBL@(2,"D") ; S RCDATA=$G(^RCY(344.5,RCTDA,0)),RCMSG=$G(RCD("MSG#")),RCFROM=$G(RCD("FROM")) ; ; For multi-part ERA, don't update if sequence already filed ; Add seq # if not already there I $P(RCHDR,U)'["XFR",$P(RCHDR,U,13) Q:$D(^RCY(344.5,RCTDA,"S","B",+$P(RCHDR,U,14))) ; D STOREM(+$G(RCTDA),"^TMP(""RCTEXT"",$J)","^TMP(""RCRAW"",$J)",.RCE) ; I $D(RCE("DIERR")) D ; Extract error . N DIE,DA,DR,X,Y . D EXTERR^RCDPESR1(.RCERR,.RCE) . S:$L($G(RCE)) RCERR(+$O(RCERR(""),-1)+1)=RCE . I $D(^RCY(344.5,RCTDA,0)) S DIE="^RCY(344.5,",DR=".1////4",DA=RCTDA D ^DIE E D ; No error - store rest of data . N Z,RCT,RCCT,RCX,RCB ; Add bills included in ERA . S RCT=0,RCCT=0,RCX=$J("",4) . S Z="" F S Z=$O(RCBILL(Z)) Q:Z="" D .. N DO,DD,DIC,DLAYGO,X,Y .. S:RCT=4 RCCT=RCCT+1,RCB(RCCT)=RCX,RCT=0,RCX=$J("",4) S RCX=RCX_$E($S(+RCBILL(Z):"",1:"*")_Z_$J("",15),1,15),RCT=RCT+1 .. S DIC(0)="L",DIC("DR")=".02////"_$S($G(RCBILL(Z)):1,1:0),X=Z,DA(1)=RCTDA,DIC="^RCY(344.5,"_DA(1)_",""B"",",DLAYGO=344.54 D FILE^DICN K DO,DD,DLAYGO,DIC .. ; . I $L(RCX)>4 S RCCT=RCCT+1,RCB(RCCT)=RCX . ; Add list of bills to display data . I $O(RCB(0)) D WP^DIE(344.5,RCTDA_",",1,"A","RCB") . ; Add seq # . S DA(1)=RCTDA,DIC="^RCY(344.5,"_DA(1)_",""S"",",DIC(0)="L",X=$P(RCHDR,U,14),DIC("DR")=".02////"_$S($P(RCHDR,U,15)="Y":1,1:0)_";.03///^S X=""NOW"";.04////"_RCMSG,X=+$P(RCHDR,U,14),DLAYGO=344.53 . D FILE^DICN K DO,DD,DLAYGO,DIC . ; . I $P(RCHDR,U)["835XFR" D XFR^RCDPESR5(RCTDA,RCFROM,RCMSG,.RCD) Q . ; . ; Proceed only if not a transfer record . I $P(RCDATA,U,9)'="" D ; Determine if all sequences received yet .. N RCOK,RCLAST .. S RCOK=1,RCLAST=0 .. F Z=1:1 Q:'RCOK!RCLAST D ... I 'RCLAST,'$D(^RCY(344.5,RCTDA,"S","B",Z)) S RCOK=0 Q ... S Z0=+$O(^RCY(344.5,RCTDA,"S","B",Z,0)),Z0=$G(^RCY(344.5,RCTDA,"S",Z0,0)) ... I Z0="" S RCOK=0 Q ... I $P(Z0,U,2) S RCLAST=1 ; Last sequence received and all before it .. ; .. I RCOK D ... N DA,DIE,DR,X,Y ... S DA=RCTDA,DR=".08////0;.1///@",DIE="^RCY(344.5," D ^DIE ... I '$O(^RCY(344.5,RCTDA,"B","AV",1,0)) D ; No valid bills found .... N RCE .... S RCE(1)="No valid bills for this site were found in this ERA" .... S RCE(2)="Review/correct the bill #'s on this ERA in your transmission exceptions" .... S RCE(3)="Please contact the Implementation Manager group to report this situation",RCE(4)=" " .... D BULLERA^RCDPESR0("D"_$S($O(^RCY(344.5,RCTDA,2,0)):"F",1:""),RCTDA,$G(RCD("MSG#")),"EDI LBOX - NO VALID BILLS ON ERA "_$E($G(RCD("PAYFROM")),1,20),.RCE,0) .... S DA=RCTDA,DR=".08////1;.1////6",DIE="^RCY(344.5," D ^DIE ; K ^TMP("RCTEXT",$J),^TMP("RCRAW",$J) Q ; STOREM(RCTDA,RCDISP,RCTEXT,RCE) ;Store msg text in file 344.5 ;INPUT: ; RCTDA = ien of the entry in file 344.5 ; RCDISP = name of the array where display msg text is retrieved from ; or "@" to delete the text from the display text field ; RCTEXT = name of the array where raw msg text is retrieved from ; or "@" to delete the text from the raw msg field ;OUTPUT: ; RCE = array of errors (RCE("DIERR")) returned, pass by REF ; N RCZ,X,Y,DIE K RCE("DIERR") ; I $S($G(RCDISP)="@":1,1:$D(@RCDISP)'<10) D . F RCZ=1:1:20 D WP^DIE(344.5,RCTDA_",",1,"AK",""_RCDISP_"","RCE") Q:$S('$D(RCE("DIERR")):1,+RCE("DIERR")=1:$G(RCE("DIERR",1))'=110,1:1) K:RCZ<20 RCE("DIERR") ; On lock error, retry up to 20 times ; I '$O(RCE("DIERR",0)),$S($G(RCTEXT)="@":1,1:$D(@RCTEXT)'<10) D . F RCZ=1:1:20 D WP^DIE(344.5,RCTDA_",",2,"AK",""_RCTEXT_"","RCE") Q:$S('$D(RCE("DIERR")):1,+RCE("DIERR")=1:$G(RCE("DIERR",1))'=110,1:1) K:RCZ<20 RCE("DIERR") ; On lock error, retry up to 20 times Q