RCRCVLB ;ALB/CMS - RC VIEW ACTIVE LIST BUILD ; 09-AUG-97 V ;;4.5;Accounts Receivable;**63,159**;Mar 20, 1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. Q EN ; entry point from RCRCVL ; Returns: RCSBN,RCSBN(CNT,PRCABN) ; or: RCCAT(catname),RCSI(dbt#),RCSPT,RCSIA,RCSIF,RCSIL,RCSAGN,RCSAGX,RCSAMT,RCSRC ; or: if muti-divisions RCDIV(0),RCDIV(selected 40.8IEN) ; or: RCOUT N CNT,DA,DIC,PRCA,PRCABN,RCLQ,RCLQA,RCY,RCS,TCNT,T,X,Y N RCDIV,RCCNT,RCSD,RCRN,RCSN,RCSNF,RCLCNT,RCSNL,RCSNA,RCSAR,RCSH N DIR,DIROUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIRUT K RCSBN,RCCAT,RCSI,RCSIF,RCSIL,RCSAGN,RCSAGX,RCSAMT,RCSPT,RCSRC,RCOUT ; ;Get Divisions D RCDIV^RCRCDIV(.RCDIV) ;Select one division if multiple I $O(RCDIV(0)) D DIVS^RCRCDIV I $G(RCOUT)=1 G ENQ ; W !!,"Build List of Possible Third Party Referrals" S DIR("A",1)="Build a list by" S DIR("A",2)="1. Selected AR Third Party Bill(s)" S DIR("A",3)="2. Selected Patient(s)" S DIR("A",4)="3. Selected AR Insurance Debtor(s) or" S DIR("A",5)=" Insurance Range" S DIR("A",6)=" " S DIR("A")=" Select Number: " S DIR(0)="SAXB^1:Third Party Bills;2:Patients;3:Insurance Debtors" S DIR("B")=1 D ^DIR I $D(DIRUT)!$D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT)!$D(DIROUT) S RCOUT=1 G ENQ I $E(Y)="^" S RCOUT=1 G ENQ S RCRN=Y K DIR,DIROUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIRUT ; I RCRN=1 D BILL G ENQ I RCRN=2 D PT I '$G(RCOUT) D ASK I RCRN=3 D INS I '$G(RCOUT) D ASK ENQ W ! I $G(RCOUT)=1 K RCSBN,RCCAT,RCDIV,RCSI,RCSIA,RCSIF,RCSIL,RCSAGN,RCSAGX,RCSPT,RCSAMT,RCSRC K DIR,DIROUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIRUT Q ; ; BILL ; - issue prompt for AR Bill Selection(s) ; - also called from Modify List Protocol K DIC,DA,X,Y,%Y W ! S DIC("A")="Select Active TP Accounts Receivable Bill No.: " S DIC="^PRCA(430,",DIC(0)="AQMEZ" S DIC("S")="I $P(^(0),U,8)=16,$P($G(^PRCA(430.2,+$P(^(0),U,2),0)),U,6)=""T""" S CNT=0 F D Q:($G(PRCABN)<0)!($G(RCOUT)) .D ^DIC S PRCABN=Y .I $G(PRCABN)<0 Q .I $G(PRCABN)="^" S RCOUT=1 Q .I +$G(RCDIV(0)),'$$DIV^RCRCDIV(PRCABN) W !," <>",! .S CNT=CNT+1,RCSBN=CNT .S RCSBN(+PRCABN)=CNT .S DIC("A")="Select another Active TP Accounts Receivable Bill No.: " .QUIT I '$O(RCSBN(0)) S RCOUT=1 K PRCABN,DIC,DA,X,Y,%Y BILLQ Q ; PT ; - Issue prompt for Patients N DIC,X,Y I $O(RCSPT(0)) S DIC("A")="Select another PATIENT: " S DIC="^DPT(",DIC(0)="QMEAZ" W ! D ^DIC K DIC I $E(Y)="^" S RCOUT=1 G PTQ I Y<0,'$O(RCSPT(0)) S RCOUT=1 I Y<0 G PTQ S RCSPT(+Y)=Y G PT PTQ Q ; INS ; - determine range of carriers R !!,"Build List for (S)elected Third Party Debtor(s) or a (R)ange: Range// ",X:DTIME I ('$T)!(X["^") S RCOUT=1 G INSQ S:X="" X="R" S X=$E(X) I "SRsr"'[X W !!,?15,"Enter 'S' or 'R' or '^' to exit." G INS W $S("sS"[X:" Selected",1:" Range") S RCSI=X I "Rr"[RCSI G INS1 ; S DIC("A")="Select THIRD PARTY AR DEBTOR: " INSA S DIC="^RCD(340,",DIC(0)="QEAZ",DIC("S")="I $P(^(0),U,1)[""DIC(36,""" W ! D ^DIC K DIC I $E(Y)="^" S RCOUT=1 G INSQ I Y<0,$O(RCSI(0)) G INSQ I Y<0,'$O(RCSI(0)) G INS S RCSI(+Y)=Y S DIC("A")="Select another THIRD PARTY AR DEBTOR: " G INSA ; INS1 W !!!," START WITH DEBTOR: FIRST// " R X:DTIME I ('$T)!(X["^") S RCOUT=1 G INSQ I $E(X)="?" W !,?5,"Enter the name of the Insurance Company to start with." G INS1 S RCSIF=X INS2 W !," GO TO DEBTOR: LAST// " R X:DTIME I ('$T)!(X["^") S RCOUT=1 G INSQ I $E(X)="?" W !,?5,"Enter the name of the Insurance Company to end with." G INS2 I X="" S RCSIL="zzzzz" S:RCSIF="" RCSIA="ALL" G INSQ I X="@",RCSIF="@" S RCSIL="@",RCSIA="NULL" G INSQ I RCSIF'="@",RCSIF]X W *7,!!," The LAST value must follow the FIRST.",! G INS1 S RCSIL=X INSQ Q ; ASK ;Ask optional questions ; ; - Build list for Selected Categories S RCCAT="" D RCCAT^RCRCUTL(.RCCAT) S (CNT,X)=0 K DIR F S X=$O(RCCAT(X)) Q:'X D .S CNT=CNT+1 S DIR("A",CNT)=CNT_" "_$P(RCCAT(X),U,2) S TCNT=CNT,CNT=CNT+1,DIR("A",CNT)=" " S CNT=CNT+1,DIR("A",CNT)=" *Only Reimburs.Health Bills can be electronically referred at this time." S CNT=CNT+1,DIR("A",CNT)=" " S DIR("A")=" Enter response" W !!,"AR Categories to Include in Build List" W !," Select from the following:",! S DIR(0)="L^1:"_TCNT D ^DIR I $E(Y)="^" S RCOUT=1 G ASKQ K RCCAT F I=1:1:TCNT I $P(Y,",",I) S RCCAT($P(DIR("A",$P(Y,",",I))," ",2))="" I $D(DIRUT)!$D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT)!$D(DIROUT) G ASKQ K DIR,DIROUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIRUT ; AGE ; - determine the active receivable min age S DIR(0)="NOA^1:99999",DIR("?")="Enter a number between (1-99999) or press return" S DIR("A")=" (Optional) Enter the minimum age of the receivables: " W !! D ^DIR S RCSAGN=+Y I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT)!$D(DIROUT) S RCOUT=1 G ASKQ W:+RCSAGN !," -Bill age over ",RCSAGN," days." K DIR,DIROUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIRUT ; ; - determine the active receivable max age S DIR(0)="NOA^1:99999",DIR("?")="Enter a number between (1-99999) or press return" S DIR("A")=" (Optional) Enter the maximum age of the receivables: " W !! D ^DIR S RCSAGX=+Y I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT)!$D(DIROUT) S RCOUT=1 G ASKQ W:+RCSAGX !," -Bill age under ",RCSAGX," days." K DIR,DIROUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIRUT ; I $G(RCSAGX),+$G(RCSAGN)>+$G(RCSAGX) W !!,"Minimum age should be less than the Max. age.",!! G AGE ; ; - determine the active receivable minimum Amount S DIR(0)="NOA^1:99999:2",DIR("?")="Enter a number between (1-99999) or press return" S DIR("A")=" (Optional) Enter the minimum amount of the receivables: " W !! D ^DIR S RCSAMT=+Y I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT)!$D(DIROUT) S RCOUT=1 G ASKQ W:RCSAMT !," -Current Balance Over $",RCSAMT K DIR,DIROUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIRUT ; ; - exclude receivables currently referred to Regional Counsel? S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="Yes" S DIR("?")="Include receivables with a Referral Date in List" S DIR("A")="Include currently referred receivables" W !! D ^DIR S RCSRC=+Y I $D(DIRUT)!$D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT)!$D(DIROUT) S RCOUT=1 G ASKQ K DIR,DIROUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIRUT ; ASKQ Q ; ;RCRCVLB