RCTOPU ;WASH IRMFO@ALTOONA,PA/TJK-TOP TRANSMISSION ;2/22/00 12:39 PM V ;;4.5;Accounts Receivable;**141**;Mar 20, 1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified ; REPORT ;print top report N DIC,DIS,L,BY,FR,TO,FLDS,PG,PRINTOT,DIOEND W !!,"TOP REFERRAL REPORT",!! S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="NO",DIR("A")="Include Debtors At TOP With '0' Balance" S DIR("?")="Answering Yes will include those debtors referred whose current TOP balance is '0'." D ^DIR Q:(Y="")!(Y="^") S L=0,(FR,TO)="",DIC=340,BY=.01,FLDS="[RCTOP REPORT]",PRINTOT=0 S DIS(0)="I $P($G(^RCD(340,D0,6)),U)" S:'Y DIS(0)=DIS(0)_",$P(^(4),U,3)" S DIOEND="D PRNTOT^RCTOPU" PRINT D EN1^DIP REPORTQ Q ; PRNTOT ;place total amount on report N DASH S DASH="",$P(DASH,"-",81)="" W !!,DASH W !,?6,"TOTAL AMOUNT CURRENTLY REFERRED:",?50,"$"_$J(PRINTOT,15,2) I $E(IOST,1,2)="C-" R !!,"END OF REPORT...PRESS RETURN TO CONTINUE",X:DTIME W @IOF PRNTOTQ Q ; BILLREP ;prints individual bills and amounts that make up a TOP account N DIC,DEBTOR,ZTSAVE,ZTDESC,ZTRTN S DIC=340,DIC(0)="AEQM",DIC("S")="I $D(^RCD(340,""TOP"",+Y))" D ^DIC Q:Y<1 S DEBTOR=+Y S %ZIS="AEQ" D ^%ZIS G:POP BILLREPQ I $D(IO("Q")) D G BILLREPQ .S ZTSAVE("DEBTOR")="" .S ZTRTN="BILLREPP^RCTOPU",ZTDESC="TOP BILL REPORT" .D ^%ZTLOAD,^%ZISC .Q ; BILLREPP ;Call to build array of bills referred U IO N BILL,B14,B7,D4,FND,BAMT,TAMT,DIRUT,TNM,TID,TDT,DASH,CSTAT S DASH="",$P(DASH,"-",81)="",D4=$G(^RCD(340,DEBTOR,4)) S TID=$S($P(D4,U,4)'="":$P(D4,U,4),1:$P(D4,U,1)) S TNM=$S($P(D4,U,5)'="":$P(D4,U,5),1:$P(D4,U,2)) S Y=$P(^RCD(340,DEBTOR,6),U,1) X ^DD("DD") S TDT=Y S TAMT=$P(D4,U,3) D BILLREPH S (FND,BILL)=0 F S BILL=$O(^PRCA(430,"C",DEBTOR,BILL)) Q:('BILL)!($D(DIRUT)) D .Q:'+$G(^PRCA(430,BILL,14)) .S FND=1 W !,$P(^PRCA(430,BILL,0),U) S CSTAT=$P(^(0),U,8),B7=$G(^(7)) .W ?14,$P(^PRCA(430.3,CSTAT,0),U,2) .S BAMT=0 F I=1:1:5 S BAMT=BAMT+$P(B7,U,I) .W ?20,$J(BAMT,10,2) .F I=1:1:5 W $J($P(B7,U,I),10,2) .;check for end of page here, if necessary form feed and print header .I $Y+3>IOSL D ..I $E(IOST,1,2)="C-" S DIR(0)="E" K DIRUT D ^DIR Q:$D(DIRUT) ..D BILLREPH .Q I $E(IOST,1,2)="C-" R !!,"END OF REPORT...PRESS RETURN TO CONTINUE",X:DTIME W @IOF D ^%ZISC BILLREPQ Q ; BILLREPH ;header for TOP bill report W @IOF W !,"DEBTOR: "_TNM W !,"TIN: "_TID," REFERRED TO TOP: "_TDT_" CURRENT TOP AMT: "_$J(TAMT,13,2) W !,DASH W !!,"BILL NO.",?14,"STAT",?27,"AMT",?36,"PRIN",?47,"INT",?55,"ADMIN",?65,"COURT",?72,"MARSHALL" W !,"---- ---",?14,"----",?27,"---",?36,"----",?47,"---",?55,"-----",?65,"-----",?72,"--------" Q ; STOP ;Stop TOP Referral on a Debtor N DIC,DIE,DA,DIR,Y,DEBTOR,REASON,COMMENT,EFFDT S DIC=340,DIC(0)="AEQM" D ^DIC Q:Y<0 S DEBTOR=+Y I $P($G(^RCD(340,DEBTOR,6)),U,2) G DELSTOP S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="NO",DIR("A")="Are You Sure You Want To Stop TOP Referral For This Debtor" D ^DIR I 'Y W !,*7,"No Action Taken" Q ; REASON ;ask referral reason K DIR S DIR(0)="340,6.04" D ^DIR Q:(Y="")!(Y=U) S REASON=Y I REASON="O" D Q:COMMENT=U G REASON:COMMENT="" .S COMMENT="",DIR(0)="340,6.05" D ^DIR S COMMENT=Y .I COMMENT="" W !,"A Reason Of Other requires a comment to be entered" .Q I REASON'="0",$P($G(^RCD(340,DEBTOR,6)),U,5)'="" S $P(^(6),U,5)="" ; I (REASON="N")!(REASON="R") D G STOPFILE .S $P(^RCD(340,DEBTOR,6),U)="" .K ^RCD(340,"TOP",DEBTOR) .S (EFFDT,REASON,COMMENT)="" .Q ; ;ask effective date (for 'waiver','banruptcy','other') ; S DIR(0)="340,6.03",DIR("A")="Enter Effective Date" D ^DIR S EFFDT=Y ; STOPFILE ;set stop referral data in file 340 S $P(^RCD(340,DEBTOR,6),U,2,5)="1^"_EFFDT_U_REASON_U_$G(COMMENT) ; W !,"Stop TOP Referral Complete" G STOPQ ; DELSTOP ;Allows TOP Referral to be re-instituted for debtor W !!,*7,"Referral to TOP has already been stopped for this debtor" S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Do You Wish To Re-Institute TOP Referral for this Debtor",DIR("B")="NO" D ^DIR G EDSTOP:'Y ; ;reset file to allow top referral to be re-started F I=2:1:5 S $P(^RCD(340,DEBTOR,6),U,I)="" W !!,"Debtor Is Now Eligible To Be Referred To TOP" G STOPQ ; EDSTOP S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Do You Wish To Edit The Stop Referral Data For This Debtor",DIR("B")="NO" D ^DIR G REASON:Y STOPQ Q ; REVERSE ;Refund Reversal N DEBTOR,DIC,DIE,DR,BILL,TRACE,REFYR W !!,"Refund Reversal Of TOP Refund" S DIC=430,DIC(0)="AEQLMZ",DIC("S")="I $D(^PRCA(430,""TREF"",2,+Y))" S DIC("A")="Enter Refund Bill To Be Reversed:" D ^DIC Q:Y<0 S DEBTOR=$P(Y(0),U,9),BILL=+Y I 'DEBTOR W !!,*7,"No Debtor Attached To This Bill." Q S TRACE=$P($G(^RCD(340,DEBTOR,6)),U,7),REFYR=$P($G(^PRCA(430,BILL,14)),U,4) I 'TRACE W !!,*7,"There is no current TOP Trace Number for this debtor",!,"This should have been entered with the most recent TOP payment" Q I 'REFYR W !!,*7,"There is no TOP Refund Year Entered for this bill",!,"This should have been entered when the refund was approved." Q S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Are You Sure You Wish To Reverse This Refund" S DIR("B")="NO" D ^DIR I 'Y W !!,"No Action Taken" Q S DIE="^PRCA(430,",DA=BILL,DR="142///3;143///^S X=TRACE" D ^DIE W !,"Reversal Will Be Transmitted With Next TOP Transmission" REVERSEQ Q ; UPDCODE ;Update Refund/Reversal Codes in File 348.2 W !,"TOP Refund/Refund Reversal Code Entry" S DIC=348.2,DIC(0)="AEQML" D ^DIC UPDCODEQ Q