GMRAY29 ;SLC/DAN Installation Utilities ;3/1/07 14:34 ;;4.0;Adverse Reaction Tracking;**29**;Mar 29, 1996;Build 15 ; ;DBIA SECTION ;3744 - $$TESTPAT^VADPT ;10061 - VADPT ;10013 - DIK ;2056 - DIQ ;10018 - DIE ;10070 - XMD ;10103 - XLFDT ;2051 - DIC ; PRETRAN ;Load conversion table into KIDS build M @XPDGREF@("GMRAFIX")=^XTMP("GMRAFIX") Q ; POST ;Post installation processes K ^XTMP("GMRAFIX") M ^XTMP("GMRAFIX")=@XPDGREF@("GMRAFIX") I '$D(^XTMP("GMRAFIX")) W !,"Conversion table not loaded - INSTALLATION ABORTED" S XPDQUIT=2 Q D Q Q ;Queue clean up to background ; Q ; N ZTRTN,ZTDESC,ZTIO,ZTDTH,ZTSK S ZTRTN="DQ^GMRAY29",ZTDESC="GMRA*4*29 POST INSTALL ROUTINE",ZTIO="",ZTDTH=$H D ^%ZTLOAD I '$G(ZTSK) D BMES^XPDUTL("POST INSTALL NOT QUEUED - RUN DQ^GMRA29 AFTER INSTALL FINISHES") Q D BMES^XPDUTL("Post-install queued as task # "_$G(ZTSK)) Q ; DQ ;Process begins here N ERR,TU,TE,TF D FIXALG D MAIL S ^XTMP("GMRAFIX",0)=$$FMADD^XLFDT(DT,30)_"^"_DT_"^Patch GMRA*4*29 conversion table" K ^XTMP("GMRAFX","FREE") ;Kill free text list so it forces rebuild Q ; FIXALG ;Loop through 120.8 update existing free text entries N GMRAI,FREE,REACTANT,ENTRY S FREE=$O(^GMRD(120.82,"B","OTHER ALLERGY/ADVERSE REACTION",0)) S:'+FREE ERR=1 S:FREE FREE=FREE_";GMRD(120.82," Q:$G(ERR) S GMRAI=0 F S GMRAI=$O(^GMR(120.8,GMRAI)) Q:'+GMRAI D .I '$D(^GMR(120.8,GMRAI,0))!($L($G(^GMR(120.8,GMRAI,0)),"^")=1) D DEL Q .Q:+$G(^GMR(120.8,GMRAI,"ER"))!($$TESTPAT^VADPT($P(^GMR(120.8,GMRAI,0),U)))!($$DECEASED^GMRAFX($P(^GMR(120.8,GMRAI,0),U))) ;stop if entered in error, test patient or deceased patient .I $P(^GMR(120.8,GMRAI,0),U,3)=FREE D ..S REACTANT=$P(^GMR(120.8,GMRAI,0),U,2) Q:REACTANT[" ( FREE TEXT )" ;Entry has already been updated ..S ENTRY=$G(^XTMP("GMRAFIX",$$UP^XLFSTR($E(REACTANT,1,30)))) ;For matching purposes, only use the 1st 30 characters ..I ENTRY="" D UPDATEF Q ;Entry not found or designated free text ..I $P(ENTRY,U)="Entered In Error" D UPDATEE Q ;Mark as entered in error ..D UPDATE ;Update free text entry from table Q ; DEL ;No zero node, remove entry N DIK,DA,GMRADONT S GMRADONT=1 ;Stop HDR from receiving update as it's not needed S DIK="^GMR(120.8,",DA=GMRAI D ^DIK Q ; UPDATEF ;Update reactant to say free text so users know it isn't a standardized entry N FDA S REACTANT=REACTANT_" ( FREE TEXT )" S FDA(120.8,(GMRAI_","),.02)=REACTANT D FILE^DIE(,"FDA") S TF=$G(TF)+1 ;Increment total free text updated counter Q ; UPDATEE ;Mark as entered in error, check for NKA N DIE,DA,DR,DFN,USER,TIME S DFN=$P(^GMR(120.8,GMRAI,0),U) ;Patient's IEN S USER=$P(^GMR(120.8,GMRAI,0),U,5),TIME=$P(^(0),U,4) S DIE="^GMR(120.8,",DA=GMRAI,DR="22///1;23///NOW;24////"_$G(DUZ,.5) D ^DIE ;Entry is now entered in error D ADCOM^GMRAFX(GMRAI,"E","Marked entered in error by auto-update in patch GMRA*4*29") ;Adds comment to allergy record I $$NKASCR^GMRANKA(DFN) D .I $P(ENTRY,U,2)="NKDA" S DA=DFN,DIE="^GMR(120.86,",DR="1////0;2////"_$G(USER,DUZ)_";3////"_$G(TIME,$$NOW^XLFDT) D ^DIE Q ;Set assessment to NKA .D CLN^GMRANKA ;Delete assessment S TE=$G(TE)+1 ;Increment total entered in error counter Q ; UPDATE ;Update free text entry to data found in table N DFN,DIE,DA,DR,AIFN,COM,SIEN,FILE,NAME,IEN,GMRAAR,GMRAPA,GMRASCR,ERRCODE S DFN=$P(^GMR(120.8,GMRAI,0),U) S GMRAPA=GMRAI S FILE=$P(ENTRY,U),NAME=$P(ENTRY,U,2) S IEN=$$FIND1^DIC(FILE,"",$S(FILE=120.82:"X",1:"MX"),NAME,$S(FILE=120.82:"B",1:""),,"ERRCODE") I '+IEN S IEN=$$FIND1^DIC(FILE,"","MX",NAME_" ","",,"ERRCODE") I '+IEN,NAME="ANTIMUSCARINICS/ANTISPASMODICS" S IEN=$$FIND1^DIC(FILE,"","MX","GA801","",,"ERRCODE") I '+IEN,$L($T(SCREEN^XTID)) S GMRASCR="I '$$SCREEN^XTID(FILE,,Y_"","")" S IEN=$$FIND1^DIC(FILE,"","MX",NAME,"",$G(GMRASCR),"ERRCODE") I '+IEN S ERR(2,DFN,REACTANT)=ENTRY D UPDATEF Q S GMRAAR=IEN_";"_$S(FILE=50:"PSDRUG(",FILE=50.416:"PS(50.416,",FILE=50.605:"PS(50.605,",FILE=120.82:"GMRD(120.82,",1:"PSNDF(50.6,") S GMRAAR(0)=NAME S GMRAAR("O")=$S(FILE=120.82:$P(^GMRD(120.82,IEN,0),U,2),1:"D") I $$DUP^GMRAFX3 S ERR(3,DFN,REACTANT)=ENTRY D UPDATEF Q ;Would create a duplicate if update occur ;Update reactant, allergy and signed off fields S DIE="^GMR(120.8,",DA=GMRAPA,DR=".02////"_GMRAAR(0)_";1////^S X=GMRAAR"_";3.1////"_GMRAAR("O")_";15///1" D ^DIE I $D(^GMR(120.85,"C",GMRAPA)) D ;Observed reaction, need to update data .S AIFN=0 .F S AIFN=$O(^GMR(120.85,"C",GMRAPA,AIFN)) Q:'+AIFN D ..S SIEN=$O(^GMR(120.85,AIFN,3,"B",REACTANT,0)) Q:'+SIEN ;Was previous reactant stored as "suspected agent" ..S DA(1)=AIFN,DA=SIEN ..S DIE="^GMR(120.85,DA(1),3,",DR=".01////^S X=GMRAAR(0)" D ^DIE ;Update suspected agent to new value D DELMUL^GMRAFX3(2),DELMUL^GMRAFX3(3) ;Delete drug ingredient/drug classes multiples I GMRAAR("O")["D" D UPDATE^GMRAPES1 K LIST ;If reactant type is Drug then add appropriate ingredients and classes S COM="Updated using auto clean up process from GMRA*4*29. Changed reactant from "_REACTANT_" (free text) "_"to "_GMRAAR(0)_"(file - "_$P(GMRAAR,";",2)_")" D ADCOM^GMRAFX(GMRAPA,"O",COM) ;Add a comment for this update S TU=$G(TU)+1 ;Increment total updated counter Q ; MAIL ;Send message indicating post install is finished N XMSUB,XMTEXT,XMDUZ,XMY,XMZ,GMRATXT,CNT,VADM,DFN,REACTANT,LOOP,DIFROM,EXTRA S XMDUZ="PATCH GMRA*4*29 POST-INSTALL" S XMY("DAVID.NABER@VA.GOV")="",XMY("CATHERINE.HOANG2@VA.GOV")="" S XMY("HULET.LEE_ANN@FORUM.VA.GOV")="" S EXTRA=($D(ERR(2))!($D(ERR(3)))) I 'EXTRA S XMY(.5)="" S:$G(DUZ) XMY(DUZ)="" S CNT=1 S GMRATXT(CNT)="The post-install routine for patch GMRA*4*29",CNT=CNT+1 S GMRATXT(CNT)="finished on "_$$FMTE^XLFDT($$NOW^XLFDT)_".",CNT=CNT+1 S GMRATXT(CNT)="",CNT=CNT+1 I $G(ERR)=1 D .S GMRATXT(CNT)="**NOTE: There was a problem with the installation!",CNT=CNT+1 .S GMRATXT(CNT)="Required entry missing from file 120.82 - CONVERSION ABORTED.",CNT=CNT+1 .S GMRATXT(CNT)="Contact the National Help Desk for Immediate assistance.",CNT=CNT+1 I $G(TU)!($G(TE))!($G(TF)) D .S GMRATXT(CNT)="Here are the results of the update:",CNT=CNT+1 .S GMRATXT(CNT)="",CNT=CNT+1 .F LOOP="TU","TF","TE" D ..S GMRATXT(CNT)=$S(+$G(@LOOP)=0:"No entries were",$G(@LOOP)=1:"One entry was",1:$G(@LOOP)_" entries were")_" " ..S GMRATXT(CNT)=GMRATXT(CNT)_$S(LOOP="TU":"updated to new terms",LOOP="TF":"updated to have (FREE TEXT) appended to the term",1:"marked entered in error")_".",CNT=CNT+1 .S GMRATXT(CNT)="",CNT=CNT+1 S XMTEXT="GMRATXT(",XMSUB="PATCH GMRA*4*29 Post Install COMPLETED" D ^XMD ;Send totals to OI reps, include local if no problems F LOOP=2,3 D .I $D(ERR(LOOP)) D ..S GMRATXT(CNT)="The following patients have allergies that couldn't be converted",CNT=CNT+1 ..S GMRATXT(CNT)=$S(LOOP=2:"because the term to update them to couldn't be found in the local files.",1:"because it would create a duplicate entry."),CNT=CNT+1 ..S GMRATXT(CNT)="",CNT=CNT+1 ..S DFN=0 F S DFN=$O(ERR(LOOP,DFN)) Q:'+DFN D ...K VADM D DEM^VADPT ...S GMRATXT(CNT)="PATIENT: "_VADM(1)_" ("_$E(VADM(2),6,9)_")",CNT=CNT+1 ...S REACTANT="" F S REACTANT=$O(ERR(LOOP,DFN,REACTANT)) Q:REACTANT="" D ....S GMRATXT(CNT)="Can't convert "_REACTANT_" to "_$P(ERR(LOOP,DFN,REACTANT),U,2)_" (file: "_$P(ERR(LOOP,DFN,REACTANT),U)_")",CNT=CNT+1 ...S GMRATXT(CNT)="",CNT=CNT+1 ..S $P(GMRATXT(CNT),"*",70)="*",CNT=CNT+1,GMRATXT(CNT)="",CNT=CNT+1 I EXTRA D .K XMY S XMY(.5)="" S:$G(DUZ) XMY(DUZ)="" ;Send full report to local site only .S XMTEXT="GMRATXT(",XMSUB="PATCH GMRA*4*29 Post Install COMPLETED" .D ^XMD Q