OOPSGUI8 ;WIOFO/LLH-RPC Broker calls for GUI ;10/23/01 ;;2.0;ASISTS;**8,7,11**;Jun 03, 2002 ; EN1(RESULTS,INPUT) ; Entry point for routine ; Input: INPUT contains the IEN of the ASISTS record and the ; calling menu, in the format IEN^CALLING MENU ; Output: RESULTS contains status messages back to the client. ; RESULTS(0) will = either 1 or 0. 1 if ok for form to be ; signed by calling menu option, 0 if not ok. The RESULTS ; array with status message will start at 1. ; N CALL,CN,DIC,IEN,FORM,PRM1,PRM2,SIGN,Y S CN=1 S IEN=$P($G(INPUT),U),CALL=$P($G(INPUT),U,2) S FORM=$$GET1^DIQ(2260,IEN,52,"I") S FORM=$S(FORM=1:"CA1",FORM=2:"CA2",1:"") S PRM1=$S(CALL="O":"Safety Officer",CALL="H":"Occupational Health",1:0) S PRM2=PRM1_" approves the WCP signing for the Employee: " S SIGN="" I '$G(IEN)!($G(FORM)="")!($G(CALL)="") D Q . S RESULTS(0)=0 . S RESULTS(1)="Missing Information, Cannot Continue" I CALL="W" G WCPS4E S RESULTS(0)=$$VALID() I RESULTS(0) S RESULTS(CN)=PRM2,CN=CN+1 G EXIT WCPS4E ; allow WCP to sign for employee if all approvals given N CONT,EHS,SIGN,SOS,VALID,VIEW S SIGN=0,VALID=0,VIEW=1 S SOS=$$GET1^DIQ(2260,IEN,76,"I") S EHS=$$GET1^DIQ(2260,IEN,79,"I") S CONT=$S(DUZ=SOS:"S",DUZ=EHS:"H",1:"") I (CONT="S")!(CONT="H") D . S RESULTS(CN)="You have approved as "_$S(CONT="S":"Safety Officer",CONT="H":"Occ Health Rep",1:"") . S RESULTS(CN)=RESULTS(0)_" and cannot sign as Employee.",CN=CN+1 . S RESULTS(CN)="Three different individuals must be involved." . S VIEW=0 I '$G(SOS) S VIEW=0 D . S RESULTS(CN)="Safety Officer has not approved WCP signing for employee.",CN=CN+1 I '$G(EHS) S VIEW=0 D . S RESULTS(CN)="Occupational Health has not approved WCP signing for employee.",CN=CN+1 I VIEW D . ; Allow clearing WCP signature, employee may be able to sign . I $$GET1^DIQ(2260,IEN,119,"I") D CLRES^OOPSUTL1(IEN,"E",FORM) . D VALIDATE^OOPSUTL4(IEN,FORM,"E",.VALID) . I 'VALID S RESULTS(CN)="All required fields not completed",CN=CN+1 Q . D EMP^OOPSVAL1 EXIT ; Q VALID() ; make sure same person is not signing for both safety and EH and if ; signed from menu option being called not needed again - so quit N CONT,EHAPP,ERR,SOAPP,VALID S VALID=1,ERR=0 S SOAPP=$P($G(^OOPS(2260,IEN,"WCSE")),U) S EHAPP=$P($G(^OOPS(2260,IEN,"WCSE")),U,4) S CONT=$S(DUZ=SOAPP:"S",DUZ=EHAPP:"H",1:"") I CALL="O" D . I CONT="S" S ERR=1 . I $G(EHAPP)=DUZ S ERR=2 . I $G(SOAPP)&($G(CONT)="") S ERR=3 I CALL="H" D . I CONT="H" S ERR=1 . I $G(SOAPP)=DUZ S ERR=2 . I $G(EHAPP)&($G(CONT)="") S ERR=3 I ERR=1 D . S RESULTS(CN)="You have signed as " . S RESULTS(CN)=RESULTS(CN)_PRM1 . S RESULTS(CN)=RESULTS(CN)_", Cannot sign." . S CN=CN+1,VALID=0 I ERR=2 D . S RESULTS(CN)="You have already signed as " . S RESULTS(CN)=RESULTS(CN)_$S(CALL="O":"Occupational Health",CALL="H":"Safety Officer",1:0)_".",CN=CN+1 . S RESULTS(CN)="Both signatures cannot be made by the same person." . S CN=CN+1,VALID=0 I ERR=3 D . S RESULTS(CN)=PRM1_" has already signed, re-signing is not required." . S CN=CN+1,VALID=0 Q VALID CSIGN(RESULTS,IEN,FORM,CALL) ; Clears Signature from form ; ; Input: IEN - IEN of the ASISTS case to have the ; signature cleared from ; FORM - the Form to clear the signature from, 2162, ; CA1 or CA2 or CA7 (CA7 added V2 patch 5) ; CALL - the calling menu ; Output: RESULTS - single value with status message ; S RESULTS="Clearing Signatures" I ('$G(IEN))!($G(FORM)="")!($G(CALL)="") S RESULTS="FAILED" ; V2 Patch 5 llh - added logic for CA7 I FORM'="CA7" D CLRES^OOPSUTL1(IEN,CALL,FORM) I FORM="CA7" D CLRES^OOPSGUIS(IEN,CALL,FORM) S RESULTS="CLEARED" Q DTFC(RESULTS,DATE,FLAG) ; Reformat Date/Time ; Input - Date to be reformatted ; - Flag to be used ; Output - RESULTS contains the reformatted date ; N X,%DT ; patch 11 - added %DT S FLAG=+$G(FLAG) I DATE=""!(FLAG="") S (RESULTS,RESULTS(1))="" Q S X=DATE,%DT="T" D ^%DT S DATE=Y,X="NOW" D ^%DT I $S(DATE=-1:1,FLAG<0:Y0:DATE>Y,1:0) S DATE=-1 I DATE=-1 S (RESULTS,RESULTS(1))="DATE ERROR" Q S (RESULTS,RESULTS(1))=$$FMTE^XLFDT(DATE,5) Q GETNOI(RESULTS,OPT) ; Broker Call to retrieve NOI Codes ; Input: OPT - Either CA1 or CA2 to indicate which codes should be ; retrieved. If CA1 must start with T, otherwise CA2 ; Output: RESULTS - NOI Description and Code N NOI,DES,CODE,CN S DES="",CN=0 F S DES=$O(^OOPS(2263.3,"B",DES)) Q:DES="" S NOI="" F S NOI=$O(^OOPS(2263.3,"B",DES,NOI)) Q:NOI="" D . S CODE=$P(^OOPS(2263.3,NOI,0),U,2) . I OPT="CA1",($E(CODE,1)="T") S RESULTS(CN)=NOI_":"_DES_" - "_CODE . I OPT="CA2",($E(CODE,1)'="T") S RESULTS(CN)=NOI_":"_DES_" - "_CODE . S CN=CN+1 Q ZIPCHK(RESULTS,DATA) ; patch 5 - validate zip code against file 5.12 ; to ensure zip in file and has correct state. ; ; Input: DATA - contains ZIP CODE^STATE NAME ; Output: RESULTS - returns message with validation results ; N STATE,VALSTATE,VALZIP,ZIP,ZZIP S ZIP=$P($G(DATA),U,1),STATE=$P($G(DATA),U,2) S RESULTS="" I '$G(ZIP)!($G(STATE)="") S RESULTS="MISSING PARAMETERS" Q D POSTAL^XIPUTIL(ZIP,.ZZIP) I $G(ZZIP("ERROR"))'="" S RESULTS="ZIP CODE NOT FOUND" Q I STATE'=ZZIP("STATE") S RESULTS="STATE MISMATCH ON ZIP" Q S RESULTS="VALID ZIP/STATE" Q AMEND(RESULTS,OLDIEN) ; File new Amended Case ; Input: OLDIEN - The ASISTS IEN for the case to have an ; amendment created for. ; Output: RESULTS - Single value with the new case number ; N DLAYGO Q:$P(^OOPS(2260,OLDIEN,0),"^",6)'=0 ;defensive code, should not occur S NUM=$P(^OOPS(2260,OLDIEN,0),U,1),SUF=$E(NUM,11) S $P(^OOPS(2260,OLDIEN,0),U,6)=3 S NUM=$E(NUM,1,10)_$S(SUF="":"A",1:$CHAR($ASCII(SUF)+1)) K DD,DO S DLAYGO=2260,DIC="^OOPS(2260,",DIC(0)="QLZ",X=NUM D FILE^DICN G:Y=-1 DONE S NEWIEN=+Y MERGE ^OOPS(2260,NEWIEN)=^OOPS(2260,OLDIEN) S OOP=^OOPS(2260,NEWIEN,0) S $P(OOP,U,1)=NUM,$P(OOP,U,6)=0,$P(OOP,U,11)="",$P(OOP,U,19)="" S ^OOPS(2260,NEWIEN,0)=OOP,$P(^OOPS(2260,NEWIEN,"CA"),U,6)="" S DIK="^OOPS(2260,",DA=NEWIEN D IX^DIK K ^OOPS(2260,NEWIEN,"2162ES") K ^OOPS(2260,NEWIEN,"CA1ES") K ^OOPS(2260,NEWIEN,"CA2ES") N IEN,X,WCPDUZ,WOK S WCPDUZ=$P($G(^OOPS(2260,NEWIEN,"WCES")),U) I $G(WCPDUZ) S WOK=1,X=WCPDUZ,IEN=OLDIEN D WK^OOPSUTL1 K ^OOPS(2260,NEWIEN,"WCES") S RESULTS=NUM DONE K DA,DIC,OLDIEN,NEWIEN,NUM,SUF,X,Y,DIK,OOP Q SETDLOC(RESULTS,P1,DATA) ; files the detail location records ; Input - P1 is the Location record IEN concatenated with the station ; subrecord IEN. EX. 38^600 ; DATA is a # subscripted array containing the detail loc data ; in the format - detail location description^Detail Loc IEN ; Output - RESULTS indicating the success of the filing. N CNT,IENS,FILE,LV1,LV2,LOC,MSG,REC,RECNO,STAFDA,STR S BAD=0,FILE=2261.4,LOC=$P(P1,U),STA=$P(P1,U,2),RESULTS="" I $D(DATA)<10 S RESULTS="NO DATA TO FILE, CANNOT CONTINUE" Q I '$G(STA) S RESULTS="NO STATION SENT, COULDN'T FILE" Q I '$G(LOC) S RESULTS="NO LOCATION SENT, COULDN'T FILE" Q I '$D(^OOPS(FILE,LOC,1,"B",STA)) D I BAD Q .S IENS="+1,"_LOC_",",STAFDA(2261.43,IENS,.01)=STA .D UPDATE^DIE("","STAFDA","IENS","MSG") .I $D(MSG("DIERR")) D ..S RESULTS="PROBLEM FILING NEW STATION SUBRECORD",BAD=1 ;KILL THE DETAIL LOCATION REC FOR STATION AND LOCATION PASSED IN S DIENS=$O(^OOPS(FILE,"E",STA,LOC,"")),LV1=$O(^OOPS(FILE,LOC,0)) I $G(DIENS) D .S LV2=$O(^OOPS(FILE,LOC,LV1,DIENS,0)) .I $G(LV2) K ^OOPS(FILE,LOC,LV1,DIENS,LV2) .I $D(^OOPS(FILE,"F",DIENS,LOC)) K ^OOPS(FILE,"F",DIENS,LOC) ;RE-FILE THE DETAIL LOCATION LEVEL RECORD K STAFDA S CNT=0,RECNO=0,REC="" F S REC=$O(DATA(REC)) Q:REC="" D .S STR=DATA(REC),RECNO=$P(STR,U,2),CNT=CNT+1 .I RECNO="" S RECNO=CNT .S IENS="+"_RECNO_","_DIENS_","_LOC_"," .S STAFDA(2261.431,IENS,.01)=$P(STR,U,1) D UPDATE^DIE("E","STAFDA","IENS","MSG") I '$D(MSG) S RESULTS="Filing Successful" K MSG,STR,Y,X,%DT Q