OOPSSOF1 ;HINES/WAA-SOF/E Safety officer Edit Routine ;3/30/98 ;;2.0;ASISTS;;Jun 03, 2002 ;; ; The call to $$SAFETY^OOPSUTL2 filters cases that have not been ; signed by the Supervisor. Only signed cases can be selected. EN1 ; Main Entry Point N SSN,IEN,FORM,SIGN S IEN=0 Q:DUZ<1 Q:$G(^VA(200,DUZ,1))="" S SSN=$P(^VA(200,DUZ,1),U,9) D Q:IEN<1 .N DIC,X .S DIC="^OOPS(2260,",DIC("S")="I '$$GET1^DIQ(2260,Y,51,""I""),$$SAFETY^OOPSUTL2(Y)" .S DIC(0)="AEMNZ",DIC("A")="Select Case: " .D ^DIC .Q:Y<1 .Q:$D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) .S IEN=$P(Y,U) .Q D FORM I $D(Y) G EXIT D SIGN(FORM) I $P(SIGN,U) D CLOSE EXIT K DIC,SUP Q CLOSE ; Close N DR,DIE S DR="",DA=IEN,DIE="^OOPS(2260," S DR="51 CASE STATUS..................//C" D ^DIE Q FORM ; Form S FORM="2162" N DR,DIE D ^OOPSDIS ; Patch 8 - changed call from local subroutine D CLRES^OOPSUTL1(IEN,"O",FORM) S DR="",DIE="^OOPS(2260,",DA=IEN ; Patch 5 - changed order of the following 2 prompts S DR(1,2260,1)="47 CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN......" S DR(1,2260,5)="55 SAFETY OFF. COMMENTS........." D ^DIE Q SIGN(FORM) ; Sign/validate Document N INC,VALID,SSIGN,ESIGN,CLOSE,MSG,Y S CLOSE=1,VALID=0,SIGN="" W ! ; Added linefeed for readablitiy - P8 D VALIDATE^OOPSUTL4(IEN,FORM,"O",.VALID) W ! I 'VALID Q S INC=$$GET1^DIQ(2260,IEN,52,"I") S SSIGN=$$EDSTA^OOPSUTL1(IEN,"S") S ESIGN=$$EDSTA^OOPSUTL1(IEN,"E") ; Patch 8 - determine if emp & super have signed CA, if not, give ; safety option of signing. Else, sign without asking I '$P(ESIGN,U,INC) D . W !,"The Employee portion of the CA",$S(INC=1:1,INC=2:2,1:0)," has not been signed." . S CLOSE=0 . Q I '$P(SSIGN,U,INC) D . W !,"The Supervisor portion of the CA",$S(INC=1:1,INC=2:2,1:0)," has not been signed." . S CLOSE=0 . Q I 'CLOSE D . S MSG("DIHELP",1)="" . S MSG("DIHELP",2)="The Employee or Supervisor has not signed their" . S MSG("DIHELP",3)="part of the CA Claim form." . S MSG("DIHELP",4)="Signing the form now closes the case and removes" . S MSG("DIHELP",5)="it from everyone's selection list for editing." . D MSG^DIALOG("WH","","","","MSG") . K DIR S DIR(0)="S^1:Yes;0:No" . S DIR("A")="Do you want to sign the Case" . D ^DIR K DIR . S CLOSE=$S(Y=1:1,Y=0:0,1:0) . Q I 'CLOSE Q S SIGN=$$SIG^OOPSESIG(DUZ,IEN) ; file electronic signature I $P(SIGN,U) D . S $P(^OOPS(2260,IEN,"2162ES"),U,4,6)=SIGN Q