OOPSXP11 ;WIOFO/LLH-INIT ROUTINE FOR PATCH 11 ;3/5/2001 ;;1.0;ASISTS;**11**;Jun 01, 1998 ; PRE ; N MSG,SAF,PMSG S MSG(1)=" " S MSG(2)="The SAFETY DEVICE USED Field (#43) in the ASISTS ACCIDENT REPORTING " S MSG(3)="File (#2260) has been changed. Unknown has been removed as a " S MSG(4)="valid code for this field. All records with Unknown will be " S MSG(5)="changed to 'N'o." ; I $$PATCH^XPDUTL("OOPS*1.0*11") D Q . D BMES^XPDUTL(" Skipping pre install since patch was previously installed.") D BMES^XPDUTL("Data Conversion in Progress...") H 1 D MES^XPDUTL(.MSG) H 2 ; LOOP ; Loop thru 2260 and change as described above. N IEN,DR,DA,DIE,SAF S IEN=0,DIE="^OOPS(2260," F S IEN=$O(^OOPS(2260,IEN)) Q:IEN'>0 D . S SAF=$P($G(^OOPS(2260,IEN,"2162D")),U,8) . I $G(SAF)="U" S $P(^OOPS(2260,IEN,"2162D"),U,8)="N" D .. D MES^XPDUTL("Safety Device changed from Unknown to No for this case "_$$GET1^DIQ(2260,IEN,.01,"E")) ; also need to change the type for Suture Needlestick in ^OOPS(2261.7 K DA,DIE,DR S DIE="^OOPS(2261.7," S DA=7,DR="2///^S X=""S""" D ^DIE S DA=12,DR="2///^S X=""S""" D ^DIE S DA=19,DR="2///^S X=""N""" D ^DIE Q