IBDF18A1 ;ALB/CJM/AAS - ENCOUNTER FORM - utilities for PCE ;12-AUG-94 ;;3.0;AUTOMATED INFO COLLECTION SYS;**34,38**;APR 24, 1997 ; COPYLIST(LIST,ARY,COUNT) ; ; -- copies the entries from LIST to @ARY, starting subscript at COUNT+1 ; N SLCTN,NODE,NODE1,NODE2,TSUBCOL,GROUP,ORDER,HDR,PRNT ; D SUBCOL(LIST,.TSUBCOL) ;find the subcolumn containing the text ; S PRNT="" F S PRNT=$O(^IBE(357.4,"APO",LIST,PRNT)) Q:PRNT="" D . S GROUP="" . F S GROUP=$O(^IBE(357.4,"APO",LIST,PRNT,GROUP)) Q:GROUP="" D .. S HDR=$P($G(^IBE(357.4,GROUP,0)),"^") .. I HDR="BLANK" S HDR="" .. S COUNT=COUNT+1,@ARY@(COUNT)="^"_HDR .. S ORDER="" .. F S ORDER=$O(^IBE(357.3,"APO",LIST,GROUP,ORDER)) Q:ORDER="" D ... S SLCTN=0 ... F S SLCTN=$O(^IBE(357.3,"APO",LIST,GROUP,ORDER,SLCTN)) Q:'SLCTN D .... S NODE=$G(^IBE(357.3,SLCTN,0)) .... S NODE2=$G(^IBE(357.3,SLCTN,2)) .... S NODE1=$G(^IBE(357.3,SLCTN,1,+$O(^IBE(357.3,SLCTN,1,"B",+TSUBCOL,0)),0)) .... ; -- return placeholders as headers when use as subheader .... ; is yes and quit .... I $P(NODE,"^",2),$P(NODE,"^",7)=1 D Q ..... S COUNT=COUNT+1,@ARY@(COUNT)="^"_$P(NODE,"^",6) .... ; .... I $P(NODE1,"^")=TSUBCOL,$L($P(NODE1,"^",2)) S COUNT=COUNT+1,@ARY@(COUNT)=$P(NODE,"^")_"^"_$P(NODE1,"^",2)_"^^^^"_$P(NODE2,"^")_"^"_$P(NODE2,"^",3)_"^"_$P(NODE2,"^",4)_"^"_$P(NODE2,"^",2) .... D MODLIST Q ; SUBCOL(LIST,TSUBCOL) ; -- finds the subcolumn containing the text ; -- TSUBCOL passed by reference - used to return the subcolumn ; LIST is the selection list to search ; ; -- refering to the data returned by the package interface, ; piece 2 is usually the description ; N PI,SC S TSUBCOL="",SC=0 S PI=$P($G(^IBE(357.6,+$P($G(^IBE(357.2,+LIST,0)),"^",11),0)),"^") ; F S SC=$O(^IBE(357.2,LIST,2,SC)) Q:'SC D .Q:$P($G(^IBE(357.2,LIST,2,SC,0)),"^",4)=2 ;is a marking area .I $P($G(^IBE(357.2,LIST,2,SC,0)),"^",5)=2 S TSUBCOL=$P(^(0),"^") Q .I TSUBCOL="",$P($G(^IBE(357.2,LIST,2,SC,0)),"^",5)>2 S TSUBCOL=$P(^(0),"^") Q ; -- see if other than data piece two is text subcolumn .; .; -- utility for selecting blanks is exception .I TSUBCOL="",PI="IBDF UTILITY FOR SELECTING BLANKS",$P($G(^IBE(357.2,LIST,2,SC,0)),"^",5)=1 S TSUBCOL=$P(^(0),"^") Q Q ; F2(ARY) ; -- filter cpt code array to find only codes beginning with 992 and asssicated headers ; -- Copy filtered array to from ibdtmp( to @ary@( ; N NODE,IBQUIT,COUNT S (COUNT,IBQUIT)=0 ; ;I INTRFACE'="DG SELECT CPT PROCEDURE CODES" S @ARY=IBDTMP K IBDTMP ; S NODE="" F S NODE=$O(IBDTMP(NODE),-1) Q:NODE="" I $E(IBDTMP(NODE),1,3)=992 D ;Q:IBQUIT ;comment out the q:ibquit if want from more than 1 list .; .S @ARY@(NODE)=IBDTMP(NODE),COUNT=COUNT+1 ;this is bottom of list .; .; -- process from bottom of list to header .F S NODE=$O(IBDTMP(NODE),-1) Q:NODE="" D Q:IBQUIT ..S IBQUIT=0 ..I $E(IBDTMP(NODE),1,3)=992 S @ARY@(NODE)=IBDTMP(NODE),COUNT=COUNT+1 ..I $P(IBDTMP(NODE),"^",1)="" S @ARY@(NODE)=IBDTMP(NODE),IBQUIT=1,COUNT=COUNT+1 I COUNT S @ARY@(0)=COUNT Q ; URH ; -- UnReferenced Headers (removal) ; if a header doesn't have any data under it, then remove the header N X,HDR S X=0 F S X=$O(@ARY@(X)) Q:'X D .I '$D(HDR),$P(@ARY@(X),"^",1)="" S HDR=X Q ;find a header .I $P(@ARY@(X),"^",1)="" K HDR Q ; is item under header .; -- patch 34 check if piece one below = null instead of positive .I $D(HDR),$P(@ARY@(X),"^",1)="" K @ARY@(HDR) S COUNT=COUNT-1,HDR=X ;hdr doesn't have any items, kill hdr node and reset header to next header .;I $D(HDR),$P(@ARY@(X),"^",1) K @ARY@(HDR) S COUNT=COUNT-1,HDR=X ;hdr doesn't have any items, kill hdr node and reset header to next header I $D(HDR) S X=$O(@ARY@(""),-1) I $P(@ARY@(X),"^",1)="" K @ARY@(X) S COUNT=COUNT-1,HDR=X ;last item in list is a header Q MODLIST ; return all CPT Modifiers if defined ; Q:$G(MODIFIER)'=1 N MCOUNT,MOD Q:'$D(^IBE(357.3,SLCTN,3)) S MCOUNT=0 F MOD=0:0 S MOD=$O(^IBE(357.3,SLCTN,3,MOD)) Q:'MOD D . S MCOUNT=MCOUNT+1 . S @ARY@(COUNT,"MODIFIER",MCOUNT)=$G(^IBE(357.3,SLCTN,3,MOD,0)) S:MCOUNT>0 @ARY@(COUNT,"MODIFIER",0)=MCOUNT Q