IBDFU4 ;ALB/CJM - ENCOUNTER FORM - BUILD FORM(write single form block to array for display,position & size copied block) ; 08-JAN-1993 ;;3.0;AUTOMATED INFO COLLECTION SYS;**10**;APR 24, 1997 ; IDXBLOCK ; create list containing block rows for list processor ; N I W !,"... BUILDING THE FORM BLOCK ..." Q:$$BLKDESCR^IBDFU1B(.IBBLK) ; ;keep small blocks in memory ;I ((IBBLK("H")+1)*(IBBLK("W")+1))<4000 S VALMAR="IBMEMARY" ; K @VALMAR D KILL^VALM10() D BLNKFORM^IBDF5A(0,IBBLK("H")-1,IBBLK("W")) S I="",$P(I,"~",IBBLK("W")+1)="~" S @VALMAR@(IBBLK("H")+1,0)=" "_I S VALMCNT=IBBLK("H")+1 D DRWBLOCK^IBDF2A1(.IBBLK,1) Q POS(NEWBLOCK,DFLTX,DFLTY) ;allows the user to position and size the block ;NEWBLOCK = block to be edited ;DFLTY - default value for starting row ;DFLTX - default value for starting column N IBX,IBY ;used in the input template S:$G(DFLTX)=+$G(DFLTX) $P(NODE,"^",5)=DFLTX S:$G(DFLTY)=+$G(DFLTY) $P(NODE,"^",4)=DFLTY N NODE,IBBLK,IBDONE S IBBLK=NEWBLOCK S NODE=$G(^IBE(357.1,NEWBLOCK,0)) ;set defaults for starting column, starting row S ^IBE(357.1,NEWBLOCK,0)=NODE,IBDONE=0 K DIE S DIE=357.1,DA=NEWBLOCK,DR="[IBDF POSITION COPIED BLOCK]" D ^DIE K DIE,DR,DA I 'IBDONE D DLTBLK^IBDFU3(NEWBLOCK,IBFORM,357.1) Q CURX() ;returns the current X position (top left corner of displayed poriton of the form - internal column value) N IB S IB=+$G(VALMLFT),IB=IB-5 S:IB<0 IB=0 Q IB CURY() ;returns the current Y position (top left corner of displayed poriton of the form - internal row value) N IB S IB=+$G(VALMBG),IB=IB-1 S:IB<0 IB=0 Q IB SLCTFORM(TK,NODE) ;allows the user to select a form and returns the IEN ;returns 0 if no form selected ; ;INPUTS ;if TK=0 assumes form should not be a toolkit form ;if TK=1 assumes form should be a toolkit form ;otherwise, ask the user if the he wants to select fromt he toolkit ; ;NODE is optional - if defined it returns the 0 node of the form selected - should be passed by reference ; N FORM,Y S FORM=0 S TK=$G(TK) I TK'=0,TK'=1 D .K DIR S DIR(0)="YA",DIR("A")="Do you want to select a form from the toolkit? " .D ^DIR .I Y'=-1,'$D(DIRUT) S TK=Y ;don't continue with the selection if it is not known whether or not the form is comming from the toolkit I (TK=1)!(TK=0) D .D:$G(IBDEVICE("LISTMAN")) FULL^VALM1 .K DIC S DIC("S")=$S(TK:"I $P($G(^(0)),U,7),$P($G(^(0)),U)'=""TOOL KIT"",$P($G(^(0)),U)'=""WORKCOPY"",$P($G(^(0)),U)'=""DEFAULTS""",1:"I '$P($G(^(0)),U,7)"),DIC=357,DIC(0)="AEQ"_$S($D(NODE):"Z",1:"") .S DIC("A")="Select a FORM: " .D ^DIC S:+Y>0 FORM=+Y I FORM,$D(NODE) S NODE=Y(0) K DIC,Y,DIR Q FORM CLINICS(FORM,ARY) ;finds the list of clinics using FORM ;@ARY@(0) is set to the number of clinics found ;ARY is where to put the list of clinics ; N CLINIC,SETUP,IDX,COUNT,NAME K @ARY S COUNT=0 F IDX="C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J" D .S SETUP="" F S SETUP=$O(^SD(409.95,IDX,FORM,SETUP)) Q:'SETUP D ..S CLINIC=$P($G(^SD(409.95,SETUP,0)),"^",1) ..Q:'CLINIC ..S NAME=$P($G(^SC(CLINIC,0)),"^",1) ..Q:NAME="" ..I '$D(@ARY@(NAME)) S @ARY@(NAME)=CLINIC,COUNT=COUNT+1 S @ARY@(0)=COUNT Q LIST(ARY,SCRNSIZE) ; ;ARY is the same as in CLINICS N CLINIC,COUNT,DIR,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIRUT,DIROUT S DIR(0)="YO",DIR("B")="Y",DIR("A")="List the clinics using the form" D ^DIR K DIR I '$D(DIRUT),Y D .S (COUNT,CLINIC)=0 .S DIR(0)="E" .F S CLINIC=$O(@ARY@(CLINIC)) Q:CLINIC="" W !,CLINIC S COUNT=COUNT+1 I COUNT=SCRNSIZE D ^DIR Q:'Y S COUNT=0 .I '$D(DUOUT) D:COUNT>0 ^DIR Q