IBDFUA ;ALB/CJM - ENCOUNTER FORM (utilities - IBDFU continued) ;NOV 16,1992 ;;3.0;AUTOMATED INFO COLLECTION SYS;;APR 24, 1997 ; PRNTVAR ;defines the screen and graphics variables needed for printing ; D GSET^%ZISS,KILL^%ZISS S X="IOINHI;IOINORM;IOUON;IOUOFF" D ENDR^%ZISS S (IORVON,IORVOFF)="" K X Q ; KPRNTVAR ;kills the variables defined by PRINTVAR ; -- (actually, kills all screen paramters) ; Q:$D(VALMEVL) ;don't kill if listman, (needed for 1010T) D GKILL^%ZISS,KILL^%ZISS Q ; GRAPHICS() ; returns1 if graphic mode available with characters needed ;sets graphics characters to "|" and "_" if graphics mode not available ;If not a raster device, then returns 0 no matter what ; N GRAPHICS S GRAPHICS=0 I IBDEVICE("RASTER"),($G(IOG0)'=""),($G(IOG1)'=""),($G(IOVL)'=""),($G(IOHL)'=""),($G(IOBLC)'=""),($G(IOBRC)'=""),($G(IOTLC)'=""),($G(IOTRC)'="") S GRAPHICS=1 S:IBDEVICE("PCL") GRAPHICS=1 S:'GRAPHICS (IOVL,IOBLC,IOBRC)="|",(IOHL,IOTRC,IOTLC)="_" Q GRAPHICS ; DEVICE(LISTMAN,IBDEVICE) ;sets various device parameters ;LISTMAN=1 if display for the List Manager, 0 otherwise ;returns IBDEVICE array - pass by reference ;Also, the required Kernel screen and graphics parameters are defined. ; ;IBDEVICE array elements: ; RASTER = 1 if IOXY defined and not a crt ; CRT= 1 if crt ; GRAPHICS=1 if graphic mode available with characters needed. ; PCL=1 if the printer language is PCL, version 5 or higher. ; SIMPLEX,DUPLEX_LONG,DUPLEX_SHORT are printer control statements for simplex, duplex long-edge binding, duplex short-edge binding - in an encounter form file until added to the TERMINAL TYPE file in future version of KERNEL ; S IBDEVICE("TCP")=0 ; I LISTMAN D Q .S IBDEVICE("LISTMAN")=1 .S IBDEVICE("CRT")=1 .S IBDEVICE("PCL")=0 .S IBDEVICE("GRAPHICS")=0 .S IBDEVICE("RASTER")=0 .D NOGRPHCS^IBDFU5 ; ;not List Manager -> ; S (IBDEVICE("LISTMAN"),IBDEVICE("RASTER"),IBDEVICE("CRT"),IBDEVICE("PCL"))=0 I $E($G(IOST),1,2)="C-" S IBDEVICE("CRT")=1 I $G(IOXY)'="" S IBDEVICE("RASTER")=1 D PRNTVAR S (IBDEVICE("SIMPLEX"),IBDEVICE("DUPLEX_LONG"),IBDEVICE("DUPLEX_SHORT"))="" I 'IBDEVICE("CRT"),'LISTMAN,$G(IOST(0)) D .N TERMINAL,TEMP .S TERMINAL=$G(^IBE(357.94,+$O(^IBE(357.94,"B",IOST(0),0)),0)) .S IBDEVICE("TCP")=+$P(TERMINAL,"^",6) .S IBDEVICE("RESET")=$P(TERMINAL,"^",7) .S IBDEVICE("PCL")=$S($P(TERMINAL,"^",2)=1:1,1:0) .I $P(TERMINAL,"^",3)]"" S TEMP="S IBDEVICE(""SIMPLEX"")="_$P(TERMINAL,"^",3) X TEMP .; .;do not define duplex mode if simplex not defined .Q:IBDEVICE("SIMPLEX")="" .I $P(TERMINAL,"^",4)]"" S TEMP="S IBDEVICE(""DUPLEX_LONG"")="_$P(TERMINAL,"^",4) X TEMP .I $P(TERMINAL,"^",5)]"" S TEMP="S IBDEVICE(""DUPLEX_SHORT"")="_$P(TERMINAL,"^",5) X TEMP ; S IBDEVICE("GRAPHICS")=$$GRAPHICS Q ; KILL ;this can be used just before calling List Manager to save space in the symbol table ; ;K XQORKBD,VALMKEY,VALMDDF,VALMHDR,%,CTRLCOL,DIC,Y,X,POP,DX,DY,%I,D,ZTSK,DIC,D0,POP,SEL,DIR,DIE,DR,DA,DIK,DD,%DT,%H,IOP,COL,J ; K %,CTRLCOL,DIC,Y,X,POP,DX,DY,%I,D,ZTSK,DIC,D0,POP,SEL,DIR,DIE,DR,DA,DIK,DD,%DT,%H,IOP,COL,J Q