LA7SMU1 ;DALOI/JMC - Shipping Manifest Utility (Cont'd);5/5/97 14:44 ;;5.2;AUTOMATED LAB INSTRUMENTS;**27,46,65,64**;Sep 27, 1994 ; Q ; SMW(LA7SM) ; "Write" additional information on DIC lookup of #62.48. ; Called by DIC("W") ; Call with LA7SM = ien of entry in file #62.8 ; N LA7X,LA7Y,LA7EVC ; S LA7SM(0)=$G(^LAHM(62.8,LA7SM,0)) ; Shipping configuration S LA7X=" "_$P($G(^LAHM(62.9,$P(LA7SM(0),"^",2),0)),"^") S LA7X=LA7X_" Status: "_$$EXTERNAL^DILFD(62.8,.03,"",$P(LA7SM(0),"^",3)) S LA7EVC="SM"_$S($P(LA7SM(0),"^",3)=0:"00",1:$P("02^03^04^05^07","^",+$P(LA7SM(0),"^",3))) S LA7Y=$$SMED^LA7SMU(LA7SM,LA7EVC) S LA7X=LA7X_" as of "_$P(LA7Y,"^",2) D EN^DDIOL(LA7X,"","?18") Q ; ; ADATE ; Select accession dates if specified ; N DIR,DIRUT,DTOUT,LRAA,X,Y ; S DIR(0)="YO",DIR("A")="Use default accession dates",DIR("B")="YES" S DIR("?",1)="Enter ""YES"" to use the current accession date for each accession area utilized by this shipping configuration." S DIR("?",2)=" " S DIR("?")="If you select ""NO"" then you will be asked to specify a specific accession date and starting and ending accession numbers for each accession area." D ^DIR ; User aborted I $D(DIRUT) S LA7QUIT=1 Q ; Use default accession dates I Y=1 Q ; S X=0 F S X=$O(^LAHM(62.9,+LA7SCFG,60,X)) Q:'X D . S X(0)=$G(^LAHM(62.9,+LA7SCFG,60,X,0)) . I $P(X(0),"^",2),'$D(LA7AA($P(X(0),"^",2))) S LA7AA($P(X(0),"^",2))="" ; S LA7AA=0 F S LA7AA=$O(LA7AA(LA7AA)) Q:'LA7AA D Q:LA7QUIT . N %DT,DTOUT,LRAA,LRAD,LREND,LRFAN,LRLAN . D EN^DDIOL("For Accession Area: "_$P($G(^LRO(68,LA7AA,0)),"^"),"","!!?2") . S LRAA=LA7AA D ADATE^LRWU3 . I Y<1!($G(DTOUT)) S LA7QUIT=1 Q . S LA7AA(LA7AA)=$G(LRAD) . D LRAN^LRWU3 . I LREND S LA7QUIT=1 Q . S LA7AA(LA7AA)=$G(LRAD)_"^"_$G(LRFAN)_"^"_$G(LRLAN) Q ; ; ASKPREV() ; Ask if build should exclude tests from building that have previously ; been removed from a manifest. Allows user to control if tests rebuild ; onto the same or different manifest. ; N DIR,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,X,Y ; S DIR(0)="YO" S DIR("A")="Exclude previously removed tests from building" S DIR("B")="YES" S DIR("?",1)="Answer 'YES' if you do NOT want tests previously removed" S DIR("?",2)="from a manifest to be added to this manifest." S DIR("?",3)=" " S DIR("?",4)="Answer 'NO' if you WANT tests to be added to this manifest" S DIR("?",5)="that were previously removed from a manifest and are" S DIR("?")="otherwise eligible to be added." D ^DIR Q $S($D(DIRUT):-1,1:+Y) ; ; PREV(LA7UID,LA760) ; Determine if test previously removed from a manifest. ; Checks all manifests for accession/test combination. ; Call with LA7UID = accession's uid ; LA760 = file #60 test ien ; ; Returns 0 = not previously removed from a manifest ; 1 = previously removed from a manifest ; ; Called by LA7SMB ; N LA7628,LA762801,LA7FLAG,LA7ROOT,LA7X ; S LA7FLAG=0 I '$L($G(LA7UID))!'(+$G(LA760)) Q LA7FLAG S LA7ROOT="^LAHM(62.8,""UID"",LA7UID)" F S LA7ROOT=$Q(@LA7ROOT) Q:$QS(LA7ROOT,3)'=LA7UID D Q:LA7FLAG . ; Manifest and specimen ien . S LA7628=$QS(LA7ROOT,4),LA762801=$QS(LA7ROOT,5) . S LA7X=$G(^LAHM(62.8,LA7628,10,LA762801,0)) . ; Found previous test removal . I $P(LA7X,"^",2)=LA760,$P(LA7X,"^",8)=0 S LA7FLAG=1 Q LA7FLAG ; ; DOT(LA7CODE,LA7NCS,LA7UID,LA7628) ; Determine ordered tests ; ; Call with LA7CODE = Test code to look up ; LA7NCS = name of coding system ; LA7UID = accession's UID ; LA7628 = ien of shipping manifest in #62.8 ; ; Returns LA760 = ien of test entry in file #60 if found ; ; Given a test code, accession and a shipping manifest finds the ; file #60 test which is associated with the test code on the manifest. ; ; Called from LA7VIN4 to determine ordered test and update shipping event. N LA760,LA764,LA7I,LA7X,LA7Y ; S (LA760,LA764)=0 ; Quit if no code, UID or configuration passed. I $G(LA7CODE)=""!($G(LA7UID)="")!($G(LA7628)="") Q LA760 ; ; Using NLT codes I $G(LA7NCS)="99VA64" S LA764=+$O(^LAM("E",LA7CODE,0)) ; ; Try NLT in case other system is returning NLT codes but not saying so I 'LA764,$D(^LAM("E",LA7CODE)) S LA764=+$O(^LAM("E",LA7CODE,0)) ; S LA7I=0 F S LA7I=$O(^LAHM(62.8,LA7628,10,"UID",LA7UID,LA7I)) Q:'LA7I D Q:LA760 . S LA7X=$G(^LAHM(62.8,LA7628,10,LA7I,0)) . S LA7Y=$P(LA7X,"^",2) . ; Found match on NLT code . I LA7Y,+$P(^LAB(60,LA7Y,64),"^")=LA764 S LA760=LA7Y Q . ; Found match on non-VA code . I LA7CODE=$P($G(^LAHM(62.8,LA7628,10,LA7I,5)),"^") S LA760=LA7Y ; Q LA760