2 | ;;2.7;AMIE;**28**;Apr 10, 1995
3 | ;
4 | WR(TEXT) ;
5 | ;this is the main entry point for the AMIE writer
6 | ;the following is a desciption of how to set up the text string to use
7 | ;this call.
8 | ;The first uparrow piece contians the description of what to execute
9 | ;on this line. The second peice contians the actual line of text.
10 | ;The descriptions are defined below
11 | ;1st = contains a 1 or zero 1 for beep zero no beep
12 | ;2nd = contains the number of spaces before and/or after the text 1:1
13 | ;3rd = contains the number of tabs before and/or after the text 1:2
14 | ;4th = contains the number of lines before and/or after the text 1:4
15 | ;5th = contains the number of form feeds before and/or after the
16 | ; text 1:3
17 | ;TEXT = contains the array that holds the text to be displayed
18 | ; the array is to look like ARRAY(X,0) local or global
19 | ; The X must start at one and be in consecutive order.
20 | ;The data in each array element will look like. "0,1:1,1:2,1:4,1:3^text"
21 | ;
22 | F LP=1:1 S TEXTM=$G(@TEXT@(LP,0)) Q:TEXTM="" DO
24 | .D SETVAR
25 | .I TEXT2="",SPACE="",TAB="",LINE="",FORM="",BEEP="" Q
26 | .I $G(IO)'="" U IO
27 | .I TEXT2="" D SHORT
28 | .I TEXT2]"" D BODY
29 | .Q
30 | D EXIT
31 | Q
32 | ;
34 | Q
35 | ;
36 | SHORT ;no text available may want to just use curser control
37 | I FORM]"" D FORM(FORM,"B")
38 | I LINE]"" D LINE(LINE,"B")
39 | I TAB]"" D TAB(TAB,"B")
41 | I BEEP]"",BEEP>0 D BEEP
42 | Q
43 | ;
44 | BODY ;text is available will look at all
45 | I BEEP]"",BEEP>0 D BEEP
46 | I FORM]"" D FORM(FORM,"B")
47 | I LINE]"" D LINE(LINE,"B")
48 | I TAB]"" D TAB(TAB,"B")
50 | D TEXT(TEXT2)
52 | I TAB]"" D TAB(TAB,"A")
53 | I LINE]"" D LINE(LINE,"A")
54 | I FORM]"" D FORM(FORM,"A")
55 | Q
56 | ;
57 | FORM(A,B) ;issues the form feeds
58 | ;
59 | N VAR,LP
60 | S VAR=$$SET(A,B)
61 | Q:VAR=""
62 | F LP=1:1:VAR W @$S('$D(IOF):"#",IOF="":"#",1:IOF)
63 | Q
64 | ;
65 | LINE(A,B) ;issues the line feeds
66 | ;
67 | N VAR,LP
68 | S VAR=$$SET(A,B)
69 | Q:VAR=""
70 | F LP=1:1:VAR W !
71 | Q
72 | ;
73 | TAB(A,B) ;issues the tabs
74 | ;
75 | N VAR,LP
76 | S VAR=$$SET(A,B)
77 | Q:VAR=""!(VAR=0)
78 | S DX=0,DY=$S(IOST["C-":$S($Y>IOSL:IOSL,1:$Y),1:0)
79 | X ^%ZOSF("XY")
80 | K DX,DY
81 | W ?VAR
82 | Q
83 | ;
84 | SPACE(A,B) ;issues the spaces
85 | ;
86 | N VAR,LP
87 | S VAR=$$SET(A,B)
88 | Q:VAR=""
89 | F LP=1:1:VAR W " "
90 | Q
91 | ;
92 | TEXT(A) ;writes the text
93 | ;
94 | W A
95 | Q
96 | ;
97 | SET(A,B) ;general set statement
98 | ;
99 | Q $S(B="B":+A,1:$P(A,":",2))
100 | ;
101 | BEEP ;does a beep
102 | W *7
103 | Q
104 | ;
105 | SETTEXT ;sets up the two parts of each string
106 | S TEXT1=$P(TEXTM,"^",1)
107 | S TEXT2=$F(TEXTM,"^")
108 | S TEXT2=$E(TEXTM,TEXT2,999)
109 | Q
110 | ;
111 | SETVAR ;sets up the necessary variables for each attribute
112 | S BEEP=$P(TEXT1,",",1)
113 | S SPACE=$P(TEXT1,",",2)
114 | S TAB=$P(TEXT1,",",3)
115 | S LINE=$P(TEXT1,",",4)
116 | S FORM=$P(TEXT1,",",5)
117 | Q
118 | ;
119 | CLEAR ;clears the screen
120 | S VAR(1,0)="0,0,0,3,1^"
121 | D WR^DVBAUTL4("VAR")
122 | K VAR
123 | Q