DVBCMKL2 ;ALB/GTS-AMIE APPT EVENT DRIVER-LINK RTN 2 ; 10/20/94 9:00 PM ;;2.7;AMIE;**17**;Apr 10, 1995 ; ;** NOTICE: This routine is part of an implementation of a Nationally ;** Controlled Procedure. Local modifications to this routine ;** are prohibited per VHA Directive 10-93-142 ; ;** Version Changes ; 2.7 - New routine (Enhc 13) ; LINKAPPT ;** Link C&P appt to 2507 ;** Enhanced mode On - user prompted with checks ;** Enhanced mode Off - appointment added as new link I $D(^DVB(396.95,"AR",DVBADA)),(+$$ENHNC^DVBCUTA4=1) DO .S DIR("A",1)=" " .S DIR("A",2)="This 2507 already has appointments." .S DIR("A",3)=" Enter '?' for help" .S DIR("A")="Is this appointment due to a cancellation? " .S DIR("?",1)="Enter NO if the appointment is not a reschedule of another appointment" .S DIR("?",2)=" made previously. Enter YES if the appointment is being scheduled because" .S DIR("?")=" an appointment has been or will be canceled." .S DIR(0)="YA^^" .S DIR("B")="NO" .S Y="" .F Q:(Y=1!(Y=0)!($D(DTOUT))) DO ..D ^DIR ..W:Y="^" *7," '^' NOT ALLOWED" .S DVBAYANS=+Y .K DIR,Y .I +DVBAYANS=1 DO ;**Appt link selection ..S DVBALKRC=$$SELLNK^DVBCUTL8(DVBADA) ..I +DVBALKRC'>0 DO ;**Appt not selected for reschedule ...S DIR("A",1)=" " ...S DIR("A",2)="You have not selected the linked appointment being rescheduled. You may" ...S DIR("A",3)=" need to adjust the link to the appointment with the AMIE link" ...S DIR("A",4)=" management option to ensure proper processing time calculation for this 2507." ...S DIR("A",5)=" " ...S DIR(0)="FAO^1:1",DIR("A")="Hit any key to continue." D ^DIR K DIR,X,Y ..I +DVBALKRC>0 DO ;**Appt selected for reschedule ...I +$P(^DVB(396.95,DVBALKRC,0),U,4)'=1!($P(^DVB(396.95,DVBALKRC,0),U,5)'="") DO ....K DIR,X,Y ....S DIR("?",1)="Enter Yes if the veteran requested a reschedule or 'No Showed' the appointment" ....S DIR("?")="Enter No if the Clinic required a reschedule." ....S DIR("A")="Is this appointment due to a veteran requested cancellation or 'No Show'" ....S DIR(0)="Y^AO" D ^DIR I $D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) S DVBAGETO="" ....K DIR,DTOUT,DUOUT ....I '$D(DVBAGETO) S:+Y=1 DVBAVTRQ="" DO .....D UPDTLK ;**Reschedule appt ....I $D(DVBAGETO) DO ;**Time or '^' out .....K Y,DIR,DTOUT,DUOUT .....S DIR("A",1)=" " .....S DIR("A",2)="You have not indicated if the reschedule was due to action by the veteran." .....S DIR("A",3)="The new appointment will not be linked. You will need to adjust" .....S DIR("A",4)="the link for this appointment with the AMIE/C&P appointment link management" .....S DIR("A",5)="option to ensure proper processing time calculation for this 2507." .....S DIR("A",6)=" " .....S DIR(0)="FAO^1:1",DIR("A")="Hit any key to continue." .....D ^DIR K DIR,X,Y ....K DVBAGETO ...I +$P(^DVB(396.95,DVBALKRC,0),U,4)=1&($P(^DVB(396.95,DVBALKRC,0),U,5)="") S DVBAVTRQ="" D UPDTLK ;**Vet cancel and no vet req date - reschd appt .I +DVBAYANS'=1 DO CRTREC^DVBCMKLK ;**Create new appt tracking record ; ;**No appointments exist for 2507 or enhanced dialogue Off I '$D(^DVB(396.95,"AR",DVBADA))!(+$$ENHNC^DVBCUTA4'=1) DO CRTREC^DVBCMKLK Q ; UPDTLK ;** Update selected 396.95 link S DVBARSAP=$P(^DVB(396.95,DVBALKRC,0),U,3) K Y,DIR D RSCHAPT^DVBCMKLK(DVBALKRC,$P(SDATA,U,3)) K DVBAVTRQ N DVBAAPST S DVBAAPST=$P(^DPT(DVBADFN,"S",DVBARSAP,0),U,2) I DVBAAPST="NT"!(DVBAAPST="I"!(DVBAAPST="")) DO .N DVBAAPIN S DVBAAPIN=DVBARSAP .S Y=DVBARSAP X ^DD("DD") .S DVBARSAP=Y K Y .S DIR("A",1)=" " .S DIR("A",2)="Remember to cancel the appointment for "_DVBARSAP .S DIR("A",3)=" and do NOT auto-rebook." .S DIR("A",4)=" " .S DIR("A")="Hit Return to continue" .S DIR(0)="FAO^1:1" .D:$P(SDATA,U,3)'=DVBAAPIN ^DIR .K DIR,Y,DVBARSAP Q ; LINKHLP ;** Indentifier info for selected links N DVBACLNC,DVBADTE,DVBATIME,DVBADTWK,DVBAX S DVBACLNC=$P(^DPT(DVBADFN,"S",$P(^DVB(396.95,+Y,0),U,3),0),U,1) S DVBACLNC=$P(^SC(DVBACLNC,0),U,1) S DVBADTWK=$P(^DVB(396.95,+Y,0),U,3) ;**Get current date S DVBATIME=$P(DVBADTWK,".",2) S DVBADTWK=$P(DVBADTWK,".",1) S DVBADTE=$$FMTE^XLFDT(DVBADTWK,"5DZ") F DVBAX=$L(DVBATIME):1:3 S DVBATIME=DVBATIME_"0" S DVBATIME=$E(DVBATIME,1,2)_":"_$E(DVBATIME,3,4) S DVBADTE=DVBADTE_" @ "_DVBATIME W ?23,"Currently: ",DVBADTE,?59,DVBACLNC Q