DVBCTRN ;ALB/JLU;This is an integration routine;5/18/92 ;;2.7;AMIE;;Apr 10, 1995 ; EN2(DVBCROT,DVBCPAK,DVBCSFT,DVBCPHY,DVBCDTE) ; ;This entry point will first check to see if the soft link is valid ;if so then it will down load the information to AMIE. ;DVBCROT - This is the variable root (local or global) that is ; currently holding the information to be down loaded. ; It should not contain any parenthesis. Ex. JJ OR ^JJ ;DVBCPAK - This is the name of the package that is using this entry ; point. ;DVBCSFT - This is the soft link ;DVBCPHY - This is a pointer to the New Person file of the physican who ; performed the exam. ;DVBCDTE - This is the date the exam was performed. It must be in ; FM format. ; ;all must be defined in order for this entry except DVBCDTE and DVBCPHY ;point to be used. ;** Even though this entry point checks to see if the request and exam ;can still receive data, it should not be used in place of EN1 for this ;type of checking. ; N DVBCAGL1,DVBCAGL,DVBCFN2,DVBCFN3,DVBCX,DVBCNNUM,DVBEST,DVBAGL,DVBCST,DVBCST1,DVBX,DVBCST2,DVBCHK,DVBC,DVBCFN1,DVBCDT,DVBCRT1,DVBCRT2 I $S('$D(DVBCROT):1,DVBCROT']"":1,1:0) Q "-1^Global root not defined or is null" I $S('$D(DVBCPAK):1,DVBCPAK']"":1,1:0) Q "-2^Sending package name not defined or is null" I $S('$D(DVBCSFT):1,DVBCSFT']"":1,1:0) Q "-3^Soft link not defined or is null" ;I $S('$D(DVBCDTE):1,DVBCDTE']"":1,1:0) Q "-3^Date of exam not defined." ;I $S('$D(DVBCPHY):1,DVBCPHY']"":1,1:0) Q "-3^Physician is not defined." ;I $D(DVBCPHY),($S(DVBCPHY']"":1,'$D(^VA(200,DVBCPHY,0)):1,1:0)) Q "-9^Check New Person file pointer value." S DVBCPHY=$S('$D(DVBCPHY):"",DVBCPHY']"":"",$D(^VA(200,DVBCPHY,0)):$P(^(0),U,1),1:"") I $D(DVBCDTE),(DVBCDTE'?7N0.1".".N) Q "-10^Check exam date." I '$D(DVBCDTE) S DVBCDTE="" ; D SFT I $P(DVBCHK,"^",1)<0 Q DVBCHK S DVBCAGL=DVBCFN3_DVBEST_",""RES"")" I '$D(@DVBCAGL@(0)) S ^(0)="^^0^0^"_DT_"^^^^" S DVBCST=$P(^(0),"^",3)+1 ;naked references the I '$D above. S DVBCST1=0 S Y=DT D DD^%DT S DVBCDT=Y K Y F DVBX=1:1:3 S @DVBCAGL@(DVBCST,0)=$S(DVBX=2:"** "_DVBCPAK_" / "_DVBCDT_" **",1:" "),DVBCST=DVBCST+1,DVBCST1=DVBCST1+1 S DVBCST2="" F DVBCST=DVBCST:1 S DVBCST2=$O(@DVBCROT@(DVBCST2)) Q:DVBCST2="" S @DVBCAGL@(DVBCST,0)=@DVBCROT@(DVBCST2),DVBCST1=DVBCST1+1 S DVBCST=DVBCST-1 S DVBCST1=DVBCST1+$P(@DVBCAGL@(0),"^",4) S $P(@DVBCAGL@(0),"^",1,5)="^^"_DVBCST_"^"_DVBCST1_"^"_DT ;setting physican and date S DIE="^DVB(396.4,",DA=DVBEST S DR=".04///C;.06////"_DVBCDTE_";.07////"_DVBCPHY D ^DIE K DA,DIE,DR Q "1^Down load of transcription complete" ; ; EN1(DVBCDFN,DVBCXM,DVBCSFT) ; ;This entry point is used to 1) acquire the soft link information and ;2) verify the availability of the soft link's request at a latter date. ;DVBCDFN - This is the DFN of the Patient the exam was or is to be ;performed on. ;DVBCXM - This is the name of the exam. A search of file 396.6 will ;be done to see if this exam exists. ;DVBCSFT - This is the soft link that the calling program wants ;verified. DVBCSFT need only be defined if a soft link is known and ;someone wishes to verify its availability. ; N DVBC,DVBCDFN1,DVBEST,DVBCFN1,DVBCFN2,DVBCFN3,DVBCHK,DVBCORQ,DVBCOXM,DVBCROT,DVBCST,DVBCST1,DVBCST2,DVBCX,DVBCXM1,DVBCRT1,DVBCRT2,DVBJ I $D(DVBCSFT) D SFT I '$D(DVBCSFT) D NSFT^DVBCTRN1 Q DVBCHK ; SFT S DVBC=$P(DVBCSFT,";",1) S DVBCFN1=$P(DVBC,":",1) I 'DVBCFN1!('$D(^DIC(DVBCFN1,0,"GL"))) S DVBCHK="-1^File number of soft link is bad" Q I DVBCFN1'=396.3 S DVBCHK="-1.5^File number of soft link is incorrect." Q ;naked references ^dic(dvbcfn1,0,"gl") on line before S DVBCFN2=^("GL") S DVBCX=$P(DVBC,":",2) I DVBCX'?1.9N S DVBCHK="-2^Entry number in soft link is bad" Q S DVBCFN3=$P(DVBC,":",3) I 'DVBCFN3!('$D(^DIC(DVBCFN3,0,"GL"))) S DVBCHK="-3^Second file number in soft link is bad" Q I DVBCFN3'=396.4 S DVBCHK="-3.5^Second file number in soft link is incorrect." Q ;naked reference from ^dic(dvbcfn3,0,"gl") S DVBCFN3=^("GL") S DVBEST=$P(DVBC,":",4) I DVBEST'?1.9N S DVBCHK="-4^2507 Exam entry number in soft link is bad" Q S DVBCRT1=DVBCFN2_DVBCX_")" I '$D(@DVBCRT1@(0)) S DVBCHK="-5^This request nolonger exists" Q ;naked references indirected gloabal on line before I '$$OREQ^DVBCTRN1($P(^(0),"^",18)) S DVBCHK="-6^This request is nolonger open" Q S DVBCRT2=DVBCFN3_DVBEST_")" I '$D(@DVBCRT2@(0)) S DVBCHK="-7^Exam nolonger exists." Q ;naked references indirected global on line before I "OC"'[$P(^(0),"^",4) S DVBCHK="-8^Exam can nolonger accept data" Q I $P(^(0),"^",2)'=DVBCX S DVBCHK="-9^This exam does not belong to the proper request." Q S DVBCHK="1^Entry can still receive data" Q