ALPBUTL1 ;OIFO-DALLAS MW,SED,KC-BCBU BACKUP REPORT FUNCTIONS AND UTILITIES ;01/01/03 ;;3.0;BAR CODE MED ADMIN;**8,37**;Mar 2004;Build 10 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ; ; Reference/IA ; INP^VADPT/10061 ; DIC(42/10039 ; DIC(42/2440 ; ERRBLD(SEG,MSG,ERR) ; build an error array for non-FileMan-related errors... ; SEG = HL7 segment name ; MSG = a message that will be used in the error text portion of the array (optional -- if not passed, the ; default will be used) ; ERR = array passed by reference in which error will be returned ; note: code 999 is a code indicating a non-FileMan error for filing the error message in file 53.71 S ERR("DIERR")=1 S ERR("DIERR",1)=999 S ERR("DIERR",1,"TEXT",1)=$S($G(MSG)'="":MSG,1:"Invalid parameter passed to "_SEG_" module in routine ALPBHL1U") Q ; ERRLOG(IEN,OIEN,MSGREC,SEGNAME,SEGDATA,ERRTEXT) ; log filing errors... ; this module logs error data in the BCMA BACKUP PARAMETERS file (53.71). These ; errors usually occur as the result of missing or bad data passed to one of the ; File Manager DBS calls used by this package. ; ; IEN = the patient's record number in file 53.7 ; OIEN = the order number's sub-file record number in file 53.7 ; MSGREC = the HL7 message's record number in file 772 ; SEGNAME = the HL7 segment associated with the error (optional) ; SEGDATA = the HL7 segment's data (optional) ; ERRTEXT = an array passed by reference which contains the error ; code (numeric) and the error text to be filed. It is ; expected that this is usually the error array returned ; from a FileMan DBS call, so the format is specific: ; ; ERRTEXT("DIERR",n)=error code (numeric) ; ERRTEXT("DIERR",n,"TEXT",1)=first line of error text ; ERRTEXT("DIERR",n,"TEXT",2)=second line of error text ; ERRTEXT("DIERR",n,"TEXT",n)=last line of error text ; ; However, any error message can be passed to this module ; as long as the above format is used. N ALPBCODE,ALPBFERR,ALPBFILE,ALPBLOGD,ALPBN1,ALPBN2,ALPBPIEN,ALPBTEXT,ALPBX S ALPBLOGD=$$NOW^XLFDT() S ALPBPIEN=+$O(^ALPB(53.71,0)) I ALPBPIEN=0 D .S X="ONE" .S DIC="^ALPB(53.71," .S DIC(0)="LZ" .S DIC("DR")="1///^S X=3" .S DINUM=1 .S DLAYGO=53.71 .D FILE^DICN K DIC .S ALPBPIEN=+Y I ALPBPIEN'>0 Q S ALPBN1=+$O(^ALPB(53.71,ALPBPIEN,1," "),-1)+1 S ALPBFILE(53.713,"+"_ALPBN1_","_ALPBPIEN_",",.01)=ALPBLOGD S ALPBFILE(53.713,"+"_ALPBN1_","_ALPBPIEN_",",1)=+$G(IEN) S ALPBFILE(53.713,"+"_ALPBN1_","_ALPBPIEN_",",2)=+$G(OIEN) S ALPBFILE(53.713,"+"_ALPBN1_","_ALPBPIEN_",",3)=+$G(MSGREC) S ALPBFILE(53.713,"+"_ALPBN1_","_ALPBPIEN_",",3.1)=$G(SEGNAME) S ALPBFILE(53.713,"+"_ALPBN1_","_ALPBPIEN_",",3.2)=$G(SEGDATA) D UPDATE^DIE("","ALPBFILE","ALPBN1","ALPBFERR") K ALPBFERR,ALPBFILE S ALPBX=0 F S ALPBX=$O(ERRTEXT("DIERR",ALPBX)) Q:'ALPBX D .S ALPBCODE=ERRTEXT("DIERR",ALPBX) .; file the error code... .S ALPBN2=+$O(^ALPB(53.71,ALPBPIEN,1,ALPBN1,2," "),-1)+1 .S ALPBFILE(53.7135,"+"_ALPBN2_","_ALPBN1_","_ALPBPIEN_",",.01)=ALPBCODE .D UPDATE^DIE("","ALPBFILE","ALPBN2","ALPBFERR") .K ALPBFERR,ALPBFILE .; file the error text... .M ALPBTEXT=ERRTEXT("DIERR",ALPBX,"TEXT") .D WP^DIE(53.7135,ALPBN2_","_ALPBN1_","_ALPBPIEN_",",1,"","ALPBTEXT","ALPBFERR") .;S ALPBFILE(53.7135,"+"_ALPBN2_","_ALPBN1_","_ALPBPIEN_",",1)=ALPBTEXT .;D UPDATE^DIE("","ALPBFILE","ALPBN2","ALPBFERR") .K ALPBCODE,ALPBFERR,ALPBFILE,ALPBN2,ALPBTEXT Q ; CLEAN(IEN) ; check error log records to see if the patients' whose records ; are noted still exist in file 53.7. if not, delete the error log ; record(s) in file 53.71... ; IEN = patient record number in file 53.7 ; Note: this function is also called from DELPT^ALPBUTL when a patient's ; record is deleted (as a result of a discharge action) from 53.7. ; N ALPBX,ALPBY,DA,DIK,X,Y ; patient still has record in 53.7? if so, quit... I $G(^ALPB(53.7,IEN,0))'="" Q S ALPBX=0 F S ALPBX=$O(^ALPB(53.71,"C",IEN,ALPBX)) Q:'ALPBX D .S ALPBY=0 .F S ALPBY=$O(^ALPB(53.71,"C",IEN,ALPBX,ALPBY)) Q:'ALPBY D ..S DA=ALPBY ..S DA(1)=ALPBX ..S DIK="^ALPB(53.71,"_DA(1)_",1," ..D ^DIK ..K DA,DIK .K ALPBY K ALPBX Q ; DELERR(ERRIEN) ; delete an error log entry from file 53.71... ; ERRIEN = error log entry's internal record number N ALPBPARM,DA,DIK,X,Y S ALPBPARM=+$O(^ALPB(53.71,0)) I ALPBPARM'>0 Q S DA=ERRIEN S DA(1)=ALPBPARM S DIK="^ALPB(53.71,"_DA(1)_",1," D ^DIK Q ; PTLIST(LTYPE,RESULTS) ; get list of patients in file 53.7... ; LTYPE = passed = "ALL" to list all patients or ; = to list patients on a selected ward ; RESULTS = an array passed by reference in which data will be returned N ALPBDATA,ALPBIEN,ALPBPTN,ALPBX I $G(LTYPE)="" S LTYPE="ALL" S ALPBX=0 I LTYPE="ALL" D .S ALPBPTN="" .F S ALPBPTN=$O(^ALPB(53.7,"B",ALPBPTN)) Q:ALPBPTN="" D ..S ALPBIEN=0 ..F S ALPBIEN=$O(^ALPB(53.7,"B",ALPBPTN,ALPBIEN)) Q:'ALPBIEN D ...S ALPBDATA=$G(^ALPB(53.7,ALPBIEN,0)) ...I ALPBDATA="" K ALPBDATA Q ...S ALPBX=ALPBX+1 ...S RESULTS(ALPBX)=ALPBPTN_"^"_$P(ALPBDATA,"^",2)_"^"_$P(ALPBDATA,"^",5)_"^"_$P(ALPBDATA,"^",6)_"^"_$P(ALPBDATA,"^",7) ...K ALPBDATA ..K ALPBIEN .K ALPBPTN I LTYPE'="ALL" D .S ALPBPTN="" .F S ALPBPTN=$O(^ALPB(53.7,"AW",LTYPE,ALPBPTN)) Q:ALPBPTN="" D ..S ALPBIEN=0 ..F S ALPBIEN=$O(^ALPB(53.7,"AW",LTYPE,ALPBPTN,ALPBIEN)) Q:'ALPBIEN D ...S ALPBDATA=$G(^ALPB(53.7,ALPBIEN,0)) ...I ALPBDATA="" K ALPBDATA Q ...S ALPBX=ALPBX+1 ...S RESULTS(ALPBX)=ALPBPTN_"^"_$P(ALPBDATA,"^",2)_"^"_$P(ALPBDATA,"^",5)_"^"_$P(ALPBDATA,"^",6)_"^"_$P(ALPBDATA,"^",7) ...K ALPBDATA ..K ALPBIEN .K ALPBPTN Q ; STAT(ST) ;This will return the value of a status code for pharmacy I $G(ST)="" Q "" I $L($T(@ST)) G @ST Q "" IP Q "pending" CM Q "finished/verified by pharmacist(active)" DC Q "discontinued" RP Q "replaced" HD Q "on hold" ZE Q "expired" ZS Q "suspended(active)" ZU Q "un-suspended(active)" ZX Q "unreleased" ZZ Q "renewed" ; STAT2(CODE) ; convert order status code for output... ; this function is used primarily by the workstation software ; CODE = an order status code ; returns printable status code I $G(CODE)="" Q "Unknown" I CODE="IP"!(CODE="ZX") Q "Pending" I CODE="CM"!(CODE="ZU")!(CODE="ZZ") Q "Active" I CODE="HD"!(CODE="ZS") Q "Hold" I CODE="DC"!(CODE="RP")!(CODE="ZE") Q "Expired" Q "Unknown" ; DIV(DFN,ALPBMDT) ;get the Division for a patient I +$G(DFN)'>0 Q "" N ALPBDIV,ALPWRD,VAIN,VAINDT S:+$G(ALPBMDT)>0 VAINDT=$P(ALPBMDT,".",1) K ALPBMDT D INP^VADPT S ALPWRD=$P($G(VAIN(4)),U,1) Q:+ALPWRD'>0 "" ;Check to see if ward is a DOMICILIARY I $P($G(^DIC(42,ALPWRD,0)),U,3)="D",+$$GET^XPAR("PKG.BAR CODE MED ADMIN","PSB BKUP DOM FILTER",1,"Q")>0 Q "DOM" S ALPBDIV=$P($G(^DIC(42,ALPWRD,0)),U,11) Q:+ALPBDIV'>0 "" Q ALPBDIV ; CNV(A,B,X) ;CONVERT A STRING ;This API will take a HL7 segment and convert characters ;defined in the input ;Example: ;Single encoding characters can be converted such as ^ to ~ ;or multiple encoding characters can be converted such as ; |~^@/ to ^~|/@ ;A is the string of HL7 encoding characters to be converted ;B is the string of HL7 encoding characters to be converted to ;X is te message string to be converted I A=""!B=""!X="" Q "" F I=1:1:$L(A) S A(I)=$E(A,I,I),A(I,1)="" F I=1:1:$L(B) S B(I)=$E(B,I,I) S J=0 F S J=$O(A(J)) Q:+J'>0 D . F I=1:1:$L(X) S:$E(X,I,I)=A(J) A(J,1)=A(J,1)_I_U S J=0 F S J=$O(A(J)) Q:+J'>0 D . Q:'$D(A(J,1))!'$D(B(J)) . F I=1:1:$L(A(J,1),U) S C=$P(A(J,1),U,I) S:+C>0 $E(X,C,C)=B(J) Q X