DGBTEF1 ;ALB/SCK - BENEFICIARY TRAVEL UPDATE PARAMETERS INTO FILES ;12/14/92 3/12/93 ;;1.0;Beneficiary Travel;**2,14**;September 25, 2001;Build 7 RATES ;enter/edit bene travel parameters;option DGBT BENE TRAVEL RATES S DA=1,DR="720;723;721",DIE="^DG(43," D ^DIE G QUIT:X="^"!($D(DTOUT))!($D(Y)) K DA,DE,DQ,DR,DIE Q ;This Q was added under direction of CBO to remove site's ability to edit rates W !!,"New travel rates are determined each fiscal year. The rates should be",!,"entered each year with the effective date of Oct 1.",! W !,"Changing values for the current or past fiscal years could result in changes",!,"to the claims already entered.",! DATE ; change deductible rates for FY Q ;This Q was added under direction of CBO to remove site's ability to edit rates S DIR("A")="Select EFFECTIVE DATE",DIR(0)="DO^^E",DIR("?")="^D HELP1^DGBTEF1" D ^DIR K DIR G QUIT:$D(DIRUT) G HELP:$E(Y,4,7)'="1001" S X=+Y S DIC="^DG(43.1,",DIC(0)="ELQMZ" D ^DIC G QUIT:Y'>0 S DA=+Y S DGBTN=$S('$D(^DG(43.1,DA,"BT")):"",1:^DG(43.1,DA,"BT")) S:$D(DGBTN)&($P(DGBTN,"^")]"") DIR("B")=$P(DGBTN,"^") S DGBTDEDV=$$DEDUCT(6,"VISIT") G:DGBTDEDV<0 QUIT1 S DIE="^DG(43.1,",DR="30.01///^S X=DGBTDEDV" D ^DIE S:$D(DGBTN)&($P(DGBTN,"^",2)]"") DIR("B")=$P(DGBTN,"^",2) S DGBTDEDM=$$DEDUCT(18,"MONTH") G:DGBTDEDM<0 QUIT1 S DIE="^DG(43.1,",DR="30.02///^S X=DGBTDEDM" D ^DIE S DR="30.03;30.05;30.04",DIE="^DG(43.1," D ^DIE G QUIT1 ACCT ; change activation/inactivation dates for accounts W !!,"ACCOUNT TYPES are determined by Fiscal Service and have a direct impact",!,"on the type of questions asked in the Beneficiary Travel CLAIM ENTER/EDIT",!,"option." W !,"DO NOT add to this file unless so instructed by Fiscal Service.",! TYPE ; select account to edit S DIR("A")="Select ACCOUNT",DIR("?")="^D HELP2^DGBTEF1",DIR(0)="FO" D ^DIR K DIR G QUIT:$D(DIRUT) S X=Y S DIC="^DGBT(392.3,",DIC(0)="ELQMZ" D ^DIC G TYPE:Y'>0 S DA=+Y,DR="2:4",DIE="^DGBT(392.3," D ^DIE G TYPE NWACT ;enter/edit account file (392.3);option DGBT BENE TRAVEL ACCOUNT W !!?3,"You are about to enter/edit Bene Travel account types. Although",!?3,"this process is now decentralized, changes and additions should be",!?3,"made with extreme care.",! S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Are you sure you wish to continue",DIR("B")="No" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT))!('Y) G QUIT1 ED ; edit data for new account W ! K X,DA S (DIE,DIC)="^DGBT(392.3,",DIC(0)="AEQLMZ",DLAYGO=392.3,DIC("DR")="" D ^DIC K DIC G:$D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT)!(X="") QUIT1 G:Y'>0 ED S DR="2///"_$P(Y(0)," ",1)_";3;4;5" ; account number now stuffed, not asked S DA=+Y L ^DGBT(392.3,DA):2 E W !?5,"Another user is editing this entry.",*7 G ED S DIE("NO^")=1 D ^DIE L K DR,DIE,DIE("NO^") W ! S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Would you like to Enter/Edit another ACCOUNT",DIR("B")="Yes" D ^DIR K DIR G:$D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT))!(Y=0) QUIT1 G ED QUIT1 ; K DIR,DTOUT,DI,D0,DUOUT,DIRUT,DGBTN,DGBTDEDV,DGBTDEDM QUIT ; K %DT,DA,DIC,DIE,DIE("NO^"),DR,X,Y Q DEDUCT(LIMIT,TYPE) ; enter new deductble value DEDCT1 S DIR(0)="FAO",DIR("A")="ENTER DEDUCTIBLE AMOUNT/"_TYPE_": " S DIR("?")="Type a dollar amount between 0 and "_LIMIT_" with up to 2 decimal places." D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DUOUT)!($D(DTOUT))!(Y']"") S Y=-1 G DEDUCTQ S:Y["$" Y=$P(Y,"$",2) I Y'?.N,Y'?.N1".".N K X,Y,DIR G DEDCT1 I Y>(LIMIT+.001) W " -- Deductible exceeds limit." K X,Y,DIR G DEDCT1 DEDUCTQ Q (+Y) ; HELP W !!,"The effective date must start on the fiscal year, Oct 1.",! G DATE HELP1 S DIC="^DG(43.1,",DIC(0)="QMZ",X="?" D ^DIC K DIC Q HELP2 S DIC="^DGBT(392.3,",DIC(0)="QMZ",X="?" D ^DIC K DIC Q