KMPRUTL1 ;OAK/KAK/RAK - Resource Usage Monitor Utility ;11/19/04 10:32 ;;2.0;CAPACITY MANAGEMENT - RUM;**1**;May 28, 2003 ; DATERNG(KMPUY,KMPUSTR,KMPUEND) ;-- date range ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; KMPUY..... Value returned in four pieces: ; fmstartdate^fmenddate^ouputstartdate^outputenddate ; ; Piece one and two are the date ranges in fileman format. ; Piece three and four are the same dates in output format: ; dy-Mon-yr ; ; ******** ; * NOTE * ; ******** ; - The first piece will always be the earliest date entered. ; ; Optional Parameters: ; ; KMPUSTR... If defined, the earliest date that may be selected. ; (must be in fileman format) ; ; KMPUEND... If defined, the latest date that may be selected. ; (must be in fileman format) ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; N DATE1,DATE2,DIR,DIRUT,LINE,X,Y ; S KMPUY="",KMPUSTR=$G(KMPUSTR),KMPUEND=$G(KMPUEND) ; RANGE ;-- Ask date ranges S DIR(0)="DOA^"_$S(KMPUSTR:KMPUSTR,1:"")_":"_$S(KMPUEND:KMPUEND,1:"")_":E)" S DIR("A")="Start with Date: " S:KMPUSTR DIR("B")=$$FMTE^XLFDT(KMPUSTR,2) S DIR("?")=" " S DIR("?",1)="Enter the starting date.",LINE=2 ; if starting date. I KMPUSTR D .S DIR("?",LINE)="Date must not precede "_$$FMTE^XLFDT(KMPUSTR) .S LINE=LINE+1 ; if ending date. I KMPUEND S DIR("?",LINE)="Date must not follow "_$$FMTE^XLFDT(KMPUEND) W ! D ^DIR I $D(DIRUT) S KMPUY="" Q S DATE1=Y S DIR("A")=" End with Date: " S:KMPUEND DIR("B")=$$FMTE^XLFDT(KMPUEND,2) S DIR("?",1)="Enter the ending date." D ^DIR G:Y="" RANGE I Y="^" S KMPUY="" Q S DATE2=Y ; Set earliest date into first piece. S KMPUY=$S(DATE2DATE1:DATE2,1:DATE1) S $P(KMPUY,U,3)=$$FMTE^XLFDT($P(KMPUY,U)) S $P(KMPUY,U,4)=$$FMTE^XLFDT($P(KMPUY,U,2)) ; Q ; ENVCHECK(KMPRENV,KMPRQIET) ;-- environment check. ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; KMPRENV... Result of environment check in format: ; KMPRENV=Number^Text ; 1-99: system status (not an error condition). ; 0 - RUM turned on and background job queued ; 1 - RUM is not turned on ; 2 - 'KMPR BACKGROUND' job has been queued to run ; ; 100>: error condition. ; 100 - RUM not available for 'OS' at this time ; 200 - RUM is on but the option 'KMPR BACKGROUND DRIVER' ; is not scheduled to run." ; 201 - The RUM background driver option [KMPR BACKGROUND ; DRIVER] is missing ; ; KMPRQIET.. Output message: 0 - output message (not quiet). ; 1 - do not output message (quiet). ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; K KMPRENV S KMPRENV="0^RUM turned on and background job queued" S KMPRQIET=+$G(KMPRQIET) ; N IEN,IEN1,TEXT ; ; check for operating system availability. S TEXT=$P($G(^%ZOSF("OS")),U) I TEXT'["DSM"&(TEXT'["OpenM") D Q .S KMPRENV="100^RUM not available for '"_TEXT_"' at this time" .D:'KMPRQIET ENVOUTPT(KMPRENV,1,1) ; ; if rum not started quit. I '$G(^%ZTSCH("LOGRSRC")) D Q .S KMPRENV="1^RUM is not turned on" .D:'KMPRQIET ENVOUTPT(KMPRENV,1,1) ; S TEXT="KMPR BACKGROUND DRIVER" S IEN=$O(^DIC(19,"B",TEXT,0)) I 'IEN D Q .S KMPRENV="201^The RUM background driver option [KMPR BACKGROUND DRIVER] is missing" .D:'KMPRQIET ENVOUTPT(KMPRENV,1,1) ; S IEN1=$O(^DIC(19.2,"B",IEN,0)) I 'IEN1!($P($G(^DIC(19.2,+IEN1,1)),U)']"") D .S KMPRENV="200^RUM is on but the option '"_TEXT_"' is not scheduled to run" ; Q:KMPRQIET D ENVOUTPT(KMPRENV,1,1) I +KMPRENV<100 Q ; K DIR S DIR(0)="YO",DIR("B")="YES" S DIR("A")="Do you want me to queue this option to run every night at 1 a.m." W ! D ^DIR Q:'Y ; D QUEBKG ; W ! S KMPRENV="0^RUM turned on and background job queued" ; Q ; ENVOUTPT(KMPRENV,KMPRHILT,KMPRCNTR) ;-- environment check output. ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; KMPRENV... Environment output (see ENVCHECK). ; KMPRHILT.. Highlight text: 0 - do not highlight. ; 1 - highlight text. ; KMPRCNTR.. Center text: 0 - do not center text. ; 1 - center text. ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; S KMPRENV=$G(KMPRENV),KMPRHILT=+$G(KMPRHILT),KMPRCNTR=+$G(KMPRCNTR) Q:KMPRENV="" ; N INDENT,IORVOFF,IORVON,TEXT S X="IORVOFF;IORVON" D ENDR^%ZISS S KMPRENV=$P(KMPRENV,U,2) S:KMPRHILT KMPRENV=IORVON_" "_KMPRENV_" "_IORVOFF S TEXT(1)=KMPRENV I KMPRCNTR S INDENT=80-$L(TEXT(1))\2,TEXT(1,"F")="!?"_INDENT D EN^DDIOL(.TEXT) ; Q ; PKG(PACKAGE) ; Select Package(s) ; Output Variable: ; PACKAGE = Contains array of package names ; = PACKAGE("^") if DTOUT or DUOUT ; N DIR,DTOUT,DUOUT,Y S DIR(0)="FO^1:999:0" F D Q:$D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT)!(Y="") .S DIR("A")="Select Package Namespace" D ^DIR I Y'="" S PACKAGE(Y)="" .I Y=" " W !,*7,"Please enter a valid package namespace.",! S:$D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT)!('$D(PACKAGE)) PACKAGE("^")="" W ! Q ; QUEBKG ;-- queue background job KMPR BACKGROUND DRIVER N DA,DIK,FDA,ERROR,IEN,IEN1,IENZ,TEXT,X,Y,Z S:'$G(DT) DT=$$DT^XLFDT S TEXT="KMPR BACKGROUND DRIVER" S IEN=$O(^DIC(19,"B",TEXT,0)) Q:'IEN S IEN1=$O(^DIC(19.2,"B",IEN,0)) ; if already in file 19.2 then kill. I IEN1 S DIK="^DIC(19.2,",DA=IEN1 D ^DIK ; schedule for tomorrow@1am. S FDA($J,19.2,"+1,",.01)=IEN ; queued to run at what time - set to tomorrow@1am S FDA($J,19.2,"+1,",2)=$$FMADD^XLFDT(DT,1)_".01" ; rescheduling frequency. S FDA($J,19.2,"+1,",6)="1D" D UPDATE^DIE("","FDA($J)",.IENZ,"ERROR") I $D(ERROR) D MSG^DIALOG("W","",60,10,"ERROR") Q