KMPDUTL4 ;OAK/RAK; Reverse Video Header/Footer ;2/17/04 10:54 ;;2.0;CAPACITY MANAGEMENT TOOLS;;Mar 22, 2002 ; CONTINUE(KMPDMSSG,KMPDLN,KMPDY) ;-- press return to continue ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; KMPDMSSG. (optional) Message to display to user (if not defined then ; default message by ^DIR is used). ; KMPDLN... Lines to go down before printing ; KMPDY.... Return value: 0 - do not continue. ; 1 - continue. ; Access by reference. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; S KMPDMSSG=$G(KMPDMSSG),KMPDLN=+$G(KMPDLN),KMPDY=0 ; ; if not terminal continue without displaying message. I $E(IOST,1,2)'="C-" S KMPDY=1 Q ; N DIR,I,X,Y S DIR(0)="EO" S:KMPDMSSG]"" DIR("A")=KMPDMSSG I KMPDLN F I=1:1:KMPDLN W ! D ^DIR S KMPDY=+$G(Y) ; Q ; HDR(TITLE1,TITLE2) ;header ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; clear screen and print header in reverse video ; ; if TITLE1 is not defined routine will quit ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- S TITLE1=$G(TITLE1),TITLE2=$G(TITLE2) Q:TITLE1']"" I $G(IORVON)']""!($G(IORVOFF)']"") N IORVON,IORVOFF,X D .S X="IORVON;IORVOFF" D ENDR^%ZISS S TITLE1=IORVON_" "_TITLE1_" "_IORVOFF I TITLE2]"" S TITLE2=IORVON_" "_TITLE2_" "_IORVOFF W @IOF W !?(IOM-$L(TITLE1)/2),TITLE1 I TITLE2]"" W !?(IOM-$L(TITLE2)/2),TITLE2 Q ; FTR(FOOTER,VALUE) ;print footer ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; line feed to IOSL-3 and place message on screen ; if IOSL or IOM are not defined routine will quit ; ; FOOTER - text to appear at the bottom of the screen ; if footer is not defined then the message ; 'Press RETURN to continue, '^' to exit' will appear ; ; footer appears in the middle of the screen ; ; VALUE - value returned: ; "" - if IOSL or IOM are not defined ; 0 - if an uparrow '^' is entered ; 1 - if return is entered ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; S VALUE="" I '$G(IOSL)!('$G(IOM)) Q N DIR,I,X,Y I $G(FOOTER)']"" S FOOTER="Press RETURN to continue, '^' to exit" I $G(IORVON)']""!($G(IORVOFF)']"") N IORVON,IORVOFF,X D .S X="IORVON;IORVOFF" D ENDR^%ZISS S FOOTER=IORVON_" "_FOOTER_" "_IORVOFF S DIR(0)="EA",DIR("A")=$J(" ",(IOM-$L(FOOTER)/2))_FOOTER F I=$Y:1:(IOSL-3) W ! D ^DIR S VALUE=Y Q ; PTNPSEL() ;-- extrinsic function - select prime time, non-prime time or both ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Return: 1^Prime Time ; 2^Non-Prime Time ; 3^Both Prime Time & Non-Prime Time ; "" - no selection made ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- N DIR,X,Y S DIR(0)="SO^1:Prime Time;2:Non-Prime Time" S DIR("A")="Select Time Frame",DIR("B")=1 S DIR("?",1)="Select one of the following:" S DIR("?",2)="" S DIR("?",3)=" PRIME TIME => Weekdays 8 am till 5 pm" S DIR("?",4)=" - or -" S DIR("?",5)=" NON-PRIME TIME => Weekdays after 5 pm and before 8 am" S DIR("?")=" and Weekends all day" D ^DIR Q:$G(Y)=""!($G(Y)="^") "" Q $S(Y:Y_"^"_$G(Y(0)),1:Y) ; STRIP(TEXT) ;-- function to strip leading spaces from text string ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; input TEXT = text string ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; N I,LEN ; S LEN=$L(TEXT) F I=1:1:LEN Q:$E(TEXT)'=" " D .S TEXT=$E(TEXT,2,LEN) ; Q TEXT ; COMMA(TEXT) ;-- function to remove commas from text string ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; input TEXT = text string ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; S TEXT=$TR(TEXT,",") ; Q TEXT ;