ORRCOA ;SLC/JMH - ORDER ACKNOWLEDGMENT QUERY UTILITY ; ; Compiled January 31, 2006 09:47:02 ;;1.0;CARE MANAGEMENT;**5**;Jul 15, 2003;Build 4 ; ; INQBYORD ; N NUM,DIR,X,Y,LIST S NUM=1,LIST="" W !! W "This option searches the ORDER ACKNOWLEDGMENT file for entries related to a" W !," specific order. This can be used to help determine if a provider" W !," has already acknowledged an order or not." W !! S DIR(0)="NO",DIR("A")="Enter an Order Number: " S X="" F D ^DIR Q:'X!(X="^") D .N IEN .S IEN=$O(^ORA(102.4,"B",X,0)) .I 'IEN W !!,"There are no records in the ORDER ACKNOWLEDGMENT file that point to this ",!,"order number." Q .S LIST(IEN)="" Q:X="^" I $D(LIST)'=11 W !!,"No records have been chosen for inclusion in the report." Q D PRINTLST(.LIST,NUM) Q ; INQBYPRO ; N I,J,NUM,LIST,DIC,X,Y,DIR,PROV,START,END S NUM=2,LIST="",START=0,END=9999999 W !! W "This option searches the ORDER ACKNOWLEDGMENT file for un-acknowledged orders" W !," only by provider. This can be used to help a provider identify those" W !," orders that s/he still needs to take care of." W !," Orders that have already been acknowledged will NOT show up here." W !! S DIC="^VA(200,",DIC(0)="AEQZ" D ^DIC I 'Y Q S PROV=Y S I=0 F S I=$O(^ORA(102.4,"ACK",+PROV,I)) Q:'I D .S J=0 F S J=$O(^ORA(102.4,"ACK",+PROV,I,J)) Q:'J D ..S LIST(J)="" I $D(LIST)'=11 W !!,"No records have been chosen for inclusion in the report." Q D PRINTLST(.LIST,NUM) Q ; PRINTREC(IEN) ; N ORDER,PROV,ACKDT S ORDER=+$G(^ORA(102.4,IEN,0)) S PROV=$P($G(^ORA(102.4,IEN,0)),U,2) S PROV=$P($G(^VA(200,PROV,0)),U) S ACKDT=$$FMTE^XLFDT($P($G(^ORA(102.4,IEN,0)),U,3)) I $G(ORDER) W !!,"ORDER: ",ORDER,?35,"PROVIDER: ",PROV I $L($G(ACKDT)) W !,?10,"ACKNOWLEDGEMENT DATE/TIME: ",ACKDT Q ; PRINTLST(LIST,NUM) ; N %ZIS S %ZIS="M" D ^%ZIS U IO N I,ORRCQ S ORRCQ=0 Q:'$D(LIST) W @IOF D HDR(NUM) S I=0 F S I=$O(LIST(I)) Q:'I!(ORRCQ) D .D PRINTREC(I) .I $Y>(IOSL-3)&(IOST["C-") S ORRCQ='$$PAUSE() D ..Q:ORRCQ ..W @IOF ..D HDR(NUM) W !,"_________________________________________________",!! I ORRCQ W !,"Exiting report before complete..." I 'ORRCQ W !,"End of report." D ^%ZISC Q HDR(NUM) ; I NUM=1 D . W !,"Listing of ORDER ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS by order number" . W !,"=================================================" I NUM=2 D . W !,"Listing of ORDER ACKNOWLEDGMENTES by Provider" . W !,"=============================================" Q 0 PAUSE() ; N DIR,X,Y,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIRUT S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR Q $S(Y'=1:0,1:1)