RORREP02 ;HCIOFO/BH - VERSION COMPARISON REPORT (ICR) ; 7/11/03 1:22pm ;;1.5;CLINICAL CASE REGISTRIES;;Feb 17, 2006 ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Registry: [VA HIV] ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; PRNT ; N THREEH S THREEH=1 D NOW^%DTC S IMRDTE=%,IMRPG="0" K IMRDONE S Y=IMRDTE D DD^%DT S IMRDTE=Y D LIST("INTWO","Patients in ICR 2.1 and not in ROR:ICR") Q:$D(IMRDONE) D LIST("INTHREE","Patients in ROR:ICR and not in ICR 2.1") Q:$D(IMRDONE) D LIST("INBOTH","Patients in ROR:ICR and in ICR 2.1") Q:$D(IMRDONE) D LEGEND Q:$D(IMRDONE) D ISSUE Q:$D(IMRDONE) D ERROR Q:$D(IMRDONE) D ICNERR K IMRDONE,TMP Q ; HEDR ; Header of Report S X="ICR Version Comparison Report" W:$Y>0 @IOF S IMRPG=IMRPG+1 W IMRDTE,?72,"Page ",IMRPG,! W !," ",X,! W " ",IMRHED W !! I TYPE="INTWO" D . W " Last Earliest Cat.",! . W "Patient Four Date (v 2.1)",! . W "------- ---- -------------",! ; I TYPE="INTHREE" D . I THREEH D . . ; . . W " ** Some of these patients are in a Pending state and need to be either **" . . W !," ** validated into the ICR registry or deleted via the ICR GUI. Individual **" . . W !," ** patient data for pending patients will not be sent to AAC until they are **" . . W !," ** validated into the registry. **" . . W !! . . ; . . S THREEH=0 . W "Patient Last Earliest Sel. Location Selection",! . W " Four Rule (ROR:ICR) Rule Found (ROR:ICR) Pending",! . W "------- ---- -------------- -------------------- -------",! . ; I TYPE="INBOTH" D . W " Last Earliest Sel. Location Selection Earliest Cat.",! . W "Patient Four Rule (ROR:ICR) Rule Found (ROR:ICR) Date (v 2.1)",! . W "------- ---- -------------- --------------------- -------------",! Q ; EHEAD ; S X="ICR Version Comparison Report" W:$Y>0 @IOF S IMRPG=IMRPG+1 W !,IMRDTE,?72,"Page ",IMRPG,! W !," Patients with Errors.",!! W " -----------------------",!! ; Q ; ENDHEAD ; S X="ICR Version Comparison Report" W:$Y>0 @IOF S IMRPG=IMRPG+1 W IMRDTE,?72,"Page ",IMRPG,! W !," ",X,!! ; W !," Legend.",! W " -------",!! W " Code Description",! W " ---- -----------" Q ; EVID ; Heading for patients with no selection rules but with supporting ; Evidence. S X="ICR Version Comparison Report" W:$Y>0 @IOF S IMRPG=IMRPG+1 W IMRDTE,?72,"Page ",IMRPG,! W !," ",X,! W !,"** The following patient(s) are in the ROR Local Registry file (#798) but **" W !,"** have no selection rules but do have supporting evidence for being **" W !,"** manually added to the Registry. Please consider adding HIV disease (042) **" W !,"** to the patient's problem list. **",! Q ; ICNHEAD ; S X="ICR Version Comparison Report" W:$Y>0 @IOF S IMRPG=IMRPG+1 W IMRDTE,?72,"Page ",IMRPG,! W !," ",X,!! ; W "** The following Patients have local ICN's (Intergration Control Numbers) **" W !,"** and will not have data extracted and transmitted to the national ICR **" W !,"** database. Since your facility's VERA reimbursement is calculated from **" W !,"** the National database, it is important that these patient records be **" W !,"** updated by the sites IRM with National ICNs. **" W !! W " Name Last Four",! W " ---- ---------" Q ; ; LIST(TYPE,IMRHED) ; List patients missing data values D HEDR I '$D(^TMP("RORREP01",$J,TYPE)) D Q . W !!,"No patients found." D PRTC Q:$D(IMRDONE) N NAME,DTE2,NEWNAME,TWOLOC,TWODATE,LOC3,LOC4,DATE3,BOTHLOC,BOTHDTE,DTE3,DATA,SSN N RORTOTAL Q:$D(IMRDONE) S (NAME,RORTOTAL)=0 F S NAME=$O(^TMP("RORREP01",$J,TYPE,NAME)) Q:NAME="" D Q:$D(IMRDONE) . I ($Y+4>IOSL) D PRTC Q:$D(IMRDONE) D HEDR . S DATA=^TMP("RORREP01",$J,TYPE,NAME) . S NEWNAME=$E(NAME_" ",1,27) . I TYPE="INTWO" D . . S SSN=$P(DATA,"^",2) . . S DATA=$P(DATA,"^",1) . . W !,NEWNAME_SSN_" "_DATA . . S RORTOTAL=RORTOTAL+1 . ; . I TYPE="INTHREE" D . . S SSN=$P(DATA,"^",4) . . S DATE3=$P(DATA,"^",1),DATE3=$E(DATE3_" ",1,18) . . S LOC3=$P(DATA,"^",2),LOC3=$E(LOC3_" ",1,25) . . S LOC4=$P(DATA,"^",3) . . W !,NEWNAME_SSN_" "_DATE3_LOC3_LOC4 . . S RORTOTAL=RORTOTAL+1 . ; . I TYPE="INBOTH" D . . S SSN=$P(DATA,"^",4) . . S NEWNAME=$E(NEWNAME,1,25) . . S BOTHDTE=$P(DATA,"^",1),BOTHDTE=$E(BOTHDTE_" ",1,15) . . S BOTHLOC=$P(DATA,"^",2),BOTHLOC=$E(BOTHLOC_" ",1,22) . . S DTE2=$P(DATA,"^",3) . . W !,NEWNAME_SSN_" "_BOTHDTE_BOTHLOC_DTE2 . . S RORTOTAL=RORTOTAL+1 ; I ($Y+4>IOSL) D PRTC Q:$D(IMRDONE) D HEDR W !,"Total Patients: "_RORTOTAL ; D PRTC Q ; ; LEGEND ; D ENDHEAD W ! W !," VA HIV 2.1 CONVERSION Converted from ICR 2.1" W !," VA HIV LAB ICR Lab Results" W !," VA HIV PROBLEM ICR ICD-9 in the Problem List" W !," VA HIV PTF ICR ICD-9 in the Inpatient File (PTF)" W !," VA HIV VPOV ICR ICD-9 in the Outpatient File (V POV)" D PRTC Q ; ICNERR ; I '$D(^TMP("RORREP01",$J,"ICN")) Q D ICNHEAD N DFN,NAME,SSN S NAME="" F S NAME=$O(^TMP("RORREP01",$J,"ICN",NAME)) Q:NAME="" D . S DFN="" . F S DFN=$O(^TMP("RORREP01",$J,"ICN",NAME,DFN)) Q:'DFN D . . I ($Y+4>IOSL) D PRTC Q:$D(IMRDONE) D ICNHEAD . . S SSN=^TMP("RORREP01",$J,"ICN",NAME,DFN) . . W !," ",$E(NAME_" ",1,27)_SSN Q ; ISSUE ; I '$D(^TMP("RORREP01",$J,"ISSUE","EVID")) Q D EVID N EIEN,NME S EIEN=0 F S EIEN=$O(^TMP("RORREP01",$J,"ISSUE","EVID",EIEN)) Q:'EIEN D . I ($Y+4>IOSL) D PRTC Q:$D(IMRDONE) D EVID . S NME=^TMP("RORREP01",$J,"ISSUE","EVID",EIEN) . W !,NME D PRTC Q ; ERROR ; I '$D(^TMP("RORREP01",$J,"ERROR")) Q D EHEAD N CNT,EIEN,BUF,BUF1,BUFP S EIEN=0 F S EIEN=$O(^TMP("RORREP01",$J,"ERROR",EIEN)) Q:'EIEN D . I ($Y+4>IOSL) D PRTC Q:$D(IMRDONE) D EHEAD . S BUFP=^TMP("RORREP01",$J,"ERROR",EIEN) . S BUF=$E(BUFP,1,78),BUF1=$E(BUFP,79,150) . W BUF I BUF1'="" W "-" . W ! . W BUF1,! . I BUF1'="" W ! ; F TMP="ROR","ENCODE" D . S CNT=0 . F S CNT=$O(^TMP("RORREP01",$J,"ERROR",TMP,CNT)) Q:'CNT D . . I ($Y+4>IOSL) D PRTC Q:$D(IMRDONE) D EHEAD . . S BUFP=^TMP("RORREP01",$J,"ERROR",TMP,CNT) . . S BUF=$E(BUFP,1,78),BUF1=$E(BUFP,79,150) . . W BUF I BUF1'="" W "-" . . W ! . . W BUF1,! . . I BUF1'="" W ! D PRTC Q ; ; PRTC ;press return to continue prompt Q:$E(IOST,1,2)'="C-"!($D(IO("S"))) K DIR W ! S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR K DIR I 'Y S IMRDONE=1 Q