MDPOST ; HOIFO/DP - Post Init ;2/18/04 11:39 ;;1.0;CLINICAL PROCEDURES;;Apr 01, 2004 ; Integration Agreements: ; IA# 2263 [Supported] XPAR Utilities ; IA# 3006 [Supported] Calls to XMXAPIG ; IA# 10141 [Supported] Calls to XPDUTL ; EN ; [Procedure] Setup preliminary parameters ; This submodule is called during the KIDS installation ; process. ; ; Variables: ; DIK: [Private] Fileman delete variable ; MDCLIENT: [Private] Current client version (#.#.#.#) ; MDFILE: [Private] Scratch ; MDRET: [Private] Scratch ; MDX: [Private] Scratch ; ; New private variables NEW DIK,MDCLIENT,MDFILE,MDRET,MDX W $$MSG("Setting compatible client versions") D XPARDEL("MD VERSION CHK",1) D XPARDEL("MD CRC VALUES",1) S MDCLIENT="" D .D SETPAR("MD VERSION CHK","CPUSER.EXE:"_MDCLIENT,1) .D SETPAR("MD VERSION CHK","CPMANAGER.EXE:"_MDCLIENT,1) .D SETPAR("MD VERSION CHK","CPGATEWAY.EXE:"_MDCLIENT,1) .D SETPAR("MD CRC VALUES","CPUSER.EXE:"_MDCLIENT,"9FCFC891") .D SETPAR("MD CRC VALUES","CPMANAGER.EXE:"_MDCLIENT,"85F451A6") .D SETPAR("MD CRC VALUES","CPGATEWAY.EXE:"_MDCLIENT,"411D7A05") ; W $$MSG("Applying latest set of valid file types") D GETLST^XPAR(.MDRET,"SYS","MD FILE EXTENSIONS") F MDX=0:0 S MDX=$O(MDRET(MDX)) Q:'MDX D .D DEL^XPAR("SYS","MD FILE EXTENSIONS",$P(MDRET(MDX),"^",1)) F MDX=1:1 S MDFILE=$P($T(FILEDAT+MDX),";;",2) Q:MDFILE="**END**" D .D SETPAR("MD FILE EXTENSIONS",$P(MDFILE,U,1),$P(MDFILE,U,2)) ; W $$MSG("Setting CP web link") D SETPAR("MD WEBLINK",1,$$URL()) ; W $$MSG("Validating Mail Group 'MD DEVICE ERRORS' membership") D:'$$GOTLOCAL^XMXAPIG("MD DEVICE ERRORS") .D MES^XPDUTL("There are no local users in the mail group.") .D MES^XPDUTL("Adding '"_$$GET1^DIQ(200,DUZ_",",.01)_"'...") .D ADDMBRS^XMXAPIG(DUZ,"MD DEVICE ERRORS",DUZ) Q ; INIT ; [Procedure] Build Procedure File D INITPF^MDPOST1 Q ; MSG(TEXT) ; [Procedure] Display message to user ; Input parameters ; 1. TEXT [Literal/Required] Text to display to the user ; D MES^XPDUTL(" MDPOST-"_TEXT_"...") D MES^XPDUTL("") Q "" ; SETPAR(PAR,INS,VAL) ; [Procedure] Set value into XPAR parameter ; Input parameters ; 1. PAR [Literal/Required] Parameter ; 2. INS [Literal/Required] Instance ; 3. VAL [Literal/Required] New value ; D EN^XPAR("SYS",PAR,INS,VAL) Q ; XPARDEL(MDPAR,VALUES) ; [Procedure] Remove a parameter for XPAR ; VALUES determines the mode of deletion. ; 0: Will delete *BOTH* the values and the parameter definition (DEFAULT) ; 1: Will only delete the values of the parameter ; ; Input parameters ; 1. MDPAR [Literal/Required] Name of the parameter definition ; 2. VALUES [Literal/] Values Only 0/1 ; ; Variables: ; DA: [Private] Fileman variable ; DIK: [Private] Fileman variable ; MDENT: [Private] Parameter entity ; ; New private variables NEW DA,DIK,MDENT S VALUES=$G(VALUES,0) K ^TMP("MDPOST",$J) D ENVAL^XPAR($NA(^TMP("MDPOST",$J)),MDPAR,"","",1) S MDENT="" F S MDENT=$O(^TMP("MDPOST",$J,MDENT)) Q:MDENT="" D .D NDEL^XPAR(MDENT,MDPAR) K ^TMP("MDPOST",$J) Q:VALUES S DA=$$FIND1^DIC(8989.51,"","",MDPAR,"B") D:DA>0 .S DIK="^XTV(8989.51," D ^DIK Q ; URL() ; [Function] Return Clinical Procedures Homepage URL Q "" ; FILEDAT ; [Data Module] Allowable file types ;;.txt^Text files ;;.rtf^Rich text files ;;.jpg^JPEG Images ;;.jpeg^JPEG Images ;;.bmp^Bitmap Images ;;.tiff^TIFF Graphics ;;.pdf^Portable Document Format ;;.html^Hypertext Markup Language files ;;**END**