PXRMFFAT ;SLC/PKR - Function Finding argument type routines. ;09/11/2007 ;;2.0;CLINICAL REMINDERS;**4,6**;Feb 04, 2005;Build 123 ; ;============================================ ARGTYPE(FUNCTION,AN) ;Given a FUNCTION and argument number return the ;corresponding argument type. Possible argument types are: ; F - finding ; N - number ; S - string ; U - undefined N ROUTINE ;The routine for any function is the same as the name of the ;function except for functions with "_" in the name. In that ;case the "_" is removed. S ROUTINE="$$"_$TR(FUNCTION,"_","")_"(AN)" Q @ROUTINE ; ;============================================ COUNT(AN) ; Q $S(AN=1:"F",1:"U") ; ;=========================================== DIFFDATE(AN) ; Q $S(AN=1:"F",AN=2:"F",1:"U") ; ;=========================================== DUR(AN) ; Q $S(AN=1:"F",1:"U") ; ;============================================ FI(AN) ; Q $S(AN=1:"F",1:"U") ; ;============================================ MAXDATE(AN) ; I AN>0,AN<100 Q "F" E Q "U" ; ;============================================ MINDATE(AN) ; I AN>0,AN<100 Q "F" E Q "U" ; ;============================================ MRD(AN) ; I AN>0,AN<100 Q "F" E Q "U" ; ;============================================ NUMERIC(AN) ; Q $S(AN=1:"F",AN=2:"N",AN=3:"S",1:"U") ; ;============================================ VALUE(AN) ; Q $S(AN=1:"F",AN=2:"N",AN=3:"S",1:"U") ;