PXRMPLST ; SLC/PKR - Build a patient list from a reminder definition. ;01/24/2007 ;;2.0;CLINICAL REMINDERS;**4,6**;Feb 04, 2005;Build 123 ; ;Input : RIEN - Reminder IEN ; PLIST - List returned in ^TMP($J,PLIST,DFN) ; DFNONLY - If true list contains only DFN information ; PXRMDATE - Evaluation date ;=================================================== BLDPLST(DEFARR,PLIST,DFNONLY) ; N DFN,DOBE,DOBS,ELE,ERROR,ERRSTR,IND,FNUM N LIST1,LIST2,LNAME,LSP,LSTACK N NDR,NOT,OPER,PCLOG,PFSTACK,SEX,TYPE ; ;Get the cohort logic string. This has passed a validation before ;it can be selected for building patient lists so we don't need to ;check it here. S PCLOG=DEFARR(31) I PCLOG="" Q S OPER="!&~" ;Get the sex field, if PCLOG does not contain SEX set it to null. S SEX=$S(PCLOG["SEX":$P(DEFARR(0),U,9),1:"") ;If PCLOG contains age build the corresponding date of birth range(s). I PCLOG["AGE" D DOBR(.DEFARR,.NDR,.DOBS,.DOBE) ;Replace &' with ~ so the stack will be built properly. S PCLOG=$$STRREP^PXRMUTIL(PCLOG,"&'","~") D POSTFIX^PXRMSTAC(PCLOG,OPER,.PFSTACK) ;Process the logic. D CFSAA(.PFSTACK) S (IND,ERROR,LSP,LSTACK(0),NOT)=0 F Q:(IND'DOBE) S DEL=1 .. I DEL K ^TMP($J,TGLIST,0,DFN),^TMP($J,TGLIST,1,DFN) ;Remove patients on a list with a higher rank from all lists with ;a lower rank. F IND=1:1:NUMAFI D . F JND=IND+1:1:NUMAFI D LOGOP("AGEFI"_RF(JND),"AGEFI"_RF(IND),"~") F IND=1:1:NUMAFI D . D LOGOP(LNAME,"AGEFI"_RF(IND),LOGOP(IND)) . K ^TMP($J,"AGEFI"_RF(IND)) Q ; ;================================================== CFSAA(STACK) ;Check for the first three elements on the stack being ;SEX, AGE, and &. If that is the case replace the with the "special" ;finding SAA. N EL1,EL2,EL3,SAA S SAA=0 S EL1=$G(STACK(1)),EL2=$G(STACK(2)),EL3=$G(STACK(3)) I EL1="SEX",EL2="AGE",EL3="&" S SAA=1 I EL1="AGE",EL2="SEX",EL3="&" S SAA=1 I 'SAA Q ;Create a new pseudo-element for SEX&AGE. S EL1=$$POP^PXRMSTAC(.STACK) S EL1=$$POP^PXRMSTAC(.STACK) S EL1=$$POP^PXRMSTAC(.STACK) D PUSH^PXRMSTAC(.STACK,"SAA") Q ; ;================================================== DOBR(DEFARR,NDR,DOBS,DOBE) ;Build the date of birth range. N IND,FREQ,MINAGE,MAXAGE,TEMP S (IND,NDR)=0 F S IND=+$O(DEFARR(7,IND)) Q:IND=0 D . S TEMP=DEFARR(7,IND,0) . S FREQ=$P(TEMP,U,1) . I (FREQ="0Y")!(FREQ="") Q . S MINAGE=$P(TEMP,U,2) . S MAXAGE=$P(TEMP,U,3) . S NDR=NDR+1 . S DOBE(NDR)=$S(MINAGE="":$$NOW^PXRMDATE,1:$$GETDOB(MINAGE,"MIN")) . S DOBS(NDR)=$S(MAXAGE="":0,1:$$GETDOB(MAXAGE,"MAX")) Q ; ;================================================== GENTERM(FINDING,FINUM,TERMARR) ;Given a reminder finding generate a term ;for patient list evaluation. N IEN,IND,TEMP,TYPE S TEMP=$P(FINDING,U,1) S IEN=$P(TEMP,";",1) S TYPE=$P(TEMP,";",2) ;If the finding is a term just load the term. I TYPE="PXRMD(811.5," D TERM^PXRMLDR(IEN,.TERMARR) Q S TERMARR(0)="GENERATED" S TERMARR("IEN")=0 M TERMARR(20,1)=DEFARR(20,FINUM) S TERMARR("E",TYPE,IEN,1)="" Q ; ;================================================== GETDOB(AGE,TYPE) ;Given an age in years return the corresponding date of ;birth. If TYPE is MIN then find the date of birth that will make them ;that age. If TYPE is MAX find the last day that will make them ;that age, i.e., the next day is their birthday. N DATE,DOB S DATE=$$NOW^PXRMDATE I TYPE="MIN" S DOB=DATE-(10000*AGE) I TYPE="MAX" S DOB=DATE-(10000*(AGE+1)),DOB=$$FMADD^XLFDT(DOB,1) Q DOB ; ;================================================== LOGOP(LIST1,LIST2,LOGOP) ;Given LIST1 and LIST2 apply the logical ;operator LOGOP to generate a new list and return it in LIST1 N DFN1,DFN2 I LOGOP="&" D Q . S DFN1="" . F S DFN1=$O(^TMP($J,LIST1,1,DFN1)) Q:DFN1="" D .. I $D(^TMP($J,LIST2,1,DFN1)) M ^TMP($J,LIST1,1,DFN1)=^TMP($J,LIST2,1,DFN1) Q .. K ^TMP($J,LIST1,1,DFN1) ; ;"~" represents "&'". I LOGOP="~" D Q . S DFN1="" . F S DFN1=$O(^TMP($J,LIST1,1,DFN1)) Q:DFN1="" D .. I $D(^TMP($J,LIST2,1,DFN1)) K ^TMP($J,LIST1,1,DFN1) ; I LOGOP="!" D . S DFN2="" . F S DFN2=$O(^TMP($J,LIST2,1,DFN2)) Q:DFN2="" D .. M ^TMP($J,LIST1,1,DFN2)=^TMP($J,LIST2,1,DFN2) Q ; ;================================================== LSA(SEX,NDR,DOBS,DOBE,LNAME) ;Build a list from a SEX & AGE finding. ;Reference to ^DPT DBIA #10035 N DFN,DS,IND,SEXOK F IND=1:1:NDR D . S DS=DOBS(IND)-.000001 . F S DS=$O(^DPT("ADOB",DS)) Q:(DS>DOBE(IND))!(DS="") D .. S DFN="" .. F S DFN=$O(^DPT("ADOB",DS,DFN)) Q:DFN="" D ... S SEXOK=$S(SEX="":1,$D(^DPT("ASX",SEX,DFN)):1,1:0) ... I SEXOK S ^TMP($J,LNAME,1,DFN,1,"SAA")="" Q ; ;================================================== LSEX(SEX,LNAME,LSTACK) ;Build a list from a SEX finding. ;Reference to ^DPT DBIA #10035 N ELIST ;Start with the existing list to build a list based on sex. S ELIST=$$POP^PXRMSTAC(.LSTACK) D PUSH^PXRMSTAC(.LSTACK,ELIST) S DFN=0 F S DFN=$O(^TMP($J,ELIST,1,DFN)) Q:DFN="" D . I $D(^DPT("ASX",SEX,DFN)) S ^TMP($J,LNAME,1,DFN,SEX,1)="" Q ;