PXRMSTA2 ; SLC/AGP - Routines for building status list. ;03/27/2007 ;;2.0;CLINICAL REMINDERS;**4,6**;Feb 04, 2005;Build 123 ; DATA(FILE,DA,TYPE,RXTYPE,STATUS) ; ; this sub routine get the list of statuses from the apporiate global ; N ARRAY,ARRAY1,CNT,CODE,DEF,OUTPUT,SARRAY,STAT LOOP ; ;get build status list into a local array from each pharmacy type of ;finding item I TYPE="DRUG" D .I $D(RXTYPE("I"))>0 D . . D STATUS^PSS55MIS(55.06,28,"SARRAY") . . ;D FIELD^DID(55.06,28,"","POINTER","SARRAY") . . D ARRAYFOR(.SARRAY,.ARRAY,"I") K CODE . . D STATUS^PSS55MIS(55.01,100,"SARRAY") . . ;D FIELD^DID(55.01,100,"","POINTER","SARRAY") . . D ARRAYFOR(.SARRAY,.ARRAY1,"I") K CODE . . D COMPARE(.ARRAY,.ARRAY1,"I",.OUTPUT) . I $D(RXTYPE("O"))>0 D . . K ARRAY,ARRAY1,CODE . . D STATUS^PSODI(52,100,"SARRAY") . . ;D FIELD^DID(52,100,"","POINTER","SARRAY") . . D ARRAYFOR(.SARRAY,.ARRAY,"O") K CODE . . I $D(OUTPUT)>0 K ARRAY1 M ARRAY1=OUTPUT K OUTPUT D COMPARE(.ARRAY,.ARRAY1,"",.OUTPUT) . . E M OUTPUT=ARRAY . I $D(RXTYPE("N"))>0 D . . K ARRAY,ARRAY1,CODE . . D STATUS^PSS55MIS(55.05,5,"SARRAY") . . ;D FIELD^DID(55.05,5,"","POINTER","SARRAY") . . S SARRAY("POINTER")=SARRAY("POINTER")_"0:ACTIVE;" . . D ARRAYFOR(.SARRAY,.ARRAY,"N") K CODE . . I $D(OUTPUT)>0 K ARRAY1 M ARRAY1=OUTPUT K OUTPUT D COMPARE(.ARRAY,.ARRAY1,"",.OUTPUT) . . E M OUTPUT=ARRAY ; I TYPE="PROB" S OUTPUT("ACTIVE")="ACTIVE",OUTPUT("INACTIVE")="INACTIVE" I TYPE="ORD(101.43," D . S CNT=0,STAT="" F S STAT=$O(^ORD(100.01,"B",STAT)) Q:STAT="" D . . S CNT=CNT+1 S OUTPUT(STAT)=STAT I TYPE="RAMIS(71,"!(TYPE="TAX") D . S TYPE="RAMIS(71," . S CNT=0,STAT="" F S STAT=$O(^RA(72,"B",STAT)) Q:STAT="" D . . S CNT=CNT+1 S OUTPUT(STAT)=STAT .;I TYPE'="TAX" Q .;I '$D(OUTPUT("ACTIVE")) S OUTPUT("ACTIVE")="ACTIVE" .;I '$D(OUTPUT("INACTIVE")) S OUTPUT("INACTIVE")="INACTIVE" D SELECT(.OUTPUT,FILE,TYPE,.STATUS,.DA) ; Q ; COMPARE(ARRAY,ARRAY1,TYPE,OUTPUT) ; ; this sub routine is use to combine the InPatient and ; Both Pharmacy type into one array N ARY,CNT,COMP,NODE K OUTPUT S COMP="" ; ;inpatient pharmacy list is built from two seperated fields in file #55 ;this is used to combined the two fields into one array I $G(TYPE)="I" D . F S COMP=$O(ARRAY(COMP)) Q:COMP="" D . . S OUTPUT(COMP)=ARRAY(COMP) . S (COMP)="" F S COMP=$O(ARRAY1(COMP)) Q:COMP="" D . . I '$D(OUTPUT(COMP)) S OUTPUT(COMP)=ARRAY1(COMP) ; ;this section is uses to combine the different RX Types into one array I $G(TYPE)'="I" D . F S COMP=$O(ARRAY(COMP)) Q:COMP="" D . . S NODE=$G(ARRAY(COMP)) . . S OUTPUT(COMP)=NODE . S COMP="" F S COMP=$O(ARRAY1(COMP)) Q:COMP="" D . . S NODE=$G(ARRAY1(COMP)) . . I '$D(OUTPUT(COMP)) S OUTPUT(COMP)=NODE Q . . I $D(OUTPUT(COMP)) S $P(OUTPUT(COMP),U,2)=$P(OUTPUT(COMP),U,2)_$P(NODE,U,2) Q ; ARRAYFOR(ARRAY,OUTPUT,DEF) ; ;this sub routine is use to format the array data into a standard ;format ; N CNT,COMP,PIECE,STR,TYPE S PIECE=0 ; ;determine the number of pieces minus one in the string F CNT=1:1:$L(ARRAY("POINTER")) I $E(ARRAY("POINTER"),CNT)=";" S PIECE=PIECE+1 I PIECE>0 D . S STR=$P($P($G(ARRAY("POINTER")),";",PIECE),":",2) . S OUTPUT($P($P($G(ARRAY("POINTER")),";",PIECE),":",2))=STR_U_$G(DEF) ; ;add last piece in the string to the array I PIECE>0 S PIECE=PIECE+1 D . I $P($G(ARRAY("POINTER")),";",PIECE)'="" D . . S OUTPUT($P($P($G(ARRAY("POINTER")),";",PIECE),":",2))=$P($P($G(ARRAY("POINTER")),";",PIECE),":",2)_U_$G(DEF) Q ; SELECT(ARRAY,FILE,TYPE,STATUS,DA) ; ; this sub routine is use to sort through the formated array and ; set up the DIR call ; N CHECK,CNT,CNT1,DIR,DUOUT,DTOUT,EMPTY,EXTR N HELP,LENGTH,NODE,STAT,STR,TEXT,TMP,X,Y N TMPARR,NUM DISPLAY ; I TYPE="DRUG" S TEXT="Select a Medication Status or enter '^' to Quit",HELP="Select a status from the Medication Status list or '^' to Quit" I TYPE="ORD(101.43," S TEXT="Select a Order Status from or enter '^' to Quit",HELP="Select a Order Status from the status list or '^' to Quit" I TYPE="RAMIS(71," S TEXT="Select a Radiology Procedure Status or enter '^' to Quit",HELP="Select a Radiology Procedure Status from the status list or '^' to Quit" ;I TYPE="TAX" S TEXT="Select a Taxonomy Status or enter '^' to Quit",HELP="Select a Taxonomy Status from the status list or '^' to Quit" ;I TYPE="PROB" S TEXT="Select a Problem Status or enter '^' to Quit",HELP="Select a Taxonomy Status from the status list or '^' to Quit" ; S CNT=0,CNT1=0,STAT="" ;if text is not entered into the prompt or no match is found display ;entire list of statuses for this finding item ; ;Add wildcard character S CNT=CNT+1,CNT1=CNT1+1,TMP(CNT)=CNT_" - * (WildCard)",TMPARR(CNT)="*" ;Add status from file to the selectable list F S STAT=$O(ARRAY(STAT)) Q:STAT="" D . S NODE=$G(ARRAY(STAT)) . S STR=$P(NODE,U) . S CNT=CNT+1,CNT1=CNT1+1 . I TYPE="DRUG" S TMP(CNT)=CNT_" - "_STR_"("_$P(NODE,U,2)_")",TMPARR(CNT)=STR . E S TMP(CNT)=CNT_" - "_STR,TMPARR(CNT)=STR ; S DIR(0)="LO^1:"_CNT_"" M DIR("A")=TMP S DIR("A")=TEXT S DIR("?")=HELP D ^DIR I $D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT))!($G(Y)="") K STATUS Q S CNT=0 F X=1:1:$L(Y(0)) D .I $E(Y(0),X)="," S CNT=CNT+1,NUM=$P(Y(0),",",CNT),STATUS(TMPARR(NUM))="" ;S STATUS=Y(0) ;I STATUS="WildCard" S STATUS="*" Q ;