PSXPOST ;BIR/BAB-Post Initialization Routine ;[ 04/08/97 2:06 PM ] ;;2.0;CMOP;;11 Apr 97 S XQABT4=$H G:^XMB("NETNAME")?1"CMOP-".E HOST G:^XMB("NETNAME")'?1"CMOP-".E REMOTE Q HOST F FILE=552,552.1,552.2,552.3,552.4,552.5,553,553.1,554,555 S ^DD(FILE,0,"VR")="2.0" ;Setup CMOP INTERFACE and CMOP OPERATIONS file entry S PSX=^XMB("NETNAME") S CMOP=$S($G(PSX)["-L":"LEAVENWORTH",$G(PSX)["-W":"WEST LA",$G(PSX)["-B":"BEDFORD",$G(PSX)["-D":"DALLAS",$G(PSX)["-M":"MURFREESBORO",$G(PSX)["-H":"HINES",1:"UNKNOWN") I $D(^PSX(553,1,0)) G OP S ^PSX(553,1,0)=CMOP_"^1^^9999^5^10^^10000^1^1000" S ^PSX(553,1,"F")="S" S ^PSX(553,1,"P")="S",^PSX(553,1,"S")="S" S ^PSX(553,1,"T")="6^3^30^60" S ^PSX(553,1,"X",0)="^553.01DA^^" S ^PSX(553,"B",CMOP,1)="" OP ; I $D(^PSX(554,1,0)) G EXIT S ^PSX(554,0)="CMOP OPERATIONS^554^1^1",^PSX(554,1,0)=CMOP_"^1^1" S ^PSX(554,"B",CMOP,1)="" G EXIT REMOTE F FILE=550,550.1,550.2 S ^DD(FILE,0,"VR")="2.0" SYS ;Setup CMOP System entry for new sites G:$O(^PSX(550,0)) EXIT S DOM=0 S DOM=$O(^DIC(4.2,"B",^TMP("PSXCMOP",$J),DOM)) S PSX1=^TMP("PSXCMOP",$J) I +$G(DOM)=0 D BMES^XPDUTL("Your Kernel Site Parameters File is missing the entry for the your CMOP mailman domain! ") I +$G(DOM)=0 D BMES^XPDUTL("Please contact the Birmingham CIO Field Office!") S XPDABORT=2 Q S PSX=$S($G(PSX1)["-L":"LEAVENWORTH",$G(PSX1)["-B":"BEDFORD",$G(PSX1)["-W":"WEST LA",$G(PSX1)["-D":"DALLAS",$G(PSX1)["-M":"MURFREESBORO",$G(PSX1)["-H":"HINES",1:"UNKNOWN") I PSX["UNK" D BMES^XPDUTL("Unable to determine CMOP setup, contact the Birmingham ISC for assistance.") S XPDABORT=2 G EXIT S ^PSX(550,0)="CMOP SYSTEM^550I^1^1" S ^PSX(550,1,0)=PSX_"^I^H^"_+DOM S ^PSX(550,"B",PSX,1)="" EXIT ; Check resource device I '$O(^%ZISL(3.54,"B","PSX","")) D BMES^XPDUTL("You do not have the PSX Resource device set up.") I D BMES^XPDUTL("Please read the CMOP Pre-Installation instructions for proper setup.") ; Check Mail Group MAIL I '$O(^XMB(3.8,"B","CMOP MANAGERS","")) D BMES^XPDUTL("The Mail Group CMOP MANAGERS must be set up and assigned at least one active user.") K CMOP,DA,DIK,DOM,FILE,X,PSX,PSX1,^TMP("PSXCMOP"),^TMP("PSXDIC"),^TMP("PSXDD"),^TMP("PSXPS"),ZX D BMES^XPDUTL("Initialization complete!!") K X Q